Age Of Abundance: STEEM And Manna Showing What Is Possible

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I make it no secret that my two favorite projects are STEEM and Manna.

Anyone who reads my posts knows I am super-bullish on STEEM and where the development of this blockchain will take it. I believe those who are earning STEEM now while powering it up is going to realize life altering money. From a strictly financial position, this is one of the better blockchains to be involved in.

That said, there is a more altruistic reason for my love of both of these projects. For years I read about the cyclical changes that are coming. Whether one believes in that type of stuff or not, the bottom line is there are observable cycles that things go through. Entering new eras is something we witnessed in the past. Many of the ancient writers point to this period as the moving into another age.

Cryptocurrency reflects that shift. While this entire technology is under a decade old, we can already see the potential. From one white paper, we saw the ability to create money move from the hands of the few to the many. The hierarchical pattern of money was instantly changed.

The aspect that I love about both STEEM and Manna is that they have the ability to put tokens directly in the hands of people. There is no buy-in required. Considering that billions of people around the world cannot even afford a quality meal, the ability to enrich them via this method is extremely important.

Those of us in advanced countries often look at things in a skewed manner. A couple dollars usually means little to us. However, when you live in an area where a couple dollars is a day's pay for your family, then it takes on a lot more impact. It is easy for us to get greedy, it is a luxury those in advanced countries can afford. In 3rd world nations, greed is not a motivator, survival is.

What does an upvote to someone in Indonesia, Nigeria, or Kenya mean? A dozen or so Manna tokens isn't much to us, but what is it to someone in those nations?

I firmly believe in the lessons of the Internet. Whatever the Internet gets into, it causes abundance. Now it came to money. This means, I believe, eventually, money will be like music, video, information, and communication. We will have our choice of what we want. There will be no lack for it.

Obviously, it will take a while for this to filter through all of humanity. To start, only about 40% of the global population is on the Internet. At the same time, from a strictly percentage standpoint, the ability to impact in a large way is in the poorer areas. One or two STEEM a day is not much if you live in the United States. However, for those in the countries I just mentioned, it is enormous.

I am a big proponent of using STEEM as a wealth building asset. Since I am so bullish, I feel it prudent to hold onto the currency to gain the appreciation that I foresee over the next few years. Much of my writing reflects this. Ultimately, this is how STEEM will usher in the Age of Abundance for millions who end up holding some SP. A few tokens could be worth a bit of money in 5 years.

At the same time, I realize that many are in the situation where accumulation is difficult. When you need the money now, that is what is needed. Most of the planet cannot focus upon wealth accumulation. Their biggest problem is cash flow, or lack of it. These tokens are needed to buy food. Those without the basics in life operate on a much different level than those that do.

The biggest aspect to both these projects is the community that I see forming with both of them. There are many people involved with each that are truly concerned about the future of humanity. They are well aware of the slavery system we all operate in that comes from scarcity. Tokens are offering us a way out of it. The fact that people can earn some STEEM or get Manna each week, tokens that can be converted into fiat, is a game-changer. As more projects are built in conjunction with these, activity should only increase. To me, this should drive up the value of each token.

I am fortunate, at this moment I do not require either of these tokens to live on. Thus, I am able to tell people to ignore price action. Those who depend upon these currencies for income, they do not have that luxury. STEEM at $2.50 versus $5.00 means that person's cost of living, at least as it pertain to STEEM, just doubled. This is the challenge with volatility.

Nevertheless, we will sort through these problems. STEEM and Manna, in my view, are starting to lay the foundation. The success of these two projects has the ability to help tens of millions of people. Grass root movements are known to have significant impact. One main characteristic of the Era we are entering is that the hierarchical system that comes from the male energy is going to diminish. We are already seeing a shift to a more lateral power structure.

Where this transition is most evident is with money. The fiat system starts at the top with a central bank who puts the money in the hands of member banks. From there it is loaned out to companies and individuals where it ends up filtering through and paid out in salaries.

Contrast this with STEEM and Manna. Each new token created goes from creation into the wallet of an individual. There is no hierarchical system that it follows. It is a lateral move from blockchain to wallet with nothing in between.

This is the new power that was handed to the world. Each time I get a token in any of my wallets, I am very grateful. This is an opportunity that was not a part of my life 10 months ago. It is also an opportunity that tens of millions of people will be a part of in a couple years.

Now try to picture the impact on humanity in 10 years. We are just at the beginning of this journey.

It is going to be a wild, and powerful, ride.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

Click For Manna Coins

In full disclosure this is a referral link


Pictures by Google Image


I just discovered something disturbing about Steemit's handling of our private keys. I hope there's something I'm missing and maybe you can clarify.

I am not sure. I guess the question is what key are they keeping?

From what I understand, only the original posting key is with them since that is used for account retrieval. I dont think they keep the others like the master key but I could be wrong.

If this is true, then they cant do anything with the money. However, if they do keep all keys, what he says is true.

No need to worry, Steem keeps only the posting key, @taskmaster4450 is right, the master key is immediately discarded. Here you have an old post by steemitblog about password management:

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe someone should explain this to NS James before FUD spreads around. Can I copy this to my post on this subject?

Of course you can.

One or two STEEM a day is not much if you live in the United States.


A few years down the road, 1 or 2 Steem a day might be enough for a middle-class lifestyle. A three-digit Steem price has immense implications.

I do like Steem but I don't think Manna is working or will ever work. I've been on Manna over a month now and I am up to 50 cents which I'm not sure is even tradeable yet.

Yeah, the only way to make good money on there is with referrals.

So if I get 100 people to sign up I earn like $50 a month for a year instead of 50 cents? sign up! ;) lol

One or two STEEM a day is not much if you live in the United States.

This is generally true, but it's still very helpful to people such as myself. I'm a grad student (and loving it), but even living frugally the stipend can be rough.

I certainly couldn't live one one STEEM a day here, but it has allowed me to improve the day care options for my child and afford life insurance.

A couple dollars usually means little to us. However, when you live in an area where a couple dollars is a day's pay for your family, then it takes on a lot more impact. It is easy for us to get greedy, it is a luxury those in advanced countries can afford. In 3rd world nations, greed is not a motivator, survival is.

Now this really got me. The reason i actually embraced steem with all my heart is the mere fact that i can actually earn without puting in my money unless i want to and this has been it for me. Few months down, i am totally into steemit that i even yearn to invest in it due to the fact that it is here to change lives. A suparb project indeed.

What does an upvote to someone in Indonesia, Nigeria, or Kenya mean? A dozen or so Manna tokens isn't much to us, but what is it to someone in those nations?

I am a Nigerian and i can tell you it means a lot to us over here. Have you wondered the reason why people in these third world countries flood steemit? Thats because steem puts food on the tables of so many people here including me.

well, I like the philosophy of manna

and have been receiving my portion of this universal income for a few months now... This is not able to feed anyone anywhere yet but I do support what they are trying to do.

And steem is indeed a game changer imo. It has already helped a lot of people in poorer countries. The only thing that is hard for a lot of those people is that they can choose for one small scoop of icecream now or a never ending bucket in the future. And most sadly choose the small scoop.

I am also part of team that has set up a new witness called @swisswitness. I have seen you have only 9 votes on witnesses so far and would be honoured if you would make us nr 10. We want to be a part of the future of steem and are helping secure it with a witness

Your bullishness for STEEM is enlightening to a whole lot of us your followers.
We will continue to HODL and power up and for someone like me that believe its a long term wealth building process makes me in for the long run, hopefully I don't get to need immediate cash to avoid spend from my STEEM now.

This is simply power to the people! I feel the way you do @taskmaster4450 maybe you are just more bullish and expressive but I see the future here, I see the alleviation of poverty and empowerment.

Nice content and article,,Thanks for sharing,,
appreciate with you..
Thanks for sharingHi @taskmaster4450 ..

Awesome post! for all those crypto and tech enthusiast: I made this image with the 3D Steem logo so you can use it in your cryptocurrency posts! here's the link to my post
images are clean and completely free! just make sure to upvote! have a nice one!


Me gusto mucho el articulo; en Venezuela ha sido una bendición stemit para muchos. se de casos que viven con el cambio que se hace, ya que el bolivar actualmente no tiene valor.