Once the ripple leaves our sight we may not know the effect that it has caused and when it creates other ripples we loose sight of them totally.
If people remembered this when they are angry, they would soon lose their anger.
I appreciate your kind words too but, you give them to me too easily.
Don't kidd yourself If I see something you do that I disagree with I would be all over it. I have been patiently waiting for that day.
The truth is always easy and the best course. There is always a time and place for things. Some of the thing are not as much for you as the readers. reading comments is important
People are easily swayed and follow what ever sounds good at the time. Never forming their own opinion. I have never had a problem with peoples opinion even when they are wrong. Its when debate is shut down or you want to use bully tactacts that gets me going.
That only seems to be true to you because at the end of the day you are an opinionated pain in the ass and that will never change.