I'm agreeing with you completely.
Just one little side-note:
Powering down does not equal to selling. Powering down can also mean to have liquidity for SMTs or to trade for SBD.
I'm agreeing with you completely.
Just one little side-note:
Powering down does not equal to selling. Powering down can also mean to have liquidity for SMTs or to trade for SBD.
I think most are just following along . Ned, Johal, Meerkat did it and now some others are powering down as well..
We have a saying in Croatia:
"Kud svi Turci, tu i mali Mujo."
"most are just following along" 😂
I'm sure many are doing just that... selling right now, waiting for others to dump, rebuy lower and get more tokens. Risky move, but, I'm sure there are some peeps doing it.
I think if profit for a person is the only focus here then you would get bored pretty fast...