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RE: The recent controversy between Steemit Inc and the community - the premine, control, and where it leads this blockchain

in #steem6 years ago
  1. I don't see how Steemit is exceptionally unaccountable. In what way are you or I or anyone else here accountable to the community in ways that Steemit Inc. is not?

  2. Do you think Steemit Inc.'s role is deserving of a higher standard of accountability than any other user, and if so are you willing to articulate that standard?

  3. Do you recognize that a substantial contributing factor in this scenario is your and others' willingness to participate in a secret governance forum? Will you stop?

  4. Why is Steemit Inc.'s vague potential use of their premined stake to influence events unacceptable, but Freedom's actual use of premined state to vote you (until yesterday) and others into top witness slots something that needed no action?


There is no democratic action happening here if someone owns that much stake. If as a developer or investor your ideas can't get any leverage or traction because they can be turned over instantly then what is the point of having a "decentralized" system?

-#3. I agree on this one big time, while ultimately there is no way to stop this, communications should be happening publicly on chain.

To be completely honest, it's hard to have productive conversations on-chain with the tools at our disposal. It's a lot more efficient to use a polished tool like Slack, which in my opinion, is far superior to for this purpose.

If we had a Slack-like interface that used Steem to make the conversations public record, I'd be pushing for that.

Yeah, it's essential and a killer app at the same time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Make one?

People have explored it, there are a number of hurdles in the way of "doing it right".

It'd probably also take a significant amount of time, more time than I have available as one dude.

Well, theres always hurdles in the way. Still think it can be done and monetized quite easily.

Make one?

Yeah.. Make one...With the computerizing and the keyboarding and the coding.... ;)

There exist one. I'm not sure how good it would be though but it exist.

  1. Witnesses are accountable to voters (the community). Beyond witnesses though, there is no expectation or accountability for anyone else. I'd like there to be ideally though, for anyone who wants to contribute and be held accountable. Those people should be rewarded.
  2. In short, yes. In any blockchain project out there, if during it's genesis the founding group reserves a portion of the supply for themselves, do you think they should be held to higher standards than those who purchased in? I think it's implied, otherwise why would anyone ever agree to participate?
  3. I've never been opposed to making all of those discussions public, except security incidents. I don't choose where these discussions happen though.
  4. Steemit Inc's premine was a premeditated act by the organization launching the blockchain (in secret) as part of a "plan" to fund themselves. I don't have enough information on who freedom is (as does anyone else) to render any sort of opinion. I do think the way the entire inflation model has played out (with many early miners earning millions of steem) is also a problem, but is not the subject of this post. A fair distribution is an entirely different topic, especially in how it relates to a social economy.

Witnesses are accountable to voters (the community).

By which you mean "Witnesses are accountable to Freedom."

So a registered company with an address and an ability to receive service of documents exercising outsized control over the chain is bad, but a complete unknown exercising outsized control over the chain is fine because you don't know enough to judge? That is a bizarre position.

I'm beginning to doubt the "nobody knows" narrative anyway. The recipients of his support have been remarkably well-organized to defend his interests here. Maybe that just happens to be a coincidence.

I'm beginning to doubt the "nobody knows" narrative anyway

I can tell you that I don't know, I've heard plenty of rumors though that name every notable personality you can imagine.

By which you mean "Witnesses are accountable to Freedom."

Eh, to some degree. There are a number of witnesses, myself included now, who are still up there even without the pumpkin vote. Having a massive anonymous stake like that voting against you does make it incredibly hard to progress in ranks.

So a registered company with an address and an ability to receive service of documents exercising outsized control over the chain is bad, but a complete unknown exercising outsized control over the chain is fine because you don't know enough to judge? That is a bizarre position.

I didn't say that at all, what I did say is that I don't really know enough to make an opinion on that account specifically, then further stated the fucked up distribution on this chain is also a problem but not the subject of this post or recent drama.

Steem has plenty of problems, I'm not saying any of the issues you raised are "ok", just that I haven't been focused as much on those lately.

By which you mean "Witnesses are accountable to Freedom."

Well, yeah. He has the most stake. Thats how DPOS works. :D
We signed up for this... for all the good and the bad and now it doesnt suit us anymore?
All you can do is hope that whats good for Freedom is good for the rest of us.