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RE: Does pool rape actually exist?

in #steem7 years ago

Imo, the STEEM blockchain is what we want to make of it, look at the blockchain as the Wild West, we have no laws we have nothing, and i think it's up to the big guys (whales, orcas and dolphins) to come up with some "rules" to make a future for this space! How?

Well, i don't really know how, i think votingbots shouldn't be demonized but they should be made accountable for shitty content getting on the trending page, and trending pages with 700 bucks payouts, i don't want to demonize them, but maybe the big votingbot owners should try to get some laws around , like for example only 1 bot per post... or max voting bot payouts in the 50$ (with the current STEEM worth)...

I don't think it's wrong for someone to self upvote, but i do find it a little greedy for someone to make 11 shitty posts a day and upvote all those posts and never get into the community... I don't think I would get those upvotes, but i see many content creators that should get a lot more payouts and aren't getting!

We either unite and talk about the issues and try to come up with some fixes or this whole blockchain is going down... and like you said, leave the inflammatory language at the door!