The Absurdity Of The Present System

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

We all know the present system is absurd. Yet it strikes me as odd that people who realize this actually defend it. They won't do it in overt ways yet you see their belief system start to creep through.

It is imperative that everyone understand that, no matter what your beliefs are, 90% of them were programmed into you. Unless one took the time to analyze what one believes, one by one, the odds are we simply are a product of our environment.

This is by design. When we look at long term trends, we realize what was done to humanity. Over the last 100 years, the middle class was wiped out. During the same period, the educational system kept pushing us to moron level. The subliminal messenging received only got stronger. Our family, friends, and co-workers all were part of this without being aware. We, too, keep passing on the message.

I see it all around me. Whenever discussing most anything, the truth comes out. People are just mindless puppets. They really have no clue what is going on. They spout off a couple headlines they heard that align with their belief system and point to that as fact.

It is an amazing place to be able to witness this. I feel as if we were let in on the secret while everyone else is completely asleep. Of course, the "secret" is in plain sight. The elite are very arrogant. They are open about most everything. Or perhaps it isn't arrogance, they just understand that people are clueless.

Anyone on Hive for more than a few weeks quickly realizes there is another solution brewing. Yet the reality of what I am writing about occurs when trying to tell others about it. It is like talking to a wall. Cryptocurrency is a fraud? Really? So you feel Jamie Dimon is an honest source of information? Bitcoin has no value and is made up? Really? Please share with me the intrinsic value of the U.S. dollar.

Those defending the system are going to get run over by it. Technological unemployment is a real thing. The entire global economy is shifting yet few are paying attention. They only realize the jobs are going...after they are gone. I mean seriously, does anyone need to read more than a handful of articles about 3D printing to realize that it will obliterate what is left of the manufacturing jobs?

How about this video/story?

How long until every burger joint in the world gets one of them? I know, it allows people to handle more customer interaction jobs. That is the corporate mantra today. Ironic, one of the jobs is processing the orders as they come in via an IPhone app. How long until that is tied directly into the machine itself?

I love the technological advancement and believe it is going to be great for humanity. Most of the work we do is pointless, senseless, non-fulfilling, and a step above slavery. Every study that looked at the last 20 years shows the 97% are getting less of the pie while the select few at the top (Warren Buffett and Dimon for example), are raking in more.

Technology could allow for people to benefit without toiling away at a pointless job. This is going to happen. The pointless jobs will be gone. Of course, as the system is erected now, the few will profit while the rest will suffer. Yet people still defend this system.

Fortunately, we are on the secret right now. Crypto-economics is changing all of this. We are in the very early stages, but we are starting to see a shift in the mindset. The collective awareness is seeding on Hive. This is a beginning. For too long, the elites used divide and conquer. We can see this in the media each day if we would tune in. This allowed them to isolate individuals which puts them at the mercy of the system.

Crypto-economics is about freedom....freedom for humanity. We are only beginning to understand the collective power we are yielding. Hive is growing by leaps and bounds because of the collective efforts on here. We are all dependent upon the value of this ecosystem growing. And this is done by our collective contributions.

The mistake most people make when looking at this is to view crypto-economics from a financial position. In my mind, this gives a mistaken view. It is why we see articles where people welcome regulation. Are you kidding me? You want to invite the government in? You think turning to them is a good thing? Oh I know, that will allow the financial institutions to bring their money. Wait, when has Wall Street proven they are a benefit? Aren't they behind the entire system as it is?

Bear in mind, I believe that we are going to see regulation since we can't avoid it. But make no mistake, having the wolf in the henhouse is not a good thing.

Nevertheless, that is the financial point of view. Crypto-economics is not financially based but technologically. That puts it on an entirely new footing. That is why Wall Street is really unnecessary, contrary to the beliefs of many. If Wall Street did not put a dime into this arena, it would keep growing dramatically. Yes Wall Street will make the early adopters extremely well off financially since they will send things skyrocketing. Yet, for the most part, the technology will grow regardless of what they do.

To believe that crypto-economics needs Wall Street's money is to defend the old system. Why do we need their fiat? Crypto-economics is a self-funding mechanism. We learned the secret. Money is created out of thin air and build value to it. Now we have the ability to do the same. We create our own money.

But that money is worthless unless people buy it with their fiat currency. That is, unless we create the value.

So let me get this straight. Cryptocurrency is worthless unless a bunch of people give it value by buying it using fiat that many claim is going to be worthless?

Do you see the absurdity of this thinking?

Make no mistake. The wolves of Wall Street will be in cryptocurrency within the next year. And it will be a wild party. They will moon anything that is somewhat legitimate. Hell, they will even moon the scams. They do not care. There will be great wealth created for many, including most on here. Of course, they will pull the plug at some point which will eradicate a great deal of that wealth.

Fortunately, the technology will keep progressing and that is there the value comes from. The Internet is valuable today not because Wall Street ran the stocks up by buying everything with .com in the name. In fact, they probably made life harder. The Internet is so valuable because the technology changed the path of humanity.

Crypto-economics is doing the same thing. It isn't the Wall Street casino that is going to make the difference but the development and input of hundreds of millions of people. This can be summed up in the idea of the network effect.

This will accelerate the more people see the absurdity in the present system.

Edit: Many of the forecasts in this article came true. Wall Street entered in full force, creating a couple bull and bear markets. The latest was kicked off by the same schemes investment banks and other money players.

The actions of companies like FTX, Celsius, and exchanges showed how cryptocurrency was just another asset that got manipulated by the financial crowd. We saw the tenets of cryptocurrency erased and the greed take over.

Everyone should have learned the lesson of 2022: not your keys, not your crypto.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and rehive.

Pictures from Google Images


Most people on the planet have never gone online. For residents of developed countries, access to the Internet is an integral part of life, while for the majority of the inhabitants of our planet this remains an inaccessible privilege.
Most of the "unconnected" users live in developing countries. In such countries, only 30% of the inhabitants are Internet users. A similar figure in developed countries - 76%. Therefore, the revolution may and will happen in the near future, but clearly not everyone will be able to step into the new epoch at once.

Switzerland recognises cryptocurrency as a currency, not an asset or a security and trading is not taxed. I think this is a great idea. When trading, the trader takes on the risk. The blockchain is an innovative solution to many real-life situations. Excessive regulation stifles the incubation and development from concept to production. I also feel that a UBI is essential, to compensate for the loss of manual jobs that future blockchain technology and increasing mechanisation cause.

This article is right on just so many levels. I am happy to find a platform with so many like minded individuals, without big brother censoring our voices out. Freedom of speech may be the most undervalued thing in existence in reference to freedom. If people truly used their critical thought processes, then we would maybe not need to think of the 2nd ammendment option as the most important one. To me it is because i am from a sensible super conservative family in the US. We still believe in decency, helping the hungry, telling things how they are and DEFENDING those rights. We will defend it with speaking out in any way possible, and then other options. When we get to a point where all may eat freely and can enjoy a nice sunny day in a hammock somewhere, enjoying real peace..i think we have achieved our goal. As long as the ignorant continue to be ignorant...well that always works for the dictators. I could go on, one day i will write extensively on this topic 🤗. Until then I will leave with presenting a thought about ignorance , what does it mean? IGNORE..ance. There we have it 😁. As always the answer is in our face 😁. Thank you for your article, it is much appreciated and have a wonderful day 😊😊😎

I couldn't agree more! I am lucky to be able to discuss the world we live in with my husband, but otherwise, unless I'm on Steemit or talking to my husband, I feel like a black sheep :). Just last night, at a dinner table with my girlfriends, one of them said that she's tired of her boring job and she just wants to have money without doing stuff she doesn't enjoy doing. I recommended that she looked into crypto. Almost every single person at that table looked at me like I was suggesting something illegal. I kid you not!

Hi @taskmaster4450! Totally agree with you, well done 😃😉. I am witnessing more and more people starting to realize the essence of BTC and blockchain, and even though generally people re not tech savvy, we are on the threshold of wide acceptance of the new technologies and kicking off the old fashioned fin.system.

I thought he was the only one who had that kind of philosophical thoughts. It is true that we live under a corrupt and anachronistic belief system to our times, many know it but few do something that changes it.
and I also ask myself that question, is the cryptocurrency market becoming a bubble like tulips in the Netherlands? I hope not a friend but that doubt remains.
Greetings from Venezuela

Please share with me the intrinsic value of the USD.


hehe, one of the best USD pics!!!

I totally agree with you, the most important part for me is that we keep ourself open-minded. Don't disclose things just because you don't understand it at first

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

  • Morpheus

I love the technological advancement and believe it is going to be great for humanity. Most of the work we do is pointless, senseless, non-fulfilling, and a step above slavery.

It could also mean that those jobs you mention, will be the 'only' jobs left...Like cleaning grease traps out behind the Executive Kitchen...

While it is true that the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer, as ownership (e.g. capital gains and dividends) will potentially make a person more money than employment could.

Does cryptocurrency not have the same problem or greater compared to the USD? As you mentioned early investors could get very rich off of cryptocurrency as we are talking about a deflationary currency. But what about those who do not or cannot invest right away (Either due to lack of funds or non-access to the technology required to purchase). Will the same problem not exist and be compounded?

I dont think it poses the same problems because of utility tokens. We are seeing the era begin where people can get tokens simply for doing things they normally do. There are incentives being provided. Take @actifit. Here is an app that pays people, in what will be a SMT, to move. That is a radical difference from the system we are in.

Project this out 2-3 years from now. How many tokens will there be like this? People are going to be paid to do most things they do. Anything you can think of will be tokenized.

I can't wait for more and more people to see it and jump on the bandwagon!!

lol man lol!!.,,,.....

Yes, institutional money is a short-term sellout move. We don't need it.

What we do need is jobs on the blockchain. People getting paid in coins; people buying food with coins. Citizens distancing themselves from fiat is the best thing that can happen.

The pump and dumps from the establishment could make us filthy rich, but it can only hurt this movement as a whole.

Cryptoeconomics FTW

Between the tracks@taskmaster4450

Excellent article. I really liked it.