
Not totally sure I understand your meme? Can you clarify a little bit my friend? always curious to hear your thoughts on these sorts of things.

Downvoted for aggrandizement!
@apolymask, This is what @ned said that day :D And @misterdelgation gave 100% upvote on it!


I'm still not totally sure what's going on, but.. I'm assuming you're sort of suggesting it's just a squabble between the two and something to not worry about too much? Am I reading that right..? Or no?

@apolymask, Yeah nothing to worry! @dan made EOS as a competitor to STEEM and @ned will bring SMT to give a good competition! Both runs on the same blockchain technology!


Isn't EOS using ethereum? I'm confused now. EOS is using the same steem blockchain? Or a different one?

Also I thought eos was more of like a file hosting site, though theoretically you should be able to host a social media network on that as well right?

I guess it's something to keep an eye out for.. But.. I wonder how many people would be eager to move to Dan's and leave steemit, or vice versa.. Like.. I wish they could have just kept working together instead of splintering the community in half basically.. This doesn't seem good..

Thanks for your responses and your thoughts though! Eased my FUD a little bit.

There are no FUD bro, EOS, BTS, STEEM, GOLOS all of them are using the same blockchain framework as "Graphene Blockchain Technology"!
EOS is trying to capture the market of ETH blockchain and STEEM with SMT is trying the same!
@apolymask, @dan already left STEEM and @ned is the CEO of STEEM inc at the moment! So, FUD happened before and now nothing to fear :D


Is what I posted not new and from a long time ago then? For some reason I got the impression this was new??? smh...

I went to dans page and didn't see anything about this it's all posts about eos.. So.. I'm guessing I messed up and shared something from a while ago? I don't see a date on it I should have been more careful.

Though I'm a lil confused what you mean by this still.. "EOS, BTS, STEEM, GOLOS" all using the same block chain, does that literally mean they are all connected to the same steem blockchain, or.. do they each have their own separate graphene block chain, that is essentially the same one steem uses? I'm a lil confused about that!

Would appreciate the clarification friend. And thanks for the info!