Why STEEM NEEDS To Promote Decentralization: Facebook Breached!!!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Facebook is getting crushed today in the stock market and for valid reason.

It has come to light that one of Facebook's partners took data from millions of Facebook users during the U.S. Presidential cycle.

Cambridge Analytica is guilty of taking the Facebook data to target certain demographics. Now questions are being raised about how safe the 2.2B users' data is.

What is disturbing to many is that Facebook knew about this months, if not, years ago yet only responded this past Friday.

To me, this is our biggest selling point. Hacking is becoming very big business. It is obvious that these multi-national corporations not only sell people's data, they also do not secure it.

Hive is a decentralized social media network. All the data that is on the blockchain is decentralized. With all the news about censorship from Facebook and other entities, now is a great time to strike. This is an issue that is not going away any time soon.

Facebook is starting to garner mainstream attention. People are starting to wake up to this issue. Facebook is one of the most notable companies in the world in terms of name recognition. The fact that it is hitting the business/investor pages means millions are being exposed to this. If the government steps in by holding hearings, it will only give it more attention.

Those of us on here know how corrupt that organization is. Now the rest of the world is starting to wake up. Do not be surprised if some governments outside the U.S. start to conduct some hearings. The EU bloc has a tendency to go after the American technology companies that fail to comply with their rules.

We will have to watch the developments. In the meantime, we should promote the idea of decentralization on the Hive blockchain.

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Pictures from Google Images


decentralize need to power

I stopped using Facebook a long time ago. Steemit is the place to be. 😝

@taskmaster4450 I had a page on Facebook I used to work hard to keep it updated. Then they started restricting the organic reach, and mind you I had purchased the likes from Facebook itself -- which was a weird feeling for me at the start. I mean, I am paying Facebook to Promote Facebook, on Facebook. And now these privacy issues to go along with it. After discovering Steemit, I don't see why one will continue using FB, I did not think FB will be have to deal with something like Steemit. It is a game changer. Thanks for your informative posts. Cheers!

We are still in stealth mode.

If Sun Tzu was here today, he’d see that the decentralized Steem blockchain has a huge advantage.

It's a panic to hear data breach from a reputed social media platform (facebook) . However deep in my I feel that the centralization system has lot of errors to be corrected with and that is the reason why I love decentralization . Of course decentralization has some demerits yet it is people's power !

I truly believe that nobody is surprised to hear about this data issue from Facebook. This is a reinforcement of the need to move away from centralized companies owning our data without fulling disclosing the way they use it to their benefit. It also demonstrates the need for the data privacy regulations worldwide. There are also a lot of blockchain projects that may solve the issue in interesting ways that will permit us to really own our data. Decentralized solutions will probably be the best options in the long term as we will have the best ability to manage our data and where it goes and for what reasons.

They Deserve that! They sell our data for they getting money and us? We don't receive nothing for that. For me they deserve that drop and this just justify why STEEM is better than Facebook.

From Edward Snowden:

Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense.

Facebook makes their money by exploiting and selling intimate details about the private lives of millions, far beyond the scant details you voluntarily post. They are not victims. They are accomplices.

From me:

I sure hope Steemit ruins Facebook.

You could make the same argument with the Steem platform.
If surveillance is the problem then the Steem blockchain makes surveillance easier and cheaper, its all there in the clear no need to hack or bribe a centralized party, and you get all the financial transactions as a bonus.

You want to advertise a product or service? Just pay a bot or setup one your self.
You want to manipulate the public? Just start a SMT and get an army of humans and bots working for your interests.

So the rebranding could go from "surveillance companies" to
"social media" to "decentralized blockchain".

Only time will tell if we are actually creating a bigger monster than Facebook.

That is a good point. The issue I see with Facebook is that it is a “surveillance company” by design. It was developed for data mining. Steemit is transparent and can be mined for surveillance, but I don’t think that was the purpose for its development so it is not as “user friendly” to data miners as Facebook.
The other point is that while some Steemians use this as another Facebook and post everything about themselves, many more remain hidden from view and don’t reveal personal information while commenting and posting. Therefore profile mining does not easily produce specific results.

I dont think "our dear" Zuck, could foresee how power hungry parties would use his platform to keep and grow their powers, when it was still a small community.

Steem is still a small fish in the surveillance ocean with a 800k accounts, and much less active human accounts.

The other point is that while some Steemians use this as another Facebook and post everything about themselves, many more remain hidden from view and don’t reveal personal information while commenting and posting. Therefore profile mining does not easily produce specific results.

You are not forced to reveal you identity on Steem, but just like with Facebook apps, Steem apps collect more than just the blockchain.

Looking at a random Busy.org post the scripts attached to each post reveal many big brothers are still following and data mining you.


SteemConnect now need more permissions from users and posting key is no longer enough. Each click on Steemit is mined by Google.

I worry that with the Steem token the development of a bigger surveillance platform is now outsourced on its users. The dollar sign on each post makes people blind.

I really hope im wrong.

I guess the opinion is that as long as you post something, anywhere, the content will be mined.
At least here there is compensation. Is it worth it, and how much you reveal becomes a personal choice.

That the content is there in the public is fine, we all know and agree its written on the blockchain.

But that every movement on the Steemit and the other front ends is shared with so many third parties i think few understand, or even care.

Here is a good read:

How much is your privacy worth?

Thank you for that link. I read it and most of it I already assumed was done. It seems benign enough, but maybe I am missing some true traps hidden behind the language. What do you find troubling in it?

I like to post friends. i upvote and resteem yes

A type of social media that is not putting money in ones pocket, is that one a social media? Lol

Indeed facebook is now used as a place of communication, even people are not much longer calling via cellular, because there is already a messenger

What’s your favorite way to reach Facebook users?

This is where we jump in ....a perfect master plan to destroy the whole fucking thing....

It seems that most of these big companies only protect our data so they can be the first to sell or exploit it.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of my online accounts for anything has said they will NEVER sell my info to a third party. Yeah right. Somebody is lying.

Totally blockchain social media is a wonderful thing, but steemit will never achieve mainstream adoption as long as it makes it difficult to join, monitors posting so that people cannot repost cut and paste articles and have to create content which is a wonderful thing that most people can't do, and has an Arcane set of rules and methods of gaining Financial benefit by using Bots Etc that only the ordained ministers of the platform can possibly understand. Of course still I support the platform and I'm here everyday

facebook is no longer 100% safe .. currently thousands of profiles are hacked daily .. with dark purpose and to disregard the people ..

There is great documentary about how Cambridge Analytica influenced the elections. And the fact it bought data from facebook is known for a while now.

A few days ago I read something on Zucherberg selling off a huge amount of FB stock. Didn't get it confirmed, have been on overload, but might be interesting to find it.

It would make me very happy if Facebook ended up Facedown. Pushing their crappy stories down our throats. Task you enlightened my day today. 😎

Nice article !

It's all about who collects and owns the data.

Excellent article. I really liked it. Any bad news about fasebook, a little happy me. After all, this is one of our main competitors.

Отличная статья. Мне очень понравилось. Любая плохая новость про фасебоок, немного радует меня. Ведь это - один из главных наших конкурентов.

I shouldn't be surprised, but I guess I am a little. Then again, why would Facebook do the right thing? They might have been able to get away with it. Of course there's not likely to be anything more than a slap on the wrist for it... if that.

The money making part of Steem seems really cool to a lot of people, but what really gets them on the platform will be the decentralization. The price of Steem can change all it wants, but the value of decentralization will always be valuable.

Personally, I am not surprised by this one bit.

Facebook just plays by its own rules and expects everyone to just take a number and stand in line.

I know many people who have had their business page closed on facebook without warning, I also have a friend who ran a group with over 40,000 members and it was closed down because 3 people targeted it and claimed it was spam.

Even when she tried to show facebook this was false they didn't even respond to her and closed down the group after 6 years.

Decentralised is the only way forward and platforms like Steemit, DTube, Steepshot and the rest will become more and more popular as it gets exposed to the world.

I have helped 3 people join today and get some decent traffic on my blog which also promotes this great place.

Thanks for sharing.

With little steps blockchain technology will take place and decentralization is future.

Facebook is rubbish all its all just selfies, and family shots - the majority of it isnt valuable content. I learn a lot on Steem it is great ! I still keep Facebook just to keep up with my family overseas

Sri lanka government last week stopped and banned fb from all servers for 7 days .

Well they manipulate your feed and sells your data and viewing habits to the highest bidder so I am not surprised at all.

About 2 years ago I got a new credit card and only sent it to Facebook for advertising. That card number was stolen and about $315 in charges showed up. I went to the bank and it got reversed. I know it was Facebook because that's the only place where I used that number. Your info isn't safe on FB.

i will always support you man!!