The reward pool doesn't grow or shrink if not one whale or dolphin or minnow votes, and the rewards are distributed by those who are actively participating EXACTLY the same.
The pool is distributed proportionally on Vests and again you ignore the ~35,000,000 SP that is paid to vote every 2.4 hours and maximize 24 hours a day. there are ~8500 accounts with more than 500 SP (you aren't one of them and combined they have less than all of the bidbots by 50%. If the whales, orcas and dolphins stop voting, the minnows will hae more access to a pool for about 7 days before the bidbots commandeer more and more of it until they have near all as they will grow in vests a hell of a lot faster than the minnows.
You draw lines around things and ignoring the reality. I am really tired of this conversation as it goes around in a circular thinking motion. It is not for me.