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RE: Steem Growth update: February - 200 accounts with 100k+ Steem! (edited because I screwed up)

in #steem6 years ago

I was all set to add 10k steem and then life hit me, then had some cash ready to but 2k and life happened again, then a third time. But heat, a happy wife, and then hot water all took priority over my long term investment plans. Sadly a slower winter in sales didn't help either. All that said I'm really hoping we don't see any further rallies in the price as I'd like to buy more in 3-4 weeks after some more income comes in.

Really want to get up to the 10k range, but not sure if that will be possible...but I will try. Very least want to hit dolphin.


Damn life, always getting in the way of buying...

All that said I'm really hoping we don't see any further rallies in the price as I'd like to buy more in 3-4 weeks after some more income comes in.

That is about my timeframe too I suspect. I thought I could manage earlier but I could only get a little.