
Dude I just saw @craig-grat on a livestream with Brittney Venti and I even got brittney to read my message about Joining steemit ! She read it out loud! And @laurensouthern just joined! and i just made a post about them and how i wanted them to join steemit! and theyre joining! dude gavin mccines will join next then alex jones! luke rudowski from wearechange already joined! @lukewearechange he earned ALOt from his first post! Lauren is gonna make thousands shes already made hundreds since posting today, when gavin mcinnes joins and joe rogan they are gonna make ALOT of money like tens of thousands off their first posts! And then when alex jones joins it will bring all the infowars listeners over to steemit! And then donald trump himself will join steemit as soon as he realized that Twitter is about to kick him off abdd ban him forever anyway! And so as a preemptive strike on twtterm trump wil delete his twitter accoount after blasting out one last farewell twweet and procalim that hes gonna try out teemit because he heard NOONE can ban your steemit acount! being decentralized will attract all sorts of people!

Do you have a link to this brother?