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RE: Solutions to bring Steemit to the Mainstream. Discussion thread. Share Your Solutions. Help Us Attract Steem Developers Attention. Lets Make Steem One of the Top 10 Global Media Platforms!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I hope so . There seems to be some movement now with the redesign. Need to explore it still. Really hope it is more than some new colours....
I hope it is fixable but it needs to become a priority... a social media token with a crappy social media experience simply won't take off...

One thing they did not bother to fix is the notification flags... arghhh how difficult can that be since 4 months I don 't get a flag if someone replies to me... kinda basic...


Did you take a look at other frontends? Notification is not a Blockchain function. Maybe you find e.g. more like your style.