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RE: The most interesting people in the world?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Another great piece of content, @tarazkp - thank you! It was a wise decision to start following your blog :-)

I remember that Steem City is a term that was even used by @ned once. IMO it perfectly mirrors the different evolutionary states of this blockchain and also kind of describes that metropolitan feeling - loud, chaotic, but truly inspiring - one experiences when entering conversations on a deeper level.

So, I am left to wonder... are we a different breed here? Has this platform naturally selected for intelligent, strong-willed individuals? Is that why I find so many of the people I meet here to be the most interesting humans I've ever met?

That's an interesting question many of us may've asked themsevels at some point on time.

I guess the fact that we're still in an early adopters stage which usually doesn't attract the average, but rather those who're itchy, thirsty, visionary and somehow different, has a great impact on the userbase and their integrity.

I fully agree that our different backgrounds, skills and standpoints are of inestimable value to this network. Where in the world do you have the opportunity to bring (let's say) a developer, an artist, a scientist and an economist together at one (virtual) table in order to talk about the universe?

This is not just another social media website, and it's a great priviledge to participate in this community every single day.

Had to resteem this one, keep up the great work :-)


I guess the fact that we're still in an early adopters stage which usually doesn't attract the average, but rather those who're itchy, thirsty, visionary and somehow different, has a great impact on the userbase and their integrity.

There is definitely a different animal user than the average medias out there and due to the economic/dev/crypto slant it brings in a different range of skills again.

Where in the world do you have the opportunity to bring (let's say) a developer, an artist, a scientist and an economist together at one (virtual) table in order to talk about the universe?

In time, it will be this group's ideas and the ability to fund them with real value for projects and research that will eventually change the world for a true better.

thank you! It was a wise decision to start following your blog :-)

It is appreciated :)

Another great piece of content, @tarazkp - thank you! It was a wise decision to start following your blog :-)

Back it off a bit... :) Hmm nah, keep it flowing...He's the smartest one in the family...(Don't tell him I said that).

Where in the world do you have the opportunity to bring (let's say) a developer, an artist, a scientist and an economist together at one (virtual) table in order to talk about the universe?

You're right here...Plus the average Joe on the street, young people, single mothers, older retirees...All sorts. one of my concerns is that there's so many great users I'm probably missing however have also found, and connected with, a few truly inspiring people.

Yes, it's a privilege.