I am so glad we have people like you in this community, who know how to address the right message in the right situation.
Nobody fucking cares about how the attack is called and of course I didn't provide the key voluntarily in the way you try to demonstrate here. At no point in time I was aware of what was effectively happening which is pretty obvious.
What matters is that we gonna get the one who did this - and probably may try to do something similar in the future. While you spend time trying to explain me which term I have to use for the bastard who did this, others are busy trying to solve the issue.
Comments like yours are absolutely worthless and the next time you feel that you need to play Mr. Klugscheißer go to your German friends and do it their, they gonna surely appreciate it.
Don't waste my time anymore!
Wie sagt man so schön? Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen.