
sure. i am not a newbie to the platform but know a littlebit about posting and all that thanks for your concern.

aw is this a baby act of someone i should know :P ??? Any way, im moooore then thrilled to help you buuut i need posts to do that ;)

Following you and will post some good content over here soon... Keep an eye if possible for you @swedishdragon

awsomesause, im waiting :D I do sugest taging me, i have a tendency to get sidetracked :P LOL

Ok I will keep in mind for sure! Thanks in advance for your concern to showing help... This is an awesome community just because of people like you. I Love Steemit :)

Please do🐉😀💗🐲
Happy to hear , that you like the platform, and thank you so much☺️ Now go get posting too😉😝