
You're great at repeating other people's statements, what's your take though?

You asked why she uses upvote bots if the money is irrelevant to her. I cited where she says it's not irrelevant.

I thought that citation would answer you question why she does use them ;)

No, it doesn't answer my question, but thanks.

You sound very “snappy”!
It’s a wellknown human reaction to be “judge-mental” without knowing the whole story. At least you could give me the chance, before you jump and scratching eyes!
You do sound like an idealist but I think you are not.
You enjoy the money as much as we all do. It’s an investment for me for my pension if I am lucky.

“Use Steemit as you wish!
I do the same!”
That’s a part of Dan’s vision.

BTW, I am really glad to end up with such huge mistake sending my SBD to a bot.

It opened my eyes!

I'm sorry to hear that you felt personally attacked by my question.

I can FEEL inbetween the lines of your words but I might be wrong.
You question is very valuable and I actually don’t feel attacked by it but Don’t forget : We all have OUR voice and I Only RE-act on my instincts I trust mostly.
My “trending” heart story from yesterday is right on time and I think I just leave it as it is now as a reminder.

It's all good. Again I didn't want to attack you. Not sure why you reacted in such manner. This article is only meant to exchange ideas and improve the whole thing. Nothing more and nothing less.

I'll go surfing now. Enjoy your weekend!