Absolutely. This is going to really empower people in a way that we have not seen.
The Internet became siloed with each corporate giant staking claim over its domain and locking people in. Basically, you have the choice of going from one to the other, with Google and FB being the biggest.
Steem will radically alter this. By this time next year. we will see how much of a difference it is making.
I really hope it´ll be a difference as I don´t like the way we are bound to those data giants these days. Blockchains like Steem could definitely make a difference here!
I agree. The data giants are dangerous. They not only profit off us, they actually limit freedom by making decisions and filtering information.
Steem and other blockchains are the answer. Steem really needs to hit the data free and no censorship angle.
These are two big things getting people's attention.
We got to be aware of the fact though that we have to find a way of deleting content from the blockchain as well whenever it's ethical questionable or got uploaded without someones approval. Flagging won't do the trick in such extreme cases...
If you can delete content from the blockchain, that negates the value of the blockchain. Once something is locked in, it cant be changed.
That is the value of the technology. The corporations (or the banksters) cant go back and fudge things.
I know still the question stays, whether you'd like to see some nudes of yours on here without having the possibility to delete them. It's a very critical topic imo
Whether I would like that or not is not relevant.
The answer is sorry about your luck. Shouldnt have had those beers that night and let her take those pics.
Freedom means that we accept things we dont want to accept. If we are to say people are free and the blockchain is free, then another has the freedom to post nudes of me on here.
Once you start with the "unethical" behavior, that is censorship. What is unethical to you might be perfectly ethical to someone else.
So who decides? Big brother?
So what about child porn and all that disgusting illegal stuff? still against censorship?