Let's Embrace The Future Diversity Of Steem! || The Ingenious Coup Of Building A Multifaceted Network Of Tokenized Web Applications On The Steem Blockchain

in #steem7 years ago (edited)
Diversity is the art of thinking independently together. - Malcolm Forbes

Translated into the Steem blockchain: while the web applications built on top of the blockchain share the very same technological basis, they're able to address their market's demand in many different ways.

Since I joined this place back in July 2016 I've developed various approaches in order to express myself within the Steem community. While I'd have considered myself being a classic storyteller in the very beginnings, now my blog has somehow turned into a life coaching project.

Over time I've begun to upgrade my equipment, use different applications, features, editors and I also improved my language skills. So what actually happened is that my own Steem brand has been diversified. That finding made me think again about the new vision that Ned Scott and his team defined for the future of Steem.

The fact that multiple applications are going to be built on this blockchain, will not only strengthen the value of Steem as a currency, but also attract new and multifaceted groups of users, incentivating the creation of infinite different types and formats of solutions.

That's why I presume that in a couple of years you'd be able to find any existing solution in the field of decentralized content distribution on the Steem blockchain.

Reasons enough to wholeheartedly embrace the future diversity of Steem!

Picture kindly provided by Pixabay.com

"Tokenize the internet!"

According to Ned Scott, that's the essence of Steem's future vision.

While steemit.com - as the very first web application built on the Steem blockchain - has been in the vanguard of decentralized content distribution since May 2016, now doors are open for infinite new solutions to be built on top of Steem.

Give the people what they want.
Or as @ned also proclaimed:

Tweed from Ned Scott on the 26th of January 2018

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

In our digital age where product life cycles and customer sensibilities are changing very fast, that's an extraordinarily conventient advice.

Now if the basket was the Steem blockchain, then the mission would be to fill it with hundreds of thousands of different types of eggs:

Eggs for filmmakers, vloggers, storytellers, photographers, live-streamers, developers, artists or charities - for everybody who has an interest in contributing to Steem world in a certain way. DTube, DLive, DSound, Busy, Utopian-io and all the other first movers are just a few in a fast growing network of tokenized and decentralized web solutions.

Being built on the very same blockchain, these applications won't only benefit from using one of the best technologies that are exisiting worldwide, but they'll also be able to appreciate an extraordinarily fast growing community of highly skilled, creative, curious and supportive people.

What started with steemit.com will grow to a whole network of tokenized web applications and smart solutions.

In that Steem world value will be created in many different formats, styles and languages.

Everybody will be able to identify their favourite Steem application, thus favourite way of expressing themselves and building their own projects on the Steem blockchain.

In the past many people have mentioned that steemit.com is not for everybody. Most of the time they were referring to the rather complex usibility, as well as the necessity to be skilled in writing and self-marketing. Now that many applications are going to be built on this blockchain that don't actually require specific blogging skills, we'll experience a paradigm shift that'll enable us to state:

Steem is for everybody!

Whatever way of communication you'd going to choose, you'd be definitely able to find an according channel in the Steem world then.

That future is already taking place!

“Diversification, along with other financial instrumentation, will allow allocation of capital along the market continuum while improving earning levels when investing conditions lack equilibrium ." - Chris Hogan

Smart Media Tokens will definitely contribute to that improvement of earning levels.

By multiplying the number of web applications built on the blockchain as well as the tokens and related eco-systems that are going to be integrated in these applications, soon we'll be part of an extraordinary impressive global network of creators.

I really believe we couldn't have a better vision for the future of Steem.

Enjoy your weekend and don't visit coinmarketcap.com to often :-)

Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.

Original content. Quotes found on blog.bittorrent.com and chrishogan360.com.


Looking forward to seeing how the SMTs grow and develop over time!

Me, too! I heard they'll be launched on beginnings of Q2. Looking forward :-)

If not, they should hire you.
I am glad that You “REVOKED” your decision leaving the platform and kept on in perfect English 🙀🙈😹 Du weißt was ich meine.
Have a nice weekend and have fun with “ON SALE” time! I always get the best purchases in this way.Did you turn into #steemit’s new spokesperson?

PS: when I open links in FB it goes automatically to my Minnow account. Yours @mammasitta

Haha, as far as I know I'm not paid by Steemit Inc, just by the blockchain :-D
Thanks for the compliment. Spending 1.5 years on this platform has helped me a lot to improve my language skills. Jap, ich weiß sehr gut was Du meinst :-)
SALE time? You mean selling crypto? I don't hold any, besides Steem.

I mean you can buy lots of cheap OTHER cryptos. Now it’s the time!
They truly should hire you 😉

"Everybody will be able to identify their favourite Steem application, thus favourite way of expressing themselves and building their own projects on the Steem blockchain."

I totally agree with the things you said.

Some people are visual, some understand things better when they hear something, some get things better when reading it.

Good thing for all of us is that Dtube, steemit, etc. exist, and not only one of those.

And since I'm new here on Steemit, I don't quite understand what is busy.org for.

It seems like it similar to Steemit, but what are the differences?

Some people are visual, some understand things better when they hear something, some get things better when reading it.

Exactly! The applications will respond both to the abilities of the creators and the needs of the consumers. Thanks for the valuable adding 👌

Busy.org is another application built on the Steem blockchain, like steemit.com or DTube for instance. Currently with regards to its features it's an alternative solution to steemit.com. In October there were some longer downtimes of steemit.com due to developments. It was busy.org that somehow became the no. 1 app on the blockchain for us content creators then. I personally don't like the user interface very much, which is why I'd always prefer to use steemit.com instead. But who knows how many blogging interfaces are going to be built in the future. Then we'd be able to choose our favourite one from a dozen of apps :-)

By the way: congrats on your reputation! You joined this platform in January 2018 and are already at 50, that's impressive! :-)

Happy Friday to you @john14!

Thank you very much!

I don't really know how I got that reputation, but I try hard... I post lots of meaningful comments, I'm trying to make good content for readers, etc.

By the way, can you please tell me how to quote someone like you did?

It could be really useful.

So developers have to start immediately. Because things are going bad for the crypto-world. This is a hope-giving post when we are going through rough days. Thanks!
P.S. : f.u Facebook.

I don't really think that things are going bad for the crypto-world. Ask members of this community that have been here when Steem price was at 12 Cents :-) And now look at us: we're still here and some of us even became millionaires (check out @trafalgar for more).

PS: No need to mention Facebook here. They say that they wanna enter the crypto market, but that's as if Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Oh well wait... https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/02/trump-nominated-2018-nobel-peace-prize/ Haha :-D

And Facebook means well, they want to protect their customers, i'm sorry their "family" from crypto-world, what a nice parenting.
And that Nobel Prize news, at first i thought it is a good joke and this is a troll site but i searched up a bit and it was true. Or is it? I want to believe all the pages i searched were troll sites.Hahaha. Well, staying low is fine if you didn't go high before, but falling down from high hurts. I don't think @trafalgar is millionaire because i share the funniest memes on his posts and he doesn't even upvote. I fell down from my chair laughing at one of them and he didn't even notice.Ooh wait, maybe he is really a millionaire.

Informative post. I like your activities and ideas. Great job.

🙄 Now you just need to add follow me, then I follow you back and it'd be "perfect"

I am following you. Thanks for your advice @surfermarly

I agree with you. The future of the Internet belongs to everyone. I also think steem for everybody.

wow...nice post @surfermarly i like your Let's Embrace The Future Diversity Of Steem! || The Ingenious Coup Of Building A Multifaceted Network Of Tokenized Web Applications On The Steem Blockchain post.. thanks for share

you're very right, i like the part of don't put all your hopes in one basket. See you around too

very good post, I am happy to follow you ...

hopefully I can grow in this steemit with my often-read your post .. regards community steemit @surfermarly my @mustafakamal94 steemit indonesia

@ surfermarly..DQmaAFY3cYRvDZmJzXzZjPShphSdEyuxt8E8TCqj3HDgsRK.gifvery good post, I am happy to follow you ...
hopefully I can grow in this steemit with my often-read your

I'm quite sure that really interesting and promising things will come in Steemit and in the whole world of cryptocurrencies in general. This is the perfect time to join and start being part of Steemit, sharing with the public the skills and passions that each one of us has.

Lucky us we're already here! :-)

very useful information, although I beginners but explanation you provide information and motivation, thanks

would love to hear of who are carrying SMT (like an updated list)

I joined my new steemit. I'm learning slowly,I hope together we can have a pleasant and lucrative time ☺ @surfermarly

"Translated into the Steem blockchain: while the web applications built on top of the blockchain share the very same technological basis, they're able to address their market's demand in many different ways."

Yes! We haven't even begun to see all of the applications of Steem. I am excited to see it play out!

certainassets nerdprince tweeted @ 26 Jan 2018 - 16:58 UTC

Give the people what they want: Community and business building tools. #Steem #SMTs

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Awesome, that's the Tweed I have mentioned in the post :-)

well iam waitingg for it let see ..i think it will be a great thing for us

@surfermarly Go Ahead with high approach about SMTs, I think their contribution for the community's growth is revolutionary addition.

This is a great post summarizing the future of the steem blockhchain.

I wrote a while back about the exponential growth prospects of this blockchain and how the value would explode at some point since there are so many different projects underway. We are going to see growth from hundreds of different places.

What is amazing is the success of one app helps the entire ecosystem. Nothing operates in a vacuum. Hence, as Zappl and DTube get better, as an example, we will see that assist all other applications including Steemit.

I am so excited for the middle of the year...I cant help but to imagine what is going to be going on here at that time. It will be incredible.

I'd be honest
I don't know what smart media tokens(SMTs) are.
Is steem one of them?
And how are they different from other cryptocurrencies?
The steem blockchain is a revolutionary one, some analyst already predicts that STEEM will be among Top 3 cryptocurrencies in no time. Its about 25 - 27 now!
Steem on Marley!
Thanks for the reminder of how steemit is at the heart of tokenized networks;😉👍👍

As the community grows the idea of special interest community circles and then how these SMTs will leverage on these communities will be fascinating to see.

"...don't visit coinmarketcap.com to often :-)"

Hahahahahahaha! Thanks! I've been wearing out the keyboard... :D



Haha, through it out of the window!! :-D

I am getting ready to build a Steem application that links content on Steemit in a novel way, helping people find what they are searching for without know it is there. The Steemit part is part of a bigger vision that will connect into the greater Internet, creating a synaptic network.