I am going to surmise that you never saw those words written on Steemit.
It is time we step back and take a look at what is happening. The last few week I tried to give people a bird's eye view of STEEM and this blockchain. Too often, people seem to focus upon the little things while missing the bigger picture.
In this post, I want up to go to satellite level. Will STEEM take down governments around the world? I do not know. Yet I can tell you, that the blockchain will do. The Nation-State concept is under attack with the advent of this technology. As our world become more digitized, operating in a geographic area is less likely. The Internet gave us the ability to communicate all around the globe; the blockchain will enable us to have value anywhere we desire.
The seems a mindset among so many who enter this realm, especially those who invest in cryptocurrencies, that there is going to be a "winning" blockchain while the others lose. This is false thinking. In reality, our future is going to see thousands of blockchains in operation, all successful in their own right.
At present, we see roughly 1300 blockchains that are tokenized. Obviously, many of these are garbage and will end up collapsing. The press that the ICO world received is warranted. There are a lot of scams in this arena which is one reason I avoid ICOs completely. Also, while some have good intentions, they lack the team to be successful. Blockchain is a rather new environment yet there are people with a track record. These are the ones that people should invest in.
Blockchain is one of the most powerful technology we have ever seen. While the Internet took our communication system to an entirely different level, enabling us to operate all over the world (from our living room), the blockchain is revolutionizing how we create and store value.
Bitcoin was the first crypto-technology and is still the biggest. This concept brought us the idea of "digital money". Bitcoin is not the most technically advanced blockchain while having its' share of challenges. That said, bitcoin might be the most secure blockchain. Hence, it will be one of those networks that always has a value and will be part of our future.
Right now, the financial arena is the one that gets the most recognition as being are risk due to blockchain. This is valid since the blockchain, itself, is a third party verification system which is mostly the service the financial community provides. Outside of credit, most of this industry's activities center around verifying transactions and moving money around, two things blockchain does very well.
This is not the only industry ripe for disruption. Anything that has to do with documentation and questions surrounding said documentation is in jeopardy. The legal profession will be obliterated via blockchain and smart contracts. Title companies entire business model is being a verification system. The insurance industry operates on a risk assessment model, something the blockchain will be able to do better. Much of the government revolved around laws, rules, and regulations. Again, blockchain makes this activity by individuals unnecessary.
I wrote in an article the other day how, in the future, almost everything will be on the blockchain. Of the world's commerce, almost all of it will take place right here. At the moment, that is roughly $80T and moving up to the $100T mark. This really helps to put things in perspective when looking at potential valuations. We are not talking millions of people on blockchain, but billions.
Entire companies are going to be erected on the blockchain. This not only includes their transactions but the entire decision making tree. Human management is going to be replaced by algorithms. Again, we already see this taking place in the financial arena. Brokerage houses are already offering accounts managed by AI. Taken one step further, we see this process decentralized with all the Bitcoin sites that offer automated trading. I am sure many are scams yet the technology is out there.
Which brings me to the governments of the world. Blockchain is going to replace many functions that our governments provide for us. A government is the ultimate 3rd party. It acts as a verification system for us, providing us with all the documentation we need. For provides services, it charges us in the form of fees and taxes. It is a monopoly so there is little incentive to innovate since we are a captured audience. Since the government does not create anything itself, it is dependent upon the money flow from outside itself. In this era, it seems that money flow has come from the corporate elite, not in the form of taxes but contributions to politicians and salaries for lobbyists. In short, most governments around the world are completely oppressive even if it is not overt to many people.
Blockchain offers competition. It is faster, less costly, and most secure than present systems that are in place. This is shaking the foundation of the establishment. We need to look at the attacks on Bitcoin to realize this fact. Bitcoin has entered an area that was completely monopolistic; currency. Before 2008, this was under the domain of the Central Banks around the world. There was nothing to compete with it and people had to use the currency chosen for them. Today, that is not the case. While we can debate whether Bitcoin will serve as currency, I do not believe it will in its current form, yet we all know there are hundreds of legitimate blockchains with tokens on them. Ultimately, to one degree or another, these all will operate as a form of money.
People are conditioned to thing in two ways: segmented and scarcity. When approaching blockchain/cryptocurrencies, we see this in action. People talk about particular blockchains like they do their favorite sports team. Bitcoin wont be around in two years. EOS is going to replace ethereum. Steem's SMT technology will never create a token....on and on. This is segmened thinking. It is from the idea that nature is competitive. An ecosystem is not competitive but cooperative. Unfortunately, the siloed Internet is based upon competition.
Interoperability will solve that. An example is the protocol languages of the Internet used over the past few decades. Does TCP/IP compete with SMTP? Of course not. They are designed for different purposes. So why do people think that the bitcoin blockchain is in competition with etherum or steem. All have their strong points while also having limitations. MIT developed Blockcerts on the bitcoin blockchain. For information time stamping, bitcoin might well be better suited for this than any other chain from a security stand point. Of course, as we know, being money, due to slow transmission time and high fees, is not realistic at the moment.
So who will be the money? The answer is they all will be. This is where interoperability enters the picture. If we look at the entire blockchain world as an ecosystem, hence cooperative instead of competitive, we see how these blockchains will ultimately work together. In fact, one major innovation is already coming into play: atomic swaps. This technology is allowing for transactions to take place on different blockchains, in essence, simultaneously, Ultimately, the currency we utilize for transactions could be decided on a moment-by-moment basis depending upon which blockchain has the least expensive fees and the smallest backlog. What you start with and what ends up at the other end might not be the currency that is moved in between.
This is just one example of the blockchain world starting to de-segment. It also creates abundance. In the competitive landscape, one has to win while the other loses. The winning company's stock goes through the roof while the shareholders of the losing company go broke. This is the model we live under. In blockchain, this is not the case. The bitcoin blockchain will not go under because BTS emerges. Ethereum is not going to be wiped out by EOS. All four of those along with a host of other blockchains are going to thrive. Remember, there will be over $100T worth of commerce done on these blockchains. There will be many "winners".
Humanity is forced into a segmented world by the elites. For the most part, we operate within a confined geographic area. Our culture, language, and customs are all handed to us based upon the norm in that area. Of course, we are conditioned to be proud of it and defend it at any cost. Often, this is accompanied by the idea that we need to hate someone from another geographic area with different customs.
The elites have no such limitations. They operate anywhere they want in the world. Decisions such as tax rates determine where they set up shop. If things are bad in one area, they have the means to focus their attention in another area. Currency is not problem for them since they operate in them all. They solicit different governments around the world and operate with the same rights as the natural born citizens. Of course, if things get bad enough in that region, they simply leave.
We are moving towards a world where this is possible for the average Janes and Joes. No longer are we going to be confined by the time for money system. In the not too distant future, blockchain is going to create 25-50 income steams for each person. We will see money coming to us from many different blockchains simply based upon what we do each day. Instead of Facebook and Google saying "pay me" it will be us. All of our digital activity is already tracked. The difference is that content we create benefits large corporations. They got you into their ecosystem and they profit from it. As you can see, there are going to be thousands of blockchain ecosystems which are banded together to make blockchain itself an ecosystem. Yet, unlike our present society, there are no rulers. This is the danger to governments. As blockchain becomes a more important aspect of our lives, government takes on less meaning.
The Internet was one of the most powerful creations in the history of man. Over the last 20 years, we witnessed incredible wealth created from this medium. Blockchain makes the Internet look like a firecracker. It is 1000 times more powerful in terms of the impact on humanity.
Blockchain is the Internet on steroids. So trust me when I tell you, governments around the world will be taken down due to blockchain. That is the power that is before us.
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Pictures from Google images.
They have seen nothing yet!
Not only that, steemit can be used to spread news and information without a fear of being censored. I found this article today on steemit:https://steemit.com/news/@cryptonik/facebook-censorship-users-in-romania-see-protest-related-posts-reviewed
Imagine what would happen if the Chinese and North Koreans got into steemit in droves. Combine steemit with something like https://substratum.net/ and we'd get a real government propaganda killer. Without propaganda, governments are just thugs with guns without means to cover up that fact.
Also for a long term project, there is MadiSafe which is actually older than Bitcoin itself.
The lack of censorship cannot be understated. We take it for granted in the US since there is at least the illusion of an open and free press. I guess this is worse than overt oppression since people believe they are receiving news freely when, in reality, it is propaganda.
There are many many avenues that STEEM can go to find growth. Ultimately, blockchain technology will open up new pathways to people all over the world. Freedom is one of the benefits of decentralization.
As we are seeing with the attack on BTC, the establishment cannot do anything about it other than to demonize it. Cryptocurrency is the first thing they are realizing that is shaking their foundation. I dont think they are at the point of realizing that the lack of censorship is also going to bite them in the butt.
Governments are always slow to adapt. When they finally adapt to Bitcoin, the privacy coins will rise. When they try to somehow meddle with privacy coins, steemit and other blockchain media platforms will bite them in the ass. In a way I'm glad that all the attention is on Bitcoin because better projects can go under the radar.
Defiant blockchain technology wins the world. Now is the right time to understand the value of new technology and invest in Bitcoin and other valuable currencies. We will be enriching so much.
Inspiring stuff. I really enjoyed reading this. Your writing's full of positive passion for the future re blockchain tech...you've got my brain ticking :)
I know I've said this before, but you're nailing it consistently... Like a well-steemed machine...
Hey I was thinking - we should team up and make some steem promotion infographics... just a thought - let me know!
good stuff / peace
You have Good view :) appreciatable content @taskmaster4450
Thanks for sharing your love for STEEMIT!
Block chain is going to create 25-50 income streams for every person..... oh, how I love the sound of that!!!!