My Vision for Steem

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

This is my response to @llfarm's post What Is YOUR Vision For Steem?


My vision for Steem is for it to be(come) a platform, which:

1.) incentivizes people to buy STEEM & hold it as Steempower.
2.) incentivizes developers to build their apps with STEEM OR to integrate STEEM.
3.) attracts millions of users via a low entry barrier.
4.) distributes its inflation primarily to users who are bringing value to it & who are developing/enhancing it.

How do we achieve this?

Let me start with the perspective of an investor.

Currently, STEEM is sadly not an obvious choice for investors due to its somewhat-high inflationary model (which is not directly given out to the stakeholders) and the non-straightforward way for stakeholders to earn with their stake. (investing in bid-bots is "baaaad")

Besides that, the image of Steem is also not as good as it should be. While we do have talented developers in the ecosystem, building projects that are enhancing the value of Steem, the core image of Steem is quite poor. Many people see it as the predecessor of EOS and judge it by missed deadlines (e.g. SMTs), cover-headlines (Steemit Inc. 70% layoff) and it's not-updated flagship -

The confusing situation around "who is responsible for Steem" isn't helping either. From an outside perspective, dan & ned created Steem (in addition with While dan has obviously moved on, ned seemingly also transitioned away by resigning as CEO and tacking on the chairman of the board. I'm not sure what exactly this new job includes, but his account, previously holding millions of Steem, is pretty much empty. His activity on Steem? Non-existent. (Imagine jack, the founder of Twitter, wouldn't use his own platform to communicate. Or Jeff Bezos wouldn't hold any Amazon stock. Would be pretty weird, right?)

While Steemit Inc's. new MD/CEO, Eli Powell, is doing a great job, it sadly doesn't change the fact that from the outside it looks like the two founders of Steem, have moved on. And there is only so much Eli is able to do, to keep the ship above waters.

Before you get the idea that I'm pessimistic about Steem's future, let me stop you right there. I'm not - I still believe in Steem. I'm simply radical honest. And we need this radical truth in order to make sure that Steem becomes the platform we want it to become. We don't need more BS; we need changes.

So, what do I have in mind?

Running the proposal system, developed by @blocktrades, as fast as possible, which is needed to fund changes that we need on Steem. Which could include:

  • Increasing curation rewards to 50%
  • Developing a system that splits stakeholder rewards & rewards for participating on voting/downvoting, which then hopefully cleans up the trending page.

Changes like the ones above will obviously require some stake-weighted voting and fruitful discussions, but we can't just let things run as they are now. Some of those decisions might not be perfect, but with iteration, we'll get there; and most of that is better than the status quo of Steem literary falling in value steadily.

Honestly, the fact alone that @blocktrades developed the proposal system as fast as they did, should show all of us, that we are able to change Steem, we just need to talk less, make some tough decisions and do more.

Do you believe that my work is valuable for Steem? Then please vote for me as witness.


Such changes that you proposed should be rolled back automatically at a fixed date which is decided before the implementation.
Only if the community likes the changes (let's say 3months testing) they can vote to NOT roll back the changes (stake weighted of course). It should also be a mandatory vote. You cannot access your account unless you voted first.

I think the biggest challenge is that people fear that it might make things worse without a chance to get "the old" steem back.

If Steem increases curation to 50% they have to get rid of curating bots. To do this, maybe you have to upvote 100% if you have less than 500 Sp, and at least 10% if less than 5k Sp or something like that. Or, limit accounts to 10 upvotes per day with an increasing amount for the SP you hold. Furthermore, pay for comments and curation. To tell you the truth, 25%bis already a lot, stupid bots upvote our posts for 1/1000th of a steem or less 50 times before anyone has the chance of reading our posts. Until this ends I can't support more Steem going to voting. We should also be able to ban accounts from curating our posts easily, say no one under 25 rep or who has less than 100 posts, etc.

Posted using Partiko Android

A good vision for Steem. Thank you for continuing to support the Steem community!

I’m really enjoying seeing the vision of those who are developing and investing here, as I feel attracting and retaining them is vital for the future.

I agree with the image of Steem, which is unfortunate as I think progress has been good lately.. but how would anyone know that 🤷🏻‍♀️. It’s very disheartening when those who should care the most seem quite apathetic, at least from the outside looking in.

Thanks for this. I think the different perspectives will help us all be able to find a cohesive vision that we can run with.

Wolfie is a trustworthy fellow. Reality is that the steem blockchain is miles behind. Steemit Inc. is non-existent. We have no SMT, we have no Smart contracts, we can not scale, user retention sucks, Steem/Mvest rising is also not helpful for newbies. I could go on and on.

The most important is, we can't compete, it is only talking heads, the steem blockchain is a failed experiment, the steem blockchain is broken beyond repair.

Wolfie is spot on:

What's next? EOS? TRON? ETH?

Oh come on, too much FUD 😉

The tech here is good, the community is good, we have the best dApps and the chain is strong (even if we still don’t have SMTs) ... what’s Tron got that we don’t? I think failed experiment is a reach but I understand the frustration.

We do need a good kick in the ass though, or we won’t be going anywhere but down.

I have no fear or uncertainty, I have doubt.

Do you have the quality of doubt which is not cynical, which is not born out of bitterness, or negligence, but the capacity to question?

Doubt comes with clarity and intelligence.

FUD! That's a dirty trick! (Laughs) You've escaped, I am coming back to you.

Help me, for god's sake!

come baaacckkkk

The doubt is understandable and I’d be lying now if I said some days I don’t have the same.

You know what keeps me going? The other stubborn asses just like me who see the potential and keep on fighting and building 🙂 ... when that stops.. we are in trouble. But in this bear market to have so many intelligent, capable and passionate people building and building.. I think that means something pretty great is on the horizon.

hodl tight my dear 😉

Hi @theRealWolf .... hoping you can help me with my @smartsteem delegation .... I tried to Undelegate the 1,000 Steempower I send to SmartSteem and understand that it takes 5 days. I have noticed that I have not earned any Steem over these last 5 days and that the 1,000 Steempower has not been returned to me. Could you help ? Maybe I am mistaken but I see no @smartsteem steem deposits to my wallet for the past 5 days + ... Do you send me the balance owing ? How does it work ?

I already quit Steem(it) a few months ago, only to return recently. There are oases that I enjoyed much in the past and hopefully can enjoy in the future. The proposal sounds good to me, I truly hope that you are able to convince the majority of the witnesses to follow.

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Ohhh, why? Was real life so boring? Did you forget why you left?


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I can feel you, I have the nickname "addicted" not for nothing.

So... it must have some "meaning" that you came back.

Your comment was misleading... I engaged with a few communities here, that’s what I was kind of missing I guess. Believe me I was shocked to se nothing really has changed... but nonetheless, communities are intact, so it’s a worthwhile time being here.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Maybe you are right, networking and socializing... communities it is.


Welcome back, whatever the reasons.

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Hello ? Anyone there ? Can you help me with a problem I am having with my Smartsteem Delegation ?

Dear @therealwolf,
ich agree with you in your points, maybe 50% curation rewards is a little bit high, but i am just a normal user with some SP, i am not a developer and i am surley not involved in technical blockchain things.
What can I do?

  1. Invest in SP
  2. Power up SP
  3. Use services like smartsteem
  4. Try to blog some interesting content in my community
  5. give curation for good content
  6. have some fun with the steemians, play games
  7. Invest in projects on the Steem-Chain
  8. Bring people to the Steem-Chain, via delegation f.e.
  9. think positive, wait for SMTs
    an many more things:)

But, I think, we need more "prominent" people on the Steem-Chain, media and more, i try this in the D-A-Ch- Community, for example we could win the in germany well-known economists @friedrich-weik to blog on the Steem-Chain now!
But we need more people like them!
And not only for economy-things of course!

The free content remains crucial in my point of view, thats why i dont like the flagging ones!
It always better to give some upvotes!

Thats all togehter should bring more "investors" to the Steem-chain, which is also one very important point.

Best regards and thank you for your smartsteem-service!

About 14 hours ago i sent you 5 steem to upvote this post for me but unfortunately my mistake i accidentally used the eSteem Surfer link which i understand does not work with your bot i am sorry for the inconvenience here is the correct link from Steemit could you please upvote the post or refund the 5 steem if not possible to upvote. Thank you and my apologies. This was a message 3 days ago the post i do think can not be upvoted anymore so can you please refund my 5 steem back. Much appreciated.

Please share the transaction id (which you'll find at on the discord server: (for example:

Hi @therealwolf thank you for your reply and i am sorry for the inconvenience and taking your time on this i send you the link from eSteemSurfer which apparently doesn't work with your voting both it was 4 days ago now so i don't think the post can be upvoted now so if you can kindly refund my 5 steem i will use it on another post.

This is what i got from -

hangin transfer 5 STEEM to smartsteem


Thank you so much for your help i hope i have got the right info for you this is the link for that post if you need that..

@therealwolf I see your points and position! I agree, things need to change and I agree that it can certainly succeed. Here is my current beef. I see absolutely zero marketing, and what steem needs besides the things you have mentioned is more daily active users. I do sometimes follow the trending articles to find good content. But there is a ton of trash to sift through. How can Steem get more people to adopt this social channel? I’d like to see steem advertising on Facebook and Instagram and also get verified as an advertiser on Brave browser. The games are cool and the idea is brilliant. We just need to show others that it is too.

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I like what you have written here and i will add more thing is that we need to learn from about the 50% to 75% curation system they have.
I agree with you 100% as you wrote :" Before you get the idea that I'm pessimistic about Steem's future, let me stop you right there. I'm not - I still believe in Steem. I'm simply radical honest. And we need this radical truth in order to make sure that Steem becomes the platform we want it to become. We don't need more BS; we need changes ."

I did not know Uncle Ned has left the building too.

This is it, I am powering down.

Where is that samsung coin I heard about. :)

I think Steem's image depends on many factors. That the founders have little sense for new innovation is well known. The usability of Steemit is a joke. Currently, the advertisement hides the profile info above.

Everyone who is active here can help to improve the image. I myself promote content from the Steem Frontend in other social networks and that produces good signals of visibility. Besides all the technical factors where the witnesses and developers are in demand, we should not forget the marketing. Marketing is all about visibility. I am professionally involved in marketing matters and see that there are only few signals for Steem viewed from the outside. Accordingly, Steem content is totally under-represented in the search engines.

Since the Merketing is not made by the makers of the Steem Blockchain, the users have to do it themselves.
The users who believe in this ingenious blockchain like me can do a lot for marketing. Share any content wherever possible. It only takes some time and everyone should take the few minutes each day. Just recently I started a new subreddit on Reddit. There is already a similar one. However, this other subreddit refers exclusively to Steemit. My Subreddit is intended for the complete Steem Blockchain including all DApps.

Reddit is the strongest website on the web in terms of authority and we should use this marketing tool to promote the complete Steem blockchain. It costs nothing, just a little bit of time and it is effective!

Join my subreddit and spray your content into the world.

Rule # 1 in Marketing: Create Visibility! Every single Steemian can participate.

Think of Doge. In fact, this coin only lives through its very loyal and strong Reddit community! Without Reddit, Doge would not exist. There could be also a Steem community outside the Steem Blockchain like a sitechain. I think that without these measures, which work from the outside for the Steem Blockchain, this blockchain has no real chance to grow up.

The technical side is one, the other side is marketing. Both have to work together.

@therealwolf Heya, such a meaningful and quality vision...M sure many of steemians have same thought and with your post the thoughts get words and publishment.... Thanks for quality views, Keep It Up!!! Hope fot the best =)

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Having the right mindset to develop a middle-class of people with 5K+ SP is extremely hard due to circle voting, which limits the options to get the account up in value without heavily investing.
At those prices, it should be great to get SP I guess.

Steem will evolve and adapt without ned or dan. We see so much happening at the moment.

Let spread the word about Steem Power Day on the 1 May.

Posted using Partiko Android

Insightful and forward thinking ~ my upvote & re-steem good sir, keep the faith!

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Brutal honesty like this is needed and appreciated. There are quite a few preachy prognosticators on here who refuse to address reality. Maybe they are needed too, but not at all my style. These are great points all the way around!

A good round-up. It needs to disrupt itself and get back to original intentions. I've just done a post about and i like the governance HQ page. Witnesses need to come up with something with Great post as ever here.:)

Ps. I'm not powering down. But not investing more until... But Steem is bigger than steemit

Very good @therealwolf ...

"I'm simply radical honest. And we need this radical truth in order to make sure that Steem becomes the platform we want it to become. We don't need more BS; we need changes."

... that you are willing to be "straight up" about where we are, at this stage of "life" on the Steem blockchain. There are too many issues "in here" to do otherwise.

Thank you for getting this out. I am also an investor, who has openly questioned why I am still here. I am not a fan of being delusional, but rather face life squarely.

I hope other "big boys" heed your call to action. Before it is too late ...

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Steem is still one the best long term bet in crypto space. Founders leaving is a good for the project. Now the development and progress, if taken and done by community, then it will reflect true decentralization.

Our one of the major activity should be to keep promoting the dapps that are being built by so many developers.

It's good for decentralization but I wonder it's the best for development efficiency.

It will be good balance. Investors globally wants to invest only in reasonably decentralized blockchains.

I like your vision. I don't care that the founders moved on. This is a normal part of any business and show adaptation. Steem may do better with a Vitalik Buterin or Justin Sun, but i thinknit is more the findementals and development that are the problem. 50% curation is worth a try. At least with the optional slider to start. Next ur right about separate mechanism for rewards and trending. Last is development. Steemit needs a serious make over. It's worse than MS FrontPage circa 1998 which is sad. Also SMTs are needed 1 year ago.

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Your vision for Steem, tl;dr edition:
Things look really bad... but blocktrades is doing something!

Is that really your vision, or did you just get tired after you wrote how bad things look?

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I like what I read here, but I'm not sure I understood it all, still what I
Read and DID understand, I liked. I gave a 100% upvote for this
Which is rather rare for me, when I can use a slider,
(which I could at this point, so you still
Got the "full Monty". I like to think
That things will continue, and
That they will continue
Getting better. Tks

Congratulations @therealwolf! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 95000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 100000 upvotes.

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Very nice article! And constructive too!
Hope things go the way you wish!

Good luck.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good one @therealwolf. Yes Steem has is flaws and weaknesses. Many did not understand the difference between Steem & Steemit. Steem is a long term high value blockchain. Where can you participate in sharing value? There so many start-up trying to start blockchain project on Steem. The Worker Proposal will surely help, and the best part is what Steem-Engine (smart contract on Steem) is building. The Steem tokenomy and architecture was well design; we just need to decentralize the model more and let people build their own social networks with their own tokenomics with no technical skills. Remember Steem can easily speak with other Graphene/DPoS chains. We will face competition within our ecosystem (e.g: eosio blockchain with meos, beos blockchain with ruon); not outside.

Great Vision @therealwolf
I agree that we need to focus on developing a sustainable business environment here on Steem.
I would even go as far to say that the whole Reward Pool mechanism curating and author rewards should be seperated from the site. Because it doesn't make sense to have a non working Proof of Brain Reward Pool working for a Dapp / SMT based economy.
In my Vision the whole Blog site should become its own SMT project with its own Reward Pool and the original Steem Reward Pool should be transformed into a only Steempower / RC only Ressource place.
I hope that the new Proposal System will bring new change into this discussion.

how do we achieve this:
how about by not becoming a platform like facebook or other mainstream social media and protect peoples opinions like @freezepeach is trying to do? anyone can drop by the flagreview chat to ask for counter flagging for unjust flagging and people can support free speech by delegating to @freezepeach. At this rate steem is only going to be a platform for right wing opinions and personal stuff that there is already plenty of on facebook or instagram.

Hi, @therealwolf!

You just got a 0.32% upvote from SteemPlus!
To get higher upvotes, earn more SteemPlus Points (SPP). On your Steemit wallet, check your SPP balance and click on "How to earn SPP?" to find out all the ways to earn.
If you're not using SteemPlus yet, please check our last posts in here to see the many ways in which SteemPlus can improve your Steem experience on Steemit and Busy.

Of corse, some changes needed. Think that widespread info about the earning opportunities of steem blockchain can help to grow community. And it will be excellent win-win situation for everyone.

Posted using Partiko Android

One of the greatest strengths of Steem is our community. As long as people stick together and work towards a common purpose, we will move forward.

I'd like to see this blockchain in the future where users who come late to the party will still get sufficient value and not only the early adopters. Only this way we can move mainstream.

This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News in 10 posts - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.

Steem is an echo chamber of circlejerkers who conspire to upvote each other's shitposts and most of the social networking does not even happen on the blockchain but on shady discord channels and other 3rd party chat apps.

I don't think changing author/curation rewards will affect any hopeful changes that proponents argue such as reducing bidbot profits or increasing curation. Most who have been here for some time already game the system with multiple accounts to maximize personal profits. We could end up driving away quality authors by reducing their rewards. Downvoting is a poison that will end this experiment quicker than anything else.

People who have used the system for too long are unable to see the issues preventing new users from investing in steem power. Instead of focusing so much on the power users who have already established themselves and are using the blockchain as an income stream, we should be asking new and non-users what can we do to make their experience better.

There are some major flaws with the status quo that have been mentioned too many times by people that have joined the platform and already left. For example finding new authors who produce quality content is almost impossible by wading through the trash on trending, hot, or new. There is nothing like multi-reddit or twitter lists for people to create filtered content streams of their interests and find new quality authors to upvote, which should be easy enough for a multimillion dollar company like Steemit Inc. to produce. Powering down should not take 13 weeks, it's a ridiculous arbitrary time-period that gives the whole plaform the feel of a ponzi scheme. Posts should not be limited to 7 day payouts, it's another ridiculous arbitrary time-period that contributes more to spam than anything else. I understand the need to have some sort of payout period, but this could easily reset each week or use existing strategies such as creating a comment on the post with 100% beneficiary reward to author. Users should have freedom to spend their voting power however they see fit. If they want to spend their entire 7 day vote on a single post they should be allowed to do that. This would largely end the problem of dust votes and allow small investors to actually contribute to their favorite authors.