Too many people seem to think AI will be like humans, hence think like them. That is incorrect. AT "thinking" is logical...human thinking is a mix of logical and emotional...with emotions using overriding the thought. AI will be more Mr Spock.
As for the future, AI and humans are already merging. Biology and Informational Technology are now overlapping. It is all code. Data is now capable of being stored on organic material (albeit still very expensive at this point).
In the end, AI will be in humans the same way it is is just more advanced. Pacemakers operate without human intervention and are connected to the internet. Real time reading are available. This is just one example. There are millions where people and AI are working together.
I agree. Technology has been changing mankind's evolution since the invention of controlled fire. There is no reason to think it will suddenly stop. The more likely outcome is some form of superhuman that utilizes tech to continuously self enhance. We pretty much already are super humans relative to our ancestors given global communication, transportation, longevity and a host of others advancements.
true. But with technology being more advanced, capturing both emotions and logic are achievable.