I upv your curation act , please tag me next tiem you post & il upv you again :D Great job your doing :D
@xcountytravelers ok i skiped 2 As thats not posts i find in any way a contrebution to the platform. And sorry this is not up for debaite :)
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I totally understand and agree with you. I just introduce all the real intro's even if they aren't perfect. I figure everyone will decide if it is for them so I'm not upset. I really appreciate you doing this. It's kind of a big job.
Now, how can I help you?
Just so you know👍🏻😁 mja its not about if i like have the same intrest, its for me about ; did you try?😉 i will not support 2words and a picture posts. But on the flippside i added vv on a other post so😂😁😝
As of now i Dont know , what set up do the act have?
I totally get and respect that. Well, thanks for allowing me to influence you just a tiny bit. Haha.
I am not quite sure what you mean by act.
Hi hi ;)
I mean; how do you work the introducing account? I was thinking i can help out? Find me on discord, same username :)