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RE: My 2nd Year on Steemit Anniversary

in #steem6 years ago

What do you think about steemit 2.0 that dan is going to release on EOS, it seems big competitors to steem are joining in, we will have to fight back, we have first movers advantage but you never know...

I'm also on steem until this crashes and burns, sometimes i put money in other times i take profits out, i like to keep my investments as diversified as i can :)


I don't like to diversify from Steem. Still feels like the best project out there from my perspective. Competition is good, but let's us be real here, everything depends on BTC. Once BTC recovers everything else will recover, probably most of the coins will recover.

My main holdings are STEEM, EOS and VeChain, need to increase my STEEM to get the same % in all three, i like to diversify because i don't like to put all my eggs in the same basket, if the basket drops i lose all my eggs