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RE: Steemit Update

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

The largest problem with this chain has and will always be the fact that it costs a ton of money to run a full node. This is due to the large memory footprint that exists on the chain. Pruning your development team to such a degree is not going to fix this problem. And frankly while the market has dropped considerably and it makes sense to see layoffs as a result; this post basically ensures that steem will continue to fail.

For the life of me, I don't understand why you guys thought it was sustainable to maintain your company on the price of the chain. Crypto by nature is an extremely volatile vehicle and you have no elements in place to act as a stop gap. You guys threw all of your eggs in the SMT basket and that never bore fruit and now you've been killed by a problem that has existed since the chain was turned into a social media platform (the memory problem).

I also don't understand why you guys didn't try to market the fact that this chain has no fees more. Instead you made a restrictive social media platform which obfuscated the benefits of the chain.

Oh, well, its been a nice ride and I can take many of the lessons I learned from steem and improve on them. Tx speeds don't really matter if the cost of running a node is absurdly high and no one can run one. Proof of stake doesn't work when you've only got a handful of people owning 70-80% of your tokens. A decentralized platform is supposed to be decentralized and if no one can run a full node then the platform is not decentralized. Having a coin that prints out a dynamic market cap every year is going to drive the price down too much when a huge upset happens on the market. Etc etc etc.


This is a great comment, and it really nails some important issues on this blockchain.
Thanks. SY-