Accidently, or let's better say fortunately, I just discovered something terrible: STEEM has no own article on Wikipedia!
The only thing I found was this article about Steemit:, which however is quite terrible. Half of the article is about a hack from 2016 and the fact that Steemit Inc had to lay of 70% of their staff last year. Not a word about other frontends like & Co.!Not a word about DApps like Dtube,Utopian & Co.!Not a word about the rising games section with SteemMonsters & Co.!
We want people to know that the STEEM blockchain is more than just Steemit, but not even Wikipedia knows?
The first thing many people do when they hear about something for the first time is typing that word into Google and heading to the Wikipedia article. Well, this happens when you type "steem" into google:
Let's do something about this! I don't have time in the next hours, but if nothing happened till the evening, I will start creating a"STEEM" Wikipedia article. However it would be way better if someone with experience in creating some articles did that job instead.
I am offering my 100% upvote + 10 SBD to the author of a good Wikipedia article about the STEEM-Blockchain plus I will tell all whales and orcas I know to upvote you as well! Anybody willing in raising up that bounty is more than welcome to do so!
Let's do this, let's create a great wikipedia article for STEEM, not just Steemit!
I will match with a 100% upvote and 10 SBD for whoever rights a nice wiki article about Steem.
Posted using Partiko iOS
They are full of shit. If they don't agree with the contents of the article, Wikipedia will just put it down.
And that's the problem. Nobody outside of the Steem ecosystem knows what Steem really is now, and what it was in the past. Youtube videos, Wikipedia and many other "reliable" sources are just happy citing the scandals in the past and the laying of 70% of staff... censorship, deception and lies with an agenda.
Having a Wikipedia article filled with facts would be a good start, but I doubt that they will let us create one that lasts more than a week.
I agree, this is by intention. My 2cs for the reason are:
Wikipedia is a model of telling "politically correct" and filtered truth. Whoever does not believe it, just look at the entry of the Swiss historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser. After he uncovered some unpleasent truth ("Gladio"), he was blamed an conspiracy theorist to discredit him. Just one example of many.
Wikipedia has NO interest in giving away their monopole. Any decentralized projects where people can pull or share information in an unbiased, censorship-free way is in diametral contrast to their interests. They would not let a fair Steem entry alive, as their many superusers and admins would have no way to control the content.
I know about another example, being about some special biochemistry topic where the debate ended in deletion of a good article on it.
A recent newspaper article mentioned 3,600 incorrect entries at Wikipedia, blaming the issue on how society was 10-15 years ago when a huge amount of new editors joined.
I opt for giving it a try though. There's no plan B.
Thank you very much Dan - together with @reggeamuffin we have a way bigger prize now! :)
Holy your 100% upvote is 19$ right now :D
I hope this gives someone motivation to get to writing.
The article is created:
STEEM is a cryptocurrency based on the homonymous Steem blockchain, which was created on March 24, 2016 by Ned Scott and the blockchain developer Dan Larimer. With over 1.2 million registered accounts and a daily volume of more than a million signed operations, Steem is amongst the five blockchains with the highest level of activity. In terms of total market capitalization, STEEM is currently ranked at place 40. with a market capitalization of more than 159 million USD. (March 13, 2019).
I also match with 100% and 10SBD :)
Thank you very much Reggae, together with @theycallmedan you have made the original reward way more!!! I hope it's worth the effort!
Ich lege noch einmal 10 SMSMB-Tokens für den Autor oben drauf.
Was sind das für Token? :D
Die beliebteste Bedeutung ist:
Mittelfristig kann man dafür beim @smsmb-votebot Votes kaufen, langfristig weiß ich noch nicht was ich damit anstellen soll.
Unglaublich, dass es bisher auf Wikipedia keinen Artikel über die STEEM-Blockchain und nur einen Schrott-Beitrag zu Steemit gibt.
Super, dass dir das aufgefallen ist und dass du die Initiative ergreifst , das zu ändern!
Yea, I have tried 4 times making changes to that wiki page and each time they take it down leave up that article about the 2016 hack
Hm, sounds stupid :( I hope we can get beyond that somehow! I will try to write the german one tomorrow, let's see if it is easier there!
Yikes! What the heck is up with that? Censorship much?
Try Everpedia.
Hey, I just published an article for Steem in Spanish on Wikipedia. It's an article of 2263 words and I still want to add a lot of things. If it can be translated into English, it would be great. Hopefully this can be very useful in the future.
(I also just made a post where I talk about the work done) :
It's similar to people using "Steemit" for the whole bunch of dapps and frontends and games around the block chain where "Steem" would be more fitting.
This is something that frustrates me so much!
Posted using Partiko Android
Exactly - and even if you talk about it some don't understand what's the difference or care about it.
so true, i dont even use steemit
I know the feeling, I get so triggered with that. People don't understand that STEEM is not Steemit... One is a blockchain, the other is a platform to access the information on the blockchain.
But I guess that is what we get when we make the entrance barrier to STEEM as easy as it is... All people without blockchain knowledge can join. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I Don't know, especially since this is a proof-of-stake crypto, which means that some of the people with Stake/power on the blockchain don't have any knowledge and shouldn't be making decisions, they should proxy their witness votes.
I'm one of these people with no prior blockchain knowledge and still don't know all the ins and outs of it. But I know one thing: Steemit may have started it, giving us the tools we use - but Steem is what we make of it, warts and all.
I had no prior blockchain knowledge too and still don't know all the ins and outs of it even though I spend pretty much day in and day out researching blockchain tech and other types of tech... The more I know the more I realize I know nothing. Isn't this a saying?
$rewarding 100% 13min
Gute Aktion, ein vernünftiger Wikipedia Artikel wäre gut für Steem.
even the english steem(it) article is awfully short. And only focusses on the bad events.
basically this is the core of the article....
The German one is good. I guess the author was one of this community and the english author was clearly biased.
habe gerade die Seite angelegt, eigentlich überarbeitet, da es ein Redirect auf Steemit war. Anscheinend hat es früher schon mal einen ganzen Artikel gegeben, aber jemand hat ihn gelöscht und einen Redirect auf Steemit gemacht, was schrecklich ist.
Da liegt ja schon der Hund begraben. Steemit ist nicht Steem, basiert aber darauf. Das wäre ja so, als ob man beim suchen nach "Linse" zum Thema Mikroskop umgeleitet wird. Steem ist viel wichtiger als Steemit, da Steemit ein Unternehmen ist, Steem aber auch ohne dieses Unternehmen existieren kann, nicht aber anders herum.
Vielleicht könnte man eine Löschung vom Steemit Artikel beantragen? Wer interessiert sich schon für Steemit? Nachdem Steemit gelöscht ist, sollte der Artikel auf Steem umleiten. ;)
Die Jungs bei Wikipedia wussten wirklich nicht was sie taten. :D
Edit: Gerade entdeckt Steem Logo
Das ist doch nicht das offizielle Steem Logo oder? Schaut euch mal die Schrift an. xD
Ja genau, ich denke mittlerweile, dass Wikipedia (viele höherrangige User) eher crypto-feindlich eingestellt ist, das ist das eigentliche Problem. Es scheinen überhaupt nicht viele Kryptoprojekte auf Wikipedia gelistet zu sein. Haben wahrscheinlich ein ähnliches Problem, dass sie gelöscht werden. Das Steem Logo ist, denke ich, eine ältere Version, wahrscheinlich von 2016, das sollte wir auch mal updaten. Aber es hat irgendwie keinen Sinn im Moment, wenn es nicht einmal einen Steem-Artikel auf Wikipedia gibt.
Bin gerade unterwegs, der Steemit-Artikel ist schrecklich, wir sollten uns an Artikel zu Eos, Eth und Bitcoin orientieren.
Volunteer(s) start here.
That's actually crazy, would never guess Steem wouldn't have a page, we gotta fix that!
The creator also gets an upvote by me! Even though it's not that big yet. ^^
Schöne Aktion!
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I think we have enough writers around here to take care of this task.
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Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!
wow, somebody should get on that.
i ntoiced steem and steemit twitter has been fucked up laterly too, but no one has responded to me about that
I really do hope somebody has the time and skill to negate this issue. A great initiative on your part.
I noticed this too a few months back. Glad you've the wherewithal to try to get changes made. But, it sounds like @followbtcnews has already attempted changes 4 times. How do we get the changes to stick?
This is huge.
I strongly stand behind you on this one.
Glad you see that!
It’s about time we strongly make that difference!
I just did some research and truly we need that.
Keep on postin Many steemians can collaborate and start the project. Everything we need is around us and from there we can write about #STEEM. We might have everything written, just upload it to #wikipedia.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Was es nicht so alles (nicht) gibt!
Das muss dringend gefixt werden, danke für deinen Aufruf und deine Bereitschaft, notfalls selber einen Artikel zu verfassen!
This is a good research work, gurus in the house let get the pen to work
Posted using Partiko Android
Wikipedia is an authority website which allmost all article rank fast on Google search engine. However, some new algorithm cut Wikipedia traffic to less 21%, that's according to the news. What about writing an article about steem blockchain on personal blog and share it to their reader. It also help to drive new user to this blockchain.
Posted using Partiko Android
Wikipedia is an authority website which allmost all article rank fast on Google search engine. However, some new algorithm cut Wikipedia traffic to less 21%, that's according to the news. What about writing an article about steem blockchain on personal blog and share it to their reader.
Posted using Partiko Android
Who needs to be written on a notebook when a itself is a history book!
Steem it self having a future wiki on its own platform when everyone will come to see wiki's on steem platform
Posted using Partiko Android
Got to take out that effing redirect from Steem -> Steemit. Beyond that a new Steem page could be a group effort.
Posted using Partiko Android
Because almost no one on STEEM is any good at marketing or new user outreach.
Most of the time when I google steem or Steem it corrects me to steam. $STEEM seems to work.
It is probably not a Conspiracy. It is probably a conspiracy.
I think there is an article on cryptowikia. Maybe start with this?
Posted using Partiko Android
#steem wiki link redirects to #steemit.
Steemit is a blogging and social networking website owned by Steemit Inc that uses the Steem blockchain to reward publishers and curators.On July 4, 2016, Steemit, Inc. launched Steemit, a social media platform with virtual currency rewards that runs over the [[Steem]] blockchain. On July 14, 2016, Steemit announced on their website that they were hacked. The attack, according to them, has compromised about 260 accounts.
I’ll match my weak ass 100% upvote as well to whomever does this!!!
Hi guys, is it okay if I do an article in Spanish? As soon as I read this post I started working on it.
Edit: Steemit's Spanish article on Wikipedia is really ugly, I'll also take the task of modifying it if possible
You are a genius. Your post is very beautiful. You can improve one day.i will match with a 100% upvote and 10 SBD for whoever rights a nice wiki article about Steem.
I understand 95.59% in this post, and if you post more beautifully, we will understand better and we can improve. Thank you for this kind of posting. We want you to be able to improve in one day.I also match with 100% and 10SBD :)
Posted using Partiko iOS.
This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.
Wow, great that you noticed it and pointed out the problem!
SteemWikiWhen the Job is not done until @williamhenderson is member of the –CoreTeam, SteemWiki will do it. Maybe this might be a kind of warning. But remember. William has been for 6 years a Wikipedia England-Administrator. I think, he will rock the show by the help of a Steem-frog and probably some writers of the community. Who will vote for William? Start your vote-training right now inside our @steemwiki-blog. To see you later on, in your own SteemTiki.
You can vote this comment too. We put all the stake into the SteemTiki-Project (STP). A Killer-Application on Steem.