3 Great Steemit Tools- SteemWorld, Busy.org & Streemian

in #steem7 years ago

You are going to love this! In addition to doing some new cool greenscreen tricks (all done on CMac!) I show 3 great tools you can use in your Steemit work. I've used these and love them. Many others concur with me about how great they are.

What do you think? A few minutes of your time watching this video will boost your use of Steemit. Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you!


@drkent @kennyskitchen @hilarski @joshsigurdson #steemit

▶️ DTube

Love SteemWorld! Thanks for the info.

Hey Terry,

Have you been following the (MSM) story about the "Bitcoin Family" who sold everthing they owned for Bitcoin and live a minimalistic lifestyle away from home? Be cause they're now on Steemit: @diditaihuttu

I hope you can reach out to them and do a Terry Brock-style inverview with them!

Busy.org boast some great features alien to steemit.com.Have not really used streemian will have to check it out for myself.

Thanks for the share.
Always helpful to see the tools.
Busy seems to be growing.
Cheers to continued Steemit growth as we all continue to learn.

Thanks for the pointers @terrybrock. I use SteemWorld and really like it and will check out the other two tools when I make some time to do so.

That said, every time I go to SteemWorld, I can't help wondering: why do I need to visit a site outside of Steemit.com to learn about what's going on in Steemit.com? :)

To attract the average person, Steemit's going to have to be a lot more intuitive and offer these services within the platform itself, Facebook style. I know we're still in the early days as the "Steemit Beta" logo in the upper right hand corner of the page reminds me every day, but I do look forward to the day when I can see easily when we've been mentioned or the status of our voting power on Steemit itself - not to mention the ability to send a private message directly or create a group with my fellow Steemians without having to go to yet another site (Discord).

I do hope this is coming. I've only been on Steemit since January, so will continue to be patient. But there's no way Steemit will scale without these basic improvements.

I know what you mean. I feel the same way that it would be great to have those tools built into steam and. However, there's another advantage of letting the free market come up with new creative ideas. Many users can come up with ideas real fast even better then a team of employees. I think of it kind of like the apps that are available on smartphones. Instead of assuming that Apple employees could create all the apps themselves, Steve Jobs came up with the idea of letting others right and get paid for the work that they do.

Thank you very much for your kind comments and I look forward to hearing from you again

Appreciate the thoughtful reply @terrybrock and apologies for the delayed response: @suitcasemama and I were blissfully off the grid for the past few weeks in western Australia so I'm just seeing this now :)

I get your point on the multiplicity effect of outsourcing applications and agree: that was part of Apple's (or at least the iPhone's) success - opening it up for developers to go in any direction they wanted and having the free market determine which applications would be successful. This was a stroke of genius.

However, I would make the distinction between core function and add-ons. The iPhone would have been a colossal flop if it didn't at least include the basics. Imagine receiving an iPhone that didn't have a clock, calendar, alarm, address book, text messaging. Many of the equivalent basics are still missing from Steemit.

And that's where I think Steemit needs to evolve and evolve quickly if it's going to survive and thrive. If a Steemit competitor surfaces that has facebook type usability it could quickly make up the comparative advantage and head start Steemit currently enjoys, relegating Steemit to Friendster status quickly.

Thanks again for the reply. It's refreshing to see some of the 'big boys' interacting with their followers. Much appreciated!

Busy.org and steemworld are awesome but as streemian i guess thats a new tool for me thanks Terry for being a great steemian.

You've seen your video, it's really great, you've explained 3 good tools steemit, honestly 3 great tools steemit, I've only used busy.org , but after watching that video I will use 2 tools , thanks u sharing a good information, all the best for you my dear friend @terrybrock 👍👍😃

Thank you, I have not known about the application connected with steemit, I will soon use to optimize my steemit

Busy.org has really been a great tool for me on steemit.I haven't tried steemworld and streemian yet but thanks for recommending.

Thanks for your great work and comments about the different tools :)

Yea thats true, busy.org is a great platform, though I haven't tried steemworld I'll do that. Thanks for the info.

Streemian is something new for me. I should try it! Thank you @terrybrock!

Just started using Steemworld. It is wonderful to see your Earnings in USD. Thanks for posting this @terrybrock

Hi Terry, I am unable to watch this video. The video stops play right after your intro. I have previously been able to watch your videos.

Hey I am new to D-Tube and I appreciate the value you create. Im going to be making some similar content and I hope you have some time to come take a look and give me your opinion!