Age Of Abundance: The Death Of The Competition Mindset

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The last few weeks saw me write a great deal about fear. This is a central premise of the scarcity world that was created for us. To advance, we need to switch from a mindset based upon fear to one of gratitude. Once we do this, an entirely new paradigm opens up to us.

Along these same lines, we were conditioned to believe that competition is natural. "Survival of the fittest" is the law of the jungle after all. There is no competition in nature, it is purely competitive.

Yet, this is actually untrue. The world is a magically, interconnected place. Everything in it operates according to a set of principles that rely upon something else. Each has its place which enhances others. What is viewed as competition is actually cooperation in disguise.

The most noted example is the fawn that gets run down by the lions. The competition is between the fawn and the other deer to see who wins. Loser is dinner.

But is this really the case?

What happens to the fawn after being devoured? That animal becomes part of the lion. It provides that being with nourishment and energy. It provides life to the lion(s) by giving up its own. If it was not for the fawn, the lions might not survive.

The world is an endless cycle of birth and death. We see this in the seasons. Every living being has an onset and a demise. Birth and death are states that nothing avoids.

Our world is honed in the idea of competition. Sadly, it is this belief that created the destruction we see before our eyes today. Since we have the obsessive need to win, we will do anything to achieve that end. Environmental consequences matter none as long as we gain market share. Ethical behavior is taught in school yet does not apply in business. Getting the deal is what matters. "Greed is good" became the mantra for the 1980s yet isn't it true that it still exists?

As we enter the Age of Abundance, we are starting to see the differences in centralized versus decentralized systems. The fact that we live on an environment where the "elites" centralized everything under their control leaves us helpless and damaged. We are taught to fight over the scraps that they leave for us. Most people slave away at a job to earn a few dollars just to survive. Studies looking at the last 20 years all conclude wages are flat. Thus, people are not getting ahead but rather, falling further behind. The "elites" take a bigger piece of the pie and people are helpless to do anything.

Or are they?

While that might have been the case 10 years ago, today we see a different paradigm emerging. The power of humanity is being unleashed. Blockchain (and cryptocurrency) are changing the path of humanity since there is now an alternative to the system that enslaves us. We are at the early stages of this but, when mass adoption is reached, the entire system will be turned upside down.

I am a believer that there is something much bigger taking place than just a few creative breakthroughs. We are seeing energetic (cosmic, spiritual, godlike) shifts taking place. It is time humans beings got into the flow of the planet and the universe. Competition is unnatural. It is not how humans were meant to live. It is the crux of what ails people.

What is ironic is the "elite" do not compete. They own and control. It is only the masses that are forced to compete. Sure, the powerful make it look like they are competing. Companies are struggling for market share. They are doing their best to outdo each other.

Or are they?

Look at the ownership of these companies. You will see the same entities own stock in all the "competitors". In other words, they win no matter what. It is the same in politics. Did you ever look at the party contributions of the powerful? Let us just say they cover their bases. No matter who wins, that "elected" official is beholden to them.

The only ones who are bound by these absurd, unnatural rules are the masses. We are the ones who buy into what we are told. Of course, this mindset is also what is causing many people to miss the entire blockchain/cryptocurrency revolution. The mainstream media is spreading FUD which is scaring the masses. This causes them to look to Big Brother for protection.

STEEM is a wonderful exercise in the new Era we are entering. We see how many are on here competing. This causes people to be greedy and start putting others down. Few look at the entire ecosystem as our collective homes. Instead, it is the me versus the world which necessitates me getting all I can. It also means that I have to attack others in defense to "keep them in their place". As @wwf repeatedly writes, this is just an example of the violence we see in the rest of the world. Competition is violent. It causes us to adopt a win-lose scenario. Even the win-win outcome we are sold is nothing but a pile of you know what. The win-win with a customer means we end up trying to enslave that customer to our company and maximize the earnings we can get.

What is amazing is we are starting to see collaboration and cooperation arising on the STEEM blockchain. There are people getting together, forming alliances, for the betterment of humanity. Again, we are at the early stages yet these people realize that it is through this approach that the system will change. As we enrich others, we see the entire ecosystem uplifted.

That is the first lesson we all need to learn.

From there, we can start to apply the idea that by enriching others, the entire world is uplifted.

This end will not be reached via competition. In blockchain, there is no competition. Anyone is free to try whatever he or she likes. This idea then can be taken by others who can build upon it.

And through it all, the entire ecosystem grows in size and value.

Doesn't that seem like a more natural way to live?

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I have noticed that within Steemit, there is a lot of competition and many people criticize other users without seeing themselves, acting on the offensive. I hope that little by little we all learn to live together, and everything is win-win.

It is when people criticize other people and make themselves stand out as the elite, the pros and get other people to band together and make them feel bad about themselves that they are able to gain an "alleged" edge over them,

A lot of people still compete for upvotes and what better way it is than to make other people not look good and that they are the only ones that should get votes.

On one hand, it would be nice if there was the ability to natively connect and ally with like-minded groups built into the block chain so that new folks would have less time/effort/failure integrating and finding a place.

On the other hand, it is nice that we can create those for ourselves in order to not have to follow a template or standard set for us.

Either way, YES to STEEMit abundance! Great food for thought and I am liking your most recent themes.

On one hand, it would be nice if there was the ability to natively connect and ally with like-minded groups built into the block chain so that new folks would have less time/effort/failure integrating and finding a place.

I’m sure we’ll be seeing this in the very near future.

Yeah, need to change the mindset of people first that cooperation for common goal is better than self-interest, however that conflicts with idea of better yourself first then your neighborhood then your city and so on. Also need to different your idea from label such as Communism and into something else that will work in post UBI (universal basic income) economy.

How I wish all steemians could read, digest and apply the message of this post.

We are seeing energetic (cosmic, spiritual, godlike) shits taking place.

I think your Freudian slip is showing. 😜

LOL Thanks. Corrected that.

A very inspirational article, cooperation instead of competition!

Life is a cycle, today we are up, tomorrow we do not know. Many times we get triumphs hurting other people, and we do not know if those people tomorrow will be above us, and we will need them.

We must learn to value what we have and learn to be happy with what little we have, many people while more money they have, more money they want, becoming ambitious.

Our egos are played with form the day we are old enough to speak from a first person view and are given the label "I" and "me" , and then we type them out on social media websites throughout our lives.
What I love about Steemit (One of many things about Steem) is the huge amount of awake people on here writing and sharing the news of the shift.. following @taskmaster4450!

People when then enter Steemit usually has the scarcity mindset where it is far easier for them to compete for upvotes, to get a piece of the reward pool through any means and usually it is by putting down other people or branding people as worthless, trash or that they are producing crap.

This air of elitism is born from the need to be in the limelight and to be the one that is voted on. They want that they are the only one voted on. Scarcity mindset at its worst because they are selfish, mean and often are assholes to other people they deem to be beneath them.

Some people call them out but majority do not because they are secretly afraid that they will be the next target.

I could have gone through this route. To be honest I did early on when I was comparing my work with other people that I deemed to be producing of lesser "quality" than I am. I was mean and hateful.

This was until I discovered @surpassinggoogle and his idea of being inclusive, instead of being exclusive. of being kind instead of being a bully, he spread his vote rather than keeping it all to himself or to a small group of people.

He is a person that is living the abundance mindset and helping to inspire people to have the cooperation mindset of supporting opther people, helping people build their dreams and become their true fans.

His tagline is "everyone has something to offer" resonates with me.

just like in a game of chess.we are the pawns who do the work in order to protect the king.if we are lucky,we get promoted by reaching the 8th rank of the opposite board.we compete in order to survive just as you have mentioned that it is survival of the fittest.

I definitely agree that STEEM incentivizes people to cooperate, because if they compete, most likely, everybody fails. My only "problem" with cooperation, instead of competition, is the fact that competition forces us to push our limits and achieve incredible things.

Upvote others and expect the same, cooperation in this case is a recognition of hard work and merit.

"As we enrich others, we see the entire ecosystem uplifted."

I LOVE this statement you mentioned above. So often, humans forget this. We are put on this planet to love and help others. There is enough on this earth for everyone and everything. There should be no need for competition. Rather than compete, it is time for people to come together and build each other up, to teach others and evolve as a community. Whether it be emotionally, spiritually or financially, if we work together, the best outcomes can happen and society can be nourished.

Thank you for this article.

Your work enriches my life. I want to share it far and wide.

From a behavioral evolution stand point the individual does not compete. The cooperative competes. The son does not figh the father, but together they might fight other families. This tribal evolution is very obvious when we see different crypto users raise their flags.