Steemit is not STEEM. They are two completely different entities. Steemit is a user interface that is lacking updates and stuck in the 1990s. There are other interfaces that are 1000x better than STEEM like .
As for the whales with too much power, that is changing on a monthly basis....and by the way, EOS was suppose to be the epitome of handling that problem and 50% of the tokens are in 10 wallets after a 300+ day ICO.
That is common with new distributions. Take a look at a year ago versus today.
The whales power is consistently dropping.
I know but if Steemit fails don't you think that STEEM will go down big?
That graph doesn't really prove your point about whales. All it proves is that a lot of people who were using this platform last year kept using it and gained more power. The whales huge power is still 100% there...
I personally dont think Steemit really matters much anymore. It is the most used application now but that is only because it was the first. Once HF20 takes place, apps will be able to onboard their own users meaning Steemit isnt even needed for that.
As for the whales, if you look at not only the total amount, but the percentage of the overall, you will see they dropped a great deal. This is a trend that dates back to March 2017 when I first started looking at the numbers. Yes they have power but it is a lot less than they had.
If you believe that steemit is not that good and you believe that steemit is not the future, why are you using it?