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RE: Friendships are a piece of cake

in #steem7 years ago

It's truly insane to me. I left the house asap in the morning and came home at whatever time I had to. It wasn't a matter of if I would be gone for the day, just how long I would be gone.

Times have changed and the kids are happy sharing a few text messages and parents seem to keep their kids way to busy. More then a few times I said call and find someone to go with us today this summer and she couldn't find anyone that was free. This lesson or that camp...just something to keep the kids going nonstop. IMO kids need time to be creative and having a day full of scheduled activities doesn't allow for this.


It wasn't a matter of if I would be gone for the day, just how long I would be gone.


This lesson or that camp...just something to keep the kids going nonstop.

Babysat until adulthood.

IMO kids need time to be creative and having a day full of scheduled activities doesn't allow for this.

Couldn't agree more. Kids need to be bored a hell of a lot more than they are.

In my area it's not about the kids being babysat until adulthood. It's more about trying to turn their kids into overachievers. Giving them every opportunity to become superstars at whatever sport they like or other activity they enjoy.

The parents at the sports games are absolutely crazy. I have nearly punched a few in the face as I coached different sports with the kids. These parents act like 11 year old hockey needs to be taken so seriously that they are stacking teams, screaming at kids/couches/refs, and buying their kids better equipment then some of the best tournament level players I know use. Never sure if they are trying to live out their dreams via their kids or they just need their kid to be good at something to feel like a good parent...either way it's not healthy and I feel bad for the kids. Way to much stress being put on games that should be fun.

Bored kids come up with some amazingly creative ways to entertain themselves. Today the kids wanted to play xbox and I told them to go outside for an hour. "What are we supposed to do?" Oh how I hate that question. So I told them either figure it out or there is plenty of yard work that needs to be done. 2 and 1/2 hours later they finally came inside laughing and whispering to each other. Love seeing them play together like that and have such a good time. They figured out a couple games while outside and had to come up with creative ways to have a good time.