Spot on. The more money you have the less free you are. When I had lots of money it was never enough and I was miserable.
It's all about balance whether you put more time into spiritual and mental wealth or physical wealth.
Sorry I missed the drama last night. I think your analysis was correct though.
The interests of at least some of the whales do not necessarily fit with those of the founders and the bloggers/posters.
This is to be expected when you are dealing with multiple humans.
I suspect we will see more discontent amongst the whales for @dan's plans to allow delegation of voting.
I think this will show who truly is a beneficent whale who cares for the platform and who is a shark in disguise purely in it for self interest.
Interesting times mate, interesting times for us all.
Keep up the good work and don't let other's negativity put you off your flow.