From pretty much now on, we are going to start seeing the first results of the changes the EIP have actually made and while people predicted that "nothing would change" or that it would be an "unmitigated disaster", I was wondering if that view still holds true. What are your intuitions telling you?
While the next week or two of results are also going to be affected by some of the longest downtime the Steem blockchain has experienced in the 3.5 years since the first block, I think that overall things are looking relatively good, even if earnings are going to be down for many users with the 50/50 change. I also think that there is a surprising amount of additional voting taking place because of that 50/50 change. And of course, the downvoting that has come with the hardfork bundle.
I am also interested to see some feedback on the performance of the convergent curve and how much it has affected payouts at various price points in practice and combined with the other factors in play.
What I have noticed is that on the users who have been active within the community consistently, they are getting some relatively high amounts of organic support and this seems quite healthy in my opinion. Those who have spent their time complaining about questioning the changes might have lost some, as might have those who decided to shitpost in protest.
There are always going to be consequences to actions and while they aren't always predictable, human nature can be somewhat predicted, especially when put under pressure. When under enough stress, it is very hard to maintain a high standard of behavior as both the mind and the body are affected by the emotions and will create unexpected movement and reaction to events. I think everyone recognizes that when they are having a bad day, even the small things are triggers to set off an overreaction.
A lot of people here seem to have a lot of bad days on Steem and tend to overreact to Steem events. Of course, it isn't always Steem that creates the conditions as real-life circumstances are the major player that influences our behavior. This is not necessarily events in life, it could be a lack of events that are the catalyst and then looks for drama to "feel alive".
I think that this is at least part of the drama-laden and outrage-filled digital social spaces where people are living such curated and self-absorbed digital lives that they lose connection with what is actually important in life, with what is real. So much time is spent in digital spaces with unseen faces that there is an increase in the loss of human and this works in both directions to create the kindling to catch the spark.
On one hand there is the dehumanization of the unseen person on the opposite side of the internet, and on the other there is the the feeling of being dehumanized and therefore irrelevant in the world. This has a ramping up effect as it influences for less human consideration in order to increase the feeling of relevance and personal power and, it is a race to the bottom for community through aggression and polarization.
In my opinion, the digital world we have created through our own actions is one that drives people apart rather than connects them and rather than seeing people as people, it seems each as a leveragable resource. What ends up happening is that there is a points game in play where instead of community, it is about competition at any cost and the accumulation of points is the goal, no matter how useless or harmful the process becomes.
The interesting thing is that those who partake in this the most are the ones who are the largest of the attention seekers and often the ones who are the most unhinged emotionally. Again, this is pretty logical as those who do have emotional control, have the choice to pick their battles and evaluate and recognize when winning gains nothing - they just walk away or, engage to a point and then move on about their day.
It is those who can't let go who are compelled to behave and react to every event emotionally as the act of not being able to let go means that whenever they are reminded, they relive the events afresh.
I think that on Steem there are plenty of people who have built a habit of negativity and therefore behave and react with predictable uniformity to events. This becomes a self-imposed spiral as while they want a different result, their actions and reactions cause the consequence of the outcomes they receive.
Sure, there is a great deal of randomization and chance in play here, but process and behavior has its affects too. When it comes to consistency and stability of support, there are some people who behave in a way that attracts, some that detracts from another's experience and therefore deflects support and while laying blame on others might make one feel better - it likely exacerbates the issue further.
Everyone can do as they please on Steem, but the level and type of attention it attracts or drives away is a consequence of behavior. Negative and positive people attract like minds and usually, the two groups don't want to spend time together as they both think the other is wrong.
I wonder what the numbers will say.
[ a Steem original ]
Is it so dramatic you think?
It shouldn't be but as you have said above... :0D
You never know what the drama-shillers are going to latch onto.
For some, very much so. ;-)
I find those who try the hardest for attention are the ones that get none, or the wrong kind. While "any publicity is good publicity" is sound on paper, in practice it requires more subtlety to take advantage than most of those who seek any publicity can manage.
Agree 100% this is social media and should be treated as such. Users have to detach themselves from the reward aspect of it and see the long term value of their efforts and perhaps hold more value to the revolutionary human experience we are all going thru together. Keyword "reward" not an assumed given. Does it suck to have posts that don't make much when looking at overpriced posts? sure it does sting a bit but this is an experiment and it takes a lot of trial and error to have a successful project as this one could be in time. Patience is a virtue. Like you stated, normal people just walk away when the are consistently unsatisfied with the results they are getting.
You've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!
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go to written Taraz! What is there to complain about when it was foretold the blockchain was being HF... Complain if it happens and it was not expected. But, even then what is complaining going to do! STEEM blockchain is again runnin' for funnin'...
This made me laugh more than it should have and yep, back up and moving every 3 seconds.
Well written. So cleverly put together so as to make anyone who criticises look like an emotional idiot, who to top it all, has psychological problems and is immature.
My above comment is taken from what you said, I did not make them up.
I am willing to be named as you will, for I will continue to speak up when I think something wrong is happening or being done to myself or to others who have no voice - many of them cannot even voice their concerns as we have ensured that newbies cannot speak unless they invest in Steemit. I can understand that we should (maybe) invest if we are to make money, but to shut up the majority of new posters through RC mechanisms is neither democratic nor decent.
But, I see you have a high Rep, so it may be assumed that everyone will agree with you so that they can bask in the glory of being on the side of those who have power and reputation - see? I am being puerile, just as you provoked me into becoming.
A pity this had to be carried over into PALNet, as I had hoped this platform would be kept clear of the illwill the whales and witnesses have generated in Steemit.
Hah. If the shoe fits... I see no indication any comments Taraz made are to demean, belittle or otherwise dub anyone an idiot. It’s anecdotal, but otherwise truthful, even revealing in nature especially as responses turn up. Do you personally feel challenged by the observations or are you proving a point? Does what he share have merit, proved by his experience, and reinforced by others’ actions? Well, you know what they say... “You just had to be there.
...yes, I suppose you would not.
....The manipulated are blind to the machinations of their manipulator.
Sad but true.
They will even go so far as to defend them - feeling very cosy in their invisible Stockholm syndrome, cell..
I like the hardfork so far and am already seeing some very positive things, like a behavior change of voting, bidbots and trending, which can become a huge success for Steem as a whole. What I dislike though is the new reward curve, which seems now unfair. You can see the effects of the new reward curve with this tool:
Reward Curve from 0 to 100K SP

I am still not going to track the results as I think it will still take a couple of weeks to really settle regarding the behavior of the many users in the community. However, I am looking forward to the thoughts of everyone.
I don't know man...@smallsteps looks cute even with her hands covering her face...Do I sound like a completely biased uncle? :)