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RE: I am bummed.

in #steem6 years ago

What an idiot: All this time I thought the interactions I had were sincere. Evidently, they were largely based off of insincere networking for the benefit of their own SP.

Maybe the fact that I don't power down, that I actually buy steem and power it up (and donate to others) that I have no intention of cashing out any amount until we hit the moon, maybe makes me jaded and more hurt than those with no loyalty to this blockchain.

I couldn't relate more to these two passages, thanks for writing this eric.

Dynamics here remind me a lot of this video - (trigger warning: politics) a video with Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro talking about a gay wedding. Ben said he "wouldn't go to Dave's gay wedding" (Dave is gay) because it goes against his religious beliefs, he's doing something "sinful". Dave ends up getting offended, but they both reach the same point- they realize they are only having this conversation with each other for the views, for the money. They both know their relationship is artificial, only there to make them the cash. So their disagreements will never actually affect their relationship.

Same thing happens here except there are actual power dynamics, where you can essentially censor someone if you disagree with them. The amount of tribalism, circle-jerking and selfishness is pretty unprecedented here.


I enjoy listening to both those guys.

I am trying to remember that the loudest don't speak for the majority and what we see "being a problem" is really just people with a microphone where as others feel it is pointless to comment on or out of fear.

I don't think it is as bad as we say, I just hope that we can get to a point where these disagreements can provide constructive conversation and eventual change.

Thanks for reading, I needed to get it off my chest :)

Tribalism, cricle-jerking and selfishness levels are the same in the real world I would say. Only here it is revealed, it shows, it is on display