Why Powering Up Is The Secret To Your Steemit Success: It Is Imperative!!!

in #steem7 years ago

Most of us do not come to Steemit with a huge social media following. If you are one of those people, congratulations; you are ahead of the game. However, for the bulk of us, coming to Steemit means we are embarking upon something on our own, perhaps followed by a couple family members or friends.

Many newer people complain there is no way for them to get recognized. For some odd reason, people think they should come to Steemit, put up a post, and make hundreds of dollars. Of course, the reality is that when you put up a post without a following, you earn very little. That is the nature of the mechanism and something we all go through.

Yesterday I wrote about powering up and how it can put people in the 1% of users on here.

To read that article:


One of the comments in that article caught my attention. It was posted by @swissclive. What I noticed about that comment is he referred to what Steem Power really does for one on here.

Those who can, should, buy steempower as soon as they can afford it. The more you have, the more you will be looked at. If your blogs are looked at by more people, that will bring followers. Beyond a certain point, followers follow followers so you base will start to grow by itself.

Steemit is a compounding system. Each activity that one does builds upon what went before. One who just signed up has few connections because their activity is zero. Of course, this is reflected in the amount of Steem Power they have since their contributions to the blockchain are non-existent. It is only when one starts to contribute that one sees things change.

The STEEM White Paper explains it this way:

Steem operates on the basis of one-STEEM, one-vote. Under this model, individuals who have contributed the most to the platform, as measured by their account balance, have the most influence over how contributions are scored. Furthermore, Steem only allows members to vote with STEEM when it is committed to a vesting schedule. Under this model, members have a financial incentive to vote in a way that maximises the long term value of their STEEM.

It goes further by adding:

everyone's meaningful contribution to the community should be recognized for the value it adds.

It is a rather simple concept: the more you add, the more you get. The entire system is designed around giving to Steemit it as opposed to taking from it. This is why, in the beginning, it is imperative for one to get involved. People are not going to flock to you early on. In short, you have not proven yourself worthy of that.

And that is where SP comes in.

What is it that every new person wants? Recognition.

What gets recognition on Steemit more than anything else? Steem Power.

Those with large accounts are the ones who garner the attention. Wearing funny hats might put the eyeballs on you at a party, but it does nothing here. Being loud could work in a bar but, again, nets nothing on Steemit. Even writing a sensational article could get you a lot of acclaim on Huffington Post does very little on this platform. On Steemit, ultimately, the true attention getting is Steem Power.

I must interject the concept of reputation. This is an important idea and ones with higher reputations are shown the be meaningful contributors. Reputation is garnered by getting upvotes. However, one can have a high reputation and little Steem Power. That means, ultimately, that person's influence (i.e. voting power) is not as much of an impact.

Which brings me to the second aspect of Steem Power which @swissclive covered so well.

Steem Power is the path to followers. Again, all newcomers want followers and the typical approach is to follow the world. I know this is true since I was also one who did just that. New people believe that there is the "if I follow you, you will follow me" trade off present. I found that really the only ones who follow back are other new people. Those with serious Steem Power do not engage in this behavior. In fact, the opposite happens; they are turned off by it.

The compounding aspect of Steemit is really evident when looking at the followers. As one's Steem Power grows, people will less Steem Power start to follow. This creates a situation where one's upvotes increase along with the earnings. Naturally, this will attract more people causing the effect to repeat itself. Eventually, when your Steem Power gets high enough, the attention of some more powerful people happens. In other words, you now have proven yourself as a meaningful contributor to the blockchain.

Now be forewarned: THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN A WEEK!!!!

Steemit takes time and effort. One will not see massive effects until after 90 days, at a minimum. More realistically, unless Steemit becomes a major portion of your life, the timeline is closer to 6 months. The mantra is post, comment, upvote. It never changes. I always tell newer people do that for the next 90-180 days and watch how things change.

Therefore, it is not suggested that you power up, it is imperative. If you have any desire of making STEEM a part of your income stream going forward, you must invest in it now. By invest, I do not mean putting money in which, of course, is not a bad idea. What I am referring to is committing to working the system as it is designed and keeping the STEEM in the system. This is how long-term success is achieved.

So you want your articles read? Steem Power is your answer.
You want more followers? Steem Power is your answer.
You want to get rich from this? Steem Power is your answer.
You want to make a good income? Steem Power is your answer.

You have a chance to be in the 1% of all users on here. The only way to be in that group is to stop taking from Steemit and start contributing. This starts with the commitment to power up at every opportunity.

This is the secret to Steemit success.

Again, as @swissclive put it:

The more you have, the more you will be looked at. If your blogs are looked at by more people, that will bring followers. Beyond a certain point, followers follow followers so you base will start to grow by itself.

If you want Steemit success, it is imperative that you power up. That is how you get into the 1%.

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Yeah I 100% agree, I spend the first year on here not cashing out, and almost 50% of my posts were 100% SP power. Once I had collected a little over 12K STEEM Power I started cashing out any SBD I earned, however I have never once powered down, and that has put me in the top few hundred accounts on here in terms of voting power which is important to me so that I can support the content creators I enjoy.

Thank you for the resteem @titusfrost.

It is always good to hear from those who enjoyed the success of what I write about. Powering up is a fundamental concept on here if one wants to really make an impact.

Congrats on making to the top few hundred in VP...that is a wonderful accomplishment which enables you to really do a lot.

I think your content over the past couple of years has earned you a place in the top accounts, @titusfrost. Your work on youtube against all sorts of obstacles has been appreciated and you were one of the first I looked for on steemit. Congratulations, you have earned every SBD and SP you have at your disposal.

Thanks that means a lot. I am glad you enjoyed my work over the years.

Very much, you were were go to when I wanted pizza updates...

For newbie who are not prolific writers, should start with writing good comments on the trending posts, established whale or dolphin's post. Some whale or dolphin's do vote on good comments, therefore, newbies have to find them (e.g. @cryptoctopus). There are numerous contests where just by participating one can earn some SBD or STEEM. There are many ways to earn in STEEM ecosystem. One can Google "How to earn in Steemit" will find many useful ways to earn. For example, if one has large number of influential followers, just posting his/her blog in busy.org will earn buys's vote. Another way is to use PALnet minnowsupport bot for free vote. I can go on and on.

However, those who are prolific blogger but new to Steemit, buying some STEEM at low from the market may accelerate the earning process due to the attention he/she might grab. After some time, it may risky but possible to use bot votes to get attention. It is similar to advertising, if one thinks his/her blog is well written and will attract audience, buying bot votes may well worth taking the risk. However, as @taskmaster4450 said, one has to spend 90-180 days to acclimate to Steemit blog-sphere before getting attention and earn some valuable STEEM, having/buying more STEEM just helps to accelerate the process.

Finding a whale that shares the same interest as you and commenting on their posts is a good way to earn money and maybe that whale will follow you back.

Spamming useless comments in the hope for attention or asking for upvotes and following could work against you, however. SO if you are going to choose this route, be considerate, make your comments counts and don't comment on every single post and comment they make hoping they will notice.

The best thing that i started doing was to take part in a daily writing challenge. It got me posting regularly, gained me followers from that challenge and increased my earnings. I also started commenting and voting on others in that challenge and gained more from steemit.
At the start i powered up everything that i earned but when steem rose in price i moved it to an exchange to buy crypo so that when we had an inevitable price dip i could get more value from my next steem purchase and gain more sp.
That looks to be very soon with the market in decline so i should be able to buy about three times more steem than if i had just powered up straight away.

Hey @niallon11, that is a great idea. I am not a writer/blogger by any stretch of the imagination and concentrate most of my Steemit time to reading and commenting on others posts. However @taskmaster4450 is so damn inspiring I have been thinking more of what my niche might be so I can post a regular blog.
.....Oh my God, I just read your fifty words Eruption......HAHAHAHAHAH!

I'm the same. I love writing but don't have the talent or time to become a full scale blogger. Comps like the fiftyword suit me perfectly as it doesn't take the same dedication to the craft but still is gaining a loyal following which will bring you followers and exposure for your posts.
Since I have started posting in it I have steadily gained a few followers a day compared to a few every week.
There are plenty other small scale projects like this that you can take part in depending on your interests it's just a matter of finding the right fit.

Thanks for sharing your great idea. Can you recommend a wallet, by the way? I'm planning to dive into crypto world soon.

What do you buy when inevitably all crypto are dropping like today? Tether? The idea you have to earn more steem makes a lot of sense at times like today. Thanks.

Thats the best time to buy. Ideally you want to get into the market when it has dipped not at it's peak. For myself I have a good spread of crypto, about thirty different types from iota, ripple, neo, verge... So when the time comes that I want to buy more steem the chances are that at least some of those coins will be in profit and i can gain the maximum amount of steem power possible. Even today with the huge drop in the markets a lot of the coins i bought before the xmas are still higher than i paid for them using 7 dollar steem. If they have fallen i will use a different coin and wait for it to pick back up.

I see so you diversify. I find it difficult to keep track of all the different wallets that way so have been avoiding to buy multiple cryptos. I think I need to settle on an exchange and start trading for more crypto. Thanks.

Well the ledger nano can store all the major ones and the smaller ones that i have are split across a few exchanges, to spare the effort of using all the wallets. Bittrex is handy as it trades steem so it's easy to pick up bits and pieces as you go along.

You want to get rich from this? Steem Power is your answer.

What I want is enough so that I can walk out the front door of my soul-sucking paycheck job and never go back.

But if you insist on rich, I guess I can live with that.

What I want is enough so that I can walk out the front door of my soul-sucking paycheck job and never go back.

Yeah that too. LOL.

The income side of things is important too.....it is often overlooked since people talk about account values but cash flow is crucial as well.

I have a feeling I am going to be confronted with the challenge of deciding between cash flow and wealth building...at some point, I need out of the same thing you mentioned.

SBD could be the cash flow solution eventually. Maybe small power downs occasionally, but if Steem goes as high as some of us are guessing, the interest alone on SP (currently about 1.9 APR) might prove to be significant.

Yeah I agree with you.

I am in the category of "if STEEM goes as high as some of us are guessing".....give me $100 by the time we are singing Christmas carols and I will be happy.

$100 by Christmas and I'll sing carols

Yeah great post.. I caught what @swissclive said yesterday and noticed it.. and it stuck in my head.. Followers follow followers... as I've been thinking about it I noticed the correlation they were thinking of... people with a lot of SP aren't asking for followers.. in fact most have 3-5 times more followers than they do following.. why? The same reason I started following some people.. they have a lot of SP and that means the potential for a good UV... maybe more if I really make a impression.. in fact I just brought 2 new people to Steemit and told them they needed to power uo.. that was first and foremost on their list of things to do.. mentioning them here so they can read this and realize that even though STEEM dropped in price they still made a great decision in purchasing almost 600 SP each... @mamabear72 and @hustleking please read this article.. if you have any questions feel free to ask.. @taskmaster4450 is preaching it and you should listen..

I am starting to notice that too @davedickeyyall.

My followers have gone up a great deal which is ironic since I havent been spending as much time going around to others posts. Most of it is basically spent upvoting and commenting upon those who comment on my stuff (and scouring my feed when I can).

I think anyone purchasing STEEM, especially at these prices will do well.

@taskmaster4450, i understand the importance of powering up, but i just recentlly thougth of an estrategy: powering some steem, but keeping some in my portafolio in order to trade...

In that way, i get in the highs prices of steem to convert into bitcoin, and then trade back when bitcoins gains over steem...... even tho is risky, it could be profitable in orden to bring more bitcoin into the system, money into our pokets and accelerating the potential growth on Steemit.

Im courious for your opinion, or anyone in this article that could answer... could ir be a good idea... ?? or im missing something?? and maybe its just really best to power up, and go for the long term...

Just some thougths... thanks again for the nice content!!

The answer to joining the elite on steemit is by powering up, the answer to making waves here is to power up. Power up is the way to go. Giving to receive is the way of steemit. Thank you again for sharing

As always thanks for this post...I am on my 67th day as a member of Steemit and still with insignificant Steem Power. I hope to achieve more before my 90th day here at least. I always hope for the best and I do not get tired of contributing everyday even if I am getting not so much recognition. I like to write so I am not getting tired sharing things here in Steemit and your post like this one gives me some more encouragement to work further with full of hope and aspirations. :)

Thats exactly the attitude to succeed. The more that you put in the more that you will get back. My first 3 months on here were sporadic and i gained very little but from more frequent use in the last 2 months i have seen huge improvement.

Indeed sir! :) As what a friend of mine said, “steem isn't a get rich quick thing but a get rich slow thing.” In order to succeed, the key is patience and perseverance. I, myself is still new here and i went through a lot of challenges, I once got a blog with .04 upvotes but still, i continued. I’ve read a lot of blogs, posts and information about how to succeed in steemit and by that, i was able to cope up with the challenges :) and until now, I still do this.

Even though im still new, i’m aiming success in this platform, hopefully :)
Thank you for this another informative and helpful post for us who’s still new here :) upvoted and resteemed :) God bless you sir :)

My suggestion is to comment as often as you can. Provide well thought out comments like you did here. Keep doing that and people will get to know you. Over time, that will add to your account...you will have more followers and some with some SP who can give you an upvote that carries a lot of weight.

Thank you sir @taskmaster4450 that’s actually what i’ve been doing :) keep
Steeming sir coz you really inspire other people :)

I am here for almost six months and still get 0.02 cents on a blog post. LOL. So do not feel bad at all. Keep steeming.

Yes thank you :) i bet we cannot expect our blogs to have high values at all times. Just like a wheel, sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down lol anyway thank you for making me feel better 🤞😊

I recall about six months ago it clicked when I read the white paper. Powering up is like investing in your own business. It means you are investing in your own reputation and that will ensure you make better decisions about your activity on Steemit.

It is like staking in the crypto market, but better.

I believe it helps to democratize the Steemit platform.

Please keep these posts coming!

I miss just being able to click the 100% power up button. It seemed obvious to me that you do that when you start. They way I first saw steem was they were trying to harness the benefits of power users, without ending up the common problem of power users having no stake in the platform and milking it dry. I want move up that ladder.

But the importance of giving yourself steem power is the reason steem holds value in the first place. You have to buy/earn a stake in the ecosystem before before the ecosystem will start seriously rewarding you.

I have decided not to take anything out of Steemit for at least the first 6 months, I may add from my pocket but I will not take out. Not in the first 180 days. After that I will decide depending on the result I achieve.

I think being invested in SP itself should contribute to Steem price increase.

I think being invested in SP itself should contribute to Steem price increase.

In my view it only adds to the price since any Steem converted to SP are removed from the open market....they are not actively traded.

This makes the platform more stable while also having less tokens available for sale especially when the price action starts to run.

yes exactly

Brilliant article, I have transferred funds from my trtading account to purchase steem power. I post at least 4 things a day to build an audience, don't just post about one thing. Open your thoughts to what other people want to read and see.

Thanks for posting, following for more like this.

The only thing I would add is comment, comment, comment...

That is crucial for people to develop a following.

Got it and reply too. Thanks

No doubt Steem power can help you grow and become more attractive in the community even. But question on behalf of new people: What is your judgment on WHEN enough steem power starts to help? are we talking about 100, 500, 5000? I know there's no real answer to this but could be interesting to see a little about what you think yourself:) cheer mate!

I think the answer to that question is help who?

Each activity we do helps the entire ecosystem...even if you dont have much VP, an upvote does help. Plus, what you look at minimal in terms of a VP value, a new person might not.

70 cents isnt much compared to the whale who has a vote worth $100 but it is a ton for the person who has a vote worth a penny.

We all can help wherever we are. Comments arent dependent upon SP but they help. A VP to a new person, even without great value adds to their till. We never know what will motivate others.

Great post, thanks. Learning a lot about the ins-and-outs of the platform as a user, rather than a reader.

One thing I'm not 100% on board with on Steemit is the ability to buy your way in...and this from someone who's about to do just that.

There should be a difference between GIVEN or EARNED Steem Power and PURCHASED Steem Power.

This would reward those who put in the time and effort to provide quality content and build lasting relationships, rather than allowing those with deep pockets (which I've not got, I'm talking a very small investment here) to buy their way in and leapfrog more "deserving" Steemians who've invested the time into the platform.

I disagree. People who are buying in are providing a very valuable service.

To start, the STEEM they buy that gets turned into SP removes it from the active market reducing the amount of STEEM that is available. Right now, there is roughly 60M token available on the open market (before Steemit's powering down) out of 260M. This only enhances the price of the token which garners it more value.

Another thing purchasing does it it puts a floor in. The worst thing for confidence is to have the token crash. That could cause people to start powering down out of fear. Having built in buyers ready to power up via purchase makes the holding of STEEM and SP stronger.

While the value of STEEM ultimately will be based upon the advancement of the blockchain, most look at price action as an indicator. I disagree with this approach but that is what many do. For this reason, I believe buyers of the token make it more valuable, not less.

This improves the entire blockchain.

Yes, 100%

New users buying STEEM is the only way the platform grows, so I'm not against that. Indeed, I'm about to buy STEEM myself - and will continue to do so - because I believe in the platform so much (long term too).

What I mean is, SP could be split, or weighted in favour of those who've been on the platform longest, and have contributed more to the community - maybe in combination with your Reputation score.

I just don't think you should be able to buy attention so easily, or the platform is liable to attract spammers and "get rich quick", snakeoil salesmen. Because it's not just about more users, more content, more profits...there has to be a way for the cream to rise to the top, rather than "bad actors" buying their way in.

Sharks don't play nicely with whales or dolphins, and when they smell blood in the water...

This is to show that steemit is a platform of decentralization and steem powers are allocated based on account value! @taskmaster4450 thank you for giving us minnows significant information so that we can actively engage and earn in steemit! Can i ask a question sir if you permit me so: If we power up how much it will cost and is it permanent steem power or it gradually decreases or increase? It would be a great help if you will response my inquiry. Thanks and keep on steeming.!

Steem held in SP is protected from inflation since SP holders are compensated in other SP to offset the inflation rate.

As for the price action on the token, that goes up and down according to the market. Like all crypto, there can be wild swings. ...so HDOL (hold on for dear life) is best in my opinion. Over time, this will move up much higher...it just might go lower first.

Super thanks for the advice @taskmaster4450!

When I first started steemit I honest thought it was stupid. Main reason was I did not understand why earning crypto would be so fun. Many social network platforms basically do the same as steemit but on steemit you are earning steem. The "compounding interest" & "passive income" are all good things to do on this platform. Yet it will not happen overnight and it will take a lot out of your life in order to obtain a certain amount of steemit success.

I have tried mining crypto, claiming crypto faucets, investing in crypto, but earning crypto on steemit is by far the most fun. Do not get me wrong, watching the $ rise each day in anything I do crypto related only motivates me to do more. Yet to make a journey out of earning crypto and seeking out help in this endeavor there is no better place than on steemit.

Each day when I see my followers uptick I get excited thinking I just grew my base of followers. I actually hate attention and regarding recognition, I could care less as long as I get compensated. But on steemit the best way to earn is to be recognized. So I show up opening by big fat mouth and spill out my thoughts on to others posts in hopes to getting notice.


What you say is all true.

Excitement is a big part of this. Get excited about Steemit and the opportunity here.

Hmm that might have to be a part of another post.

"So I show up opening by big fat mouth and spill out my thoughts on to others posts in hopes to getting notice."
I love that. I'm usually a really quiet person, more of an observer, but I'm trying not to over think my responses cause if I do I won't say anything... so a lot of what I do say comes out as gibberish, haha!
Ah well, I'm learning as I go, I'll start adding meaningful comments with relative content eventually :)

@taskmaster4450 that is absolutely correct! The compound effect with the snowball effect, creates an amazing way to increase the value here in the platform, also increase the profits.
I sold some of my SBD in the boom, however, now that the prices stabilizes I will continue to power up everything that I receive, since that creates more value than ever!
Thanks for sharing!

Makes sense to invest in the platform. If someone wants it to be better than Facebook or Twitter and at the same time one wants to make money while doing it, important that she/he gives all their heart to this platform.

However, if it is just SP that counts (which is true to some extent) someone can crash land here, buy some Steem from the exchange (which is actually good for the Steem Value) and enjoy the reward pool just by posting random photographs which really don't add any value.

I hope some mechanism is developed in future that counters this aspect and actually keeps rewarding those who produce valuable content consistently despite their low SP.

That is true a person could do that....and others can downvote that. At this point, there are a few who enjoy those perks of being able to do what you described but I am not sure how long it will last.

As more people come on here, we are going to see the reward pool diluted. That means power will be in the hands of other people.

There will always be a few who take but, over time, if most embrace the mindset of helping others out and posting quality content, those who are outside of that will be shunned.

Absolutely agree.

Whales should create more dolphins. Dolphins should keep minnows afloat. Minnows shouldn't eat Planktons.

That's the way forward

I started looking at everybody's wallet and noticed all the numbers were in Steem power about 3 weeks ago. I bought my first Steem at .14 and I bought some this morning at .88, I buy when I reach $1.00 in my account. But I was playing with the purchase page and found out I can place an order at a lower price and not pay the going rate. I think right now, and last night it was hoovering around .93. I placed an order for .88 and it dipped that low overnight and this morning I had approx $1.12. I don't like paying retail. Great article task. Now go buy Steem, so you can Power Up.

I think you’re comparing apples to oranges. Are you talking SBD or USD?

If you’re buying Steem for 0.88 USD, I want to know the fool who’s selling it. 😎

If you’re buying Steem for 0.88 USD, I want to know the fool who’s selling it. 😎

I want in on that action too!!!!!


I think you miss the point @wonderwop.

We are talking about buy STEEM for 92 cents...not .92 SBD which you are doing there.

That conversion is SBD/STEEM...it does not have to do with dollars.

STEEM is still over $4 right now.

I'll catch on one day soon. 🤔

No biggie...you are powering up...that is all that matters.....

You will be well compensated for that.

I think so too. Powering up gets me that much closer to the slide, where I can spread more love. I find so many good posts, 10 upvotes is just not enough but I have to keep my VP up.

Hey task, can you hook me up with that link that compares the daily transaction, market caps and all that from different crypto? I think it's "the real value of blockchain" or whatever... I know you shared it once but cant find it.

coinmarketcap has about 1400 crypto lists.

For transactions blocktivity.info is the best.

Does that help?

No, it's not that, it's that website that has Steem and other cryptos with gauges like this:

And you can see Steem's superiority against others....


That's it! Lol!
Thanks mentor!

Thanks to @titusfrost, for the re-steem and @taskmaster4450 for putting this timely reminder of the work and creativity in everything you do and
Keep powering up,
I am doing just that and I have been active for just less than two weeks and the littlest rewards excite my heart, why? Because i am seeing the steem trickle in,
in direct porportion to my work...and it will exponentially compound as I continue!
Excellent article!

Thank you for the comment @the.human.union.

That trickle will turn into more...just stay consistent and motivated. There will be times when one gets down...just keep at it.

Everything you do on here has an impact...so keep taking steady action and, over time, things will grow...both for you and the ecosystem.

Hello @taskmaster4450,

@steemit is powering down over 71million steem power. Do you have an idea why he is doing that? Am a little concerned.

My guess is that it is earmarked for a project.

The only thing I can think of requiring that kind of money is to provide the liquidity for the pairs created by Smart Media Tokens. That money might end up on the internal exchange....

But that us just a guess.

Look at the transfer the steemit account made. It went to steemit2. Look at the multiple recent transfers from steemit2, went to a few accounts. Now look at the transfers from those accounts, they're going to Poloniex and Bittrex.

Thanks for this. I've been wondering about how steem power and reputation play into followers and friends. I had my posts on 100% power up- but then was told that SBD was worth more and to go back to 50/50... yadda yadda yadda.... I'm still trying to figure that side of things out and your post helps. Thank you. Have a great day.

50/50 is better at this point since the price of SBD went up to $6 or so. That means half your post is paid in SBD at a dollar but it gets you $6 worth of SP.

That’s what I have been doing because I really want to succeed at steemit!

But it’s also good to diversify a little bit right? I haven’t diversify because I am waiting for bittrex to allow new accounts...

I agree with this post about steem power, but disagree with this part: "Of course, the reality is that when you put up a post without a following, you earn very little".

This is, in my case, not so! I had followers/friends/acquaintances from previous websites that following me when they found me. I made my rounds, comments, and upvotes on their posts but IN RETURN, they only reply on THEIR OWN POSTS, thus ZIT, NADA, NOTHING for me. So really, depends on what type of a person a follower is, we can't count on them!

Steem Power thus far the most powerful tool to have indeed!

Thank you for the great advice. You always have such great wisdom and inspiration for everyone. People still hold the false mentality that Steem is a get rich quick scheme, but they are quickly becoming the minority and it is great to see. It is like you have said previously you need to treat Steem like your Business you need to put in the time and effort and either watch it flourish and sink. It is not going to happen overnight, that is extremely foolish that some people truly believe that. Steem isn't a lottery the platform is built around quality posts and a sense of community. Keep powering up and become more noticed, always keep in the back of your mind that you are a trailblazer and paving the way for Steem. Keep up the great content.

SP certainly helps to make one stand out.

Those who understand this now will stand out even more when there are millions of people on this blockchain instead of a hundred+ thousand a month.

Here is my favorite tip for new people (Besides powering up ASAP)
Measure your account/follower growth in % rather than in figures. Going from 2 to 4 followers in a week doesn't sound good but thats 100% growth in one week! Keep that up and you will be in the big leagues in no time

100% growth each week is a nice rate....

How do I get that...in anything?

If you find anything else be sure to let me know ; )

This is great info. I initially purchased some Steem Power as an investment as recommended by Palm Beach Research Group but then I began to Iook deeper into it and became enamored with the platform. I have a list of Steemit ideas that I'll write about at some point and one of them is... The Top 5 Reasons I'm Investing Every Cent I Make in Steemit Back into Steemit. You pretty much covered it all here though. Good work!

The growth of my followers and my SP in the past few weeks is actually quite amazing to me. I have a couple of posts that have paid out nice little sums and quite a few that just a few cents are paid on. But that is fine with me. I am more happy with the people I have met and had the opportunity to interact with. Such an awesome group compared to many forums and platforms. And the content has been incredible.

But to the topic, I maintain a SBD value of $5 dollars in case I want to boost something and everything else has been put into steam power. I don't know if this is the most efficient method of doing things, but I am not here to make a fortune, but to enjoy the community, and hopefully contribute my own value to it.

I can attest to that. I started just over half a year ago and was mostly getting cents for my posts, with the odd one being curated. I made it a goal to reach 500 SP and slowly my earnings have increased and my following too. There are others who have been around as long, sometimes longer who have yet to reach 500 SP because they take out the other 50% and their posts seem to reflect that in their earnings.

Once I reached 500 I did remove some steem to pay down out mortgage a bit, but mostly to see if it could really be spent in the real world. Now I plan to build that steem power up a bit more.

Yesterday I read an article of @purepinay that says more or less the same. That more SP is the best way to attract new followers and as a consequence, more views and up votes on your posts.
You probably already read but if not I find it very inspiring!

It would be easy for me to cash out some of my earnings at this point. I could add a couple hundred extra dollars to my household income every week and that would really be nice. I could really use that money, things are tight.

But that isn't long term thinking.

I currently have just over a hundred SP. If I stopped accumulating , which isn't gonna happen, that could be a whole lot more than a few hundred dollars. If the price reaches 100 USD it would be around $100000.00. At this point how much will a .01 STU upvote be worth? Currently it is worth .04 USD. So when the price moves up 20X it will be worth .80 USD.

My math might be off in all this, feel free to correct me. It will be quite a bit more though and the point is that this is long term thinking.

A few hundred dollars would be nice but it would be gone soon, Holding SP is something that will have much greater lasting effects.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

Well, thank you for explaining these details in such simple terms. It has been just a month for me and all I have learned is to contribute to this wonderful platform in whichever way I can and keep powering up as much as I can. I may not be able to afford to buy steem out of my pocket but of course, I can write, do hard work, contribute quality content and participate in the discussion to earn it. What do I do with it? Just keep powering up. Your article helps in that re-assurance. Thank you.

From you article yesterday I did my first steem dollar to steem transfer than powered up with my steem. Thank you for taking the time to write these post. They have been very helpful for me as a new member

@taskmaster4450 I believe the KEYS to STEEMIT are Everything you mentioned in this Posting and on Top of That be Consistent Everyday. When you own your own Business you don't have days off.......

your post is really excelent i love in your post dear i am always saw and listen your post because your post in very very good post thanks for share good post . i hope soon you will be share always good post thanks

Your post I always pondered carefully and your post is really great so I want to vote on my post and reistam and vote. I hope you will share a better post in the future with us. Your post has become reasteam If you want to check my profile you can do

OK, that all makes sense to me now, I trade everything I get in sbd and steem to power up, via the market, and have applied to lease 150 steem power for a week, could anyone advise if leasing sp is a good idea, or have I just thrown away money? I am new here at 29 days so please excuse my lack of knowledge regarding leasing.

You have spoken so well sir. I am being tutored by you to fully understand the impact powering up will have on one's steemit journey. Thank you loads

This is a great article for those starting out on Steemit. Resteemed.

this post very nice..i like it ..thanks for share.

I love steemit.
Much obliged for sharing it.
Upvoted and resteemed done

Thank you very much for sharing with us an article very nice. It was very necessary to know us.

Very informative post, thanks for it. May I ask a question about powerup? I'm new to steem and don't know how to power up. Should I transfer money to my streem account? Thanks in advance.

Very interesting post.Thanks for sharing it.
Upvoted and resteemed done

I powerd up yesterday👍

Good evening @stadex if we power up how much it will cost and is it permanent steem power? Thanks!

There is no cost to power up....

And it takes 13 weeks to power down...so you will get 1/13th of your money each week.

This is to prevent anyone from gaining access to your account and cleaning you out.

Yes! Very important.

I am fairly new and am just trying to get whatever STEEM power I can, because I've come to have a lot of faith in the system. Esteemed because I think others should as well!

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Steem Power Up

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