
telling people the truth is trying to destroy you? Could you please explain

I have not one time hear any real truth from you trolls.

But hey - you are trolls

do you remember the cat crying video? Turned out when all you viewers even your loyal idiots said no that was a baby you eventually fessed up and said yes it was the baby but not before you dogged out everyone that commented on your lies.

you call the life you are living just fine? Even your wife's family in the Philippines is embarrassed for the lifestyle she is forced to live in the USA.

Really? Interesting you would know better than we do. Hmmm.

Again, things would be better without the harassment online and in the real world you guys put us through.

It is standard procedure- you buy a wife from a third world country and you are now obligated to send money to bring up their standard of living. Everyone knows that. Problem is in your case you brought the child bride to the US and is forcing her to live worse than she did back home and you are so poor you can't help her family. How is the $700 kids mini bike you bought while begging for money to buy your wife clothes?