It takes about a month studying crypto to become very knowledgeable and years to realize how little you truly known.
The crypto world is truly remarkable...ever changing and growing. To get a handle on it all is impossible.
In my view, Steem is one of the hottest things going with the most potential. Say what you want, there are 400,000 wallets with money in them as we speak. In another year, that number will be well over a million, perhaps multiple millions.
The growth potential of this coin is huge.
I've been mentioning steemit to a few people but they just don't get. Well you snooze you lose I guess. Lol. The potential is unreal. I'm in it for the long haul!!
I got a couple people to sign up and they dont post even knowing that I am making a few bucks a day doing this. I even gave the site to one who claimed she was interested in Cryptocurrency and she said this site "looks interesting".
Well we tried. 😉 I work for the local power company and a mining company wants us to supply them power. So everyone here is talking all sarcastic about bitcoin and mining and making their own coins. I just kick back and wonder what company is setting up a mining station that needs 230 megawatts of power when it is completely up and running. I guess they just pull semi trailers in and plug them in. Idk.
Dealing with people about Steemit is like dealing with a drug addict about rehab. You have to plant the seed and let it sit for a while. Then, when things get back, hit them up with the idea of quitting.
Same here...plant the seed and wait. We know the publicity about crypto isnt going away. A month, a couple months, or even a year down the road, steemit will get on people's radar and we can say, I told you about that....sign up today so you dont waste more time.
Of course, by that time you will be speaking to them on your gold plated $25,000 gold IPhone. :)
Dah ha ha with a diamond apple logo.
I want to find out who this bitcoin mining company is. Might be something worth checking out. Maybe I can score some sort of discount on bitcoin mining or something for being the company that supplies them power. 😏 Might be a good investment opportunity. IDK I will get to the bottom of this.