Thanks for the comment @cryptokeeper.
I hear what you are saying. The issue is if you werent doing it, someone would be. It is inevitable what is taking place.
I agree it is criminal how the workers are treated by the company yet there is little that can be done. The problem that labor faces is that even if they tried to force the issue, automation would take place quicker. Corporations are just looking for a reason to invest in R&D. That is why I believe the $15 an hour minimum wage will fail...suddenly the cost savings for automating is there for fast food companies.
It is a vicious cycle. Hence why a threw myself into this starting at the beginning of the year. It is crucial to the next decade or two.
The minimum wage is already from the start a flawed concept trying with Man logic to make something stable while nature is constantly changing. The salary slave concept where you don't get paid based on performance but just a flat number. It makes people end up in a helpless state where they are learning to be helpless and not fight for themselves.