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RE: STEEM: Compounding Your Way To Big Results: Warren Buffet Would Be In Awe If He Understood!!!

in #steem7 years ago

My main concern about the steemit platform is the number of people who abuse the system to maximise their own earnings while adding nothing of value to the community or platform as a whole.

I think you will find this to be the minority on here. Also, many who appear to be doing nothing for the platform actually do a lot behind the scenes.

In my time here, there are only a handful of people who I witnessed as being in the category you described. There are a number who I disagree with yet cannot question their dedication to seeing steem succeed.

There are differences of opinion/methods yet most desire a highly successful blockchain and are doing what they can to ensure that.

I find that most of the selfishness comes from the newer people who are conditioned to be that way by the bankster driven world. As they are here a little while, I think they see this is a different realm. Selfishness is replaced by selflessness, or at least a degree of it.

Self-serving altruism as they say.


I'm definitely hoping that is the case. As new as I may be to steemit, I truly would like the platform to succeed. It is good that there are measures in place to curb spam and serial plagiarism. However, I have also seen such blacklisted accounts simply transfer their funds to a new account and continue flouting those very same rules. And when called out on it, they turn vindictive by downvoting those who dared to speak out against them.
To these people, it is merely a platform to fleece others and make a profit. And truth told, I can't abide that. Of course, they aren't likely in the majority but a few bad eggs can often be enough to spoil a magnificent cake altogether.