Over the last year, I've seen many Steemians come and go.
Only a few stayed active over the time. Many got either eaten by the bear or are taking a winter-nap.
But since you're reading this, it means you're alive!
Why are you (still) on Steem?
I'm very interested in your answer.
The goal is to learn more about what makes Steem great for you, the community, to make sure that we keep all of you amazing people here on Steem!
I personally am still on Steem (actively for 14+ months) because it is the blockchain of opportunity. All of my projects (and my job as a witness) keep me motivated & hooked to this amazing platform. Additionally, I'm also very excited about the future of Steem.
I have come and gone many times since I joined just over 2 years ago.
This time it actually seems like we are going somewhere.
Let's hope it's this way:
What changed your mind? Happy to talk about it!
Posted using Partiko Android
A lot of it is exactly that - the feel of the place.
Maybe it isn't just Steem that has changed, but maybe so have I - but for whatever reason, I see less of the infighting and flag wars that plagued the site in the past.
I am seeing less of the blatant spam posts and comments.
I think a lot of the weak hands have shaken out, and that there is a better core of users here who care about the place - it seems like more of a community.
Or a community of communities. Steem has matured somewhat.
I am also excited about all of the different Dapps and interfaces with the Steem blockchain that give users much wider options on how they want to use it. I love that third parties can onboard new users.
Are there still problems to iron out? Of course, but as with all blockchains, we are evolving.. And I like the direction..
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow this is nice to hear !
i'm a blogger.. on the steem platform i don't have to pay for hosting, etc.. and for the first time i'm earning from that blog (on STEEM this time).
Posted using Partiko Android
That's a great reason!
I look at Steem like Noah's Ark that will save us from the great Centralized social media flood. It is more than money, attention or any personal reasons for me. I believe Steem is crucial to the future of humanity. Being passionate about what is going on here is easy for me.
Well, thanks for being so passionate about Steem! I believe crypto, in general, will hopefully be the Noah's Ark for the coming economic crash.
I am here to be part of a community from the ground floor....
I am investing my hard earned money into this community because I see great things in the future...
The way everyone came together for Netcoins steem listing was amazing.... to see EVERYONE post about going to Netcoins to vote was amazing to see...to see berniesanders and haejin BOTH supporting the same cause was a breath of fresh air...and to see @ned push for us all to vote shows a lot too.... @ned being more active with his posting is good to.... hardfork 20 was deemed a failure by some but I feel like it went good....looking forward to see how SMT's take off and where my investment in steem power takes me
I use steemit to gain information about the crypto market and read certain posts that I'm interested in. I don't create that much content but I like to read and comment. I'm also optimistic about the future of steem and it's real world use case.
I have been hunting abuse in steemit since 8 months and that keeps motivated me to be active on steemit and I have been highly inspired and motivated. My abuse hunting has started once I was listed on blacklist by @buildawhale and now I am out of it.
LOL, have you written a letter to DFRLab to get you off their @buildawhale list?
Good to hear!
Why I am on Steemit...? Hmm...
I wonder if I'll be able to give you a short answer for this.
I've been here since July 2016 with just a minor break. I've seen all sorts of ups and downs. Both in terms of price, but also in terms of the general behaviour on the platform.
I joined for the money, that's the honest truth... but I stayed for the community. I want to make a difference and I want to have an impact, and that is my main goal. I'm not talking about growing my own account to dolphin or orca level. I'm talking about doing things for others, so that the platform ultimately grow and prosper. I have met a bunch of awesome people too, during my time here, and I'm truly grateful for it.
Do you think we're at a good point right now, meaning where there worse times in your opinion?
I guess that depends on how you see things. I mean SMTs for instance, sounds cool so I think that's a huge step in the right direction. But I miss the "good old days". The "golden days".
It was really cool to see thousands of dollars in pending rewards for instance, and I scored some hefty whale upvotes too back in the days. That was one of the best experiences I've had online, but it is far from why I miss those days.
The reason I miss those days are due to the overall experience today. Selfish behaviour has always been here, and will always exist, but it wasn't to the same extent back in the days. With time, people have become more passive, and we see more automated means. Greed has basically become the "new thing" in comparison to how it once were. So I miss the "good old days" because of the experience, but I think that we're going in the right direction nowadays. With baby steps.
That being said, I think Steemit has seen its best days, (in my personal opinion). It feels like it's too late to change things now. But I definitely believe in Steem. Steem gives people an incredible opportunity. Hopefully, things will continue to go in the right direction.
I have been here for two years now. There is only a single reason I am here. History is always re-written by those in power to better serve themselves. That always leads to the destruction of the roles minorities and the workers played in history. Here it cannot be erased and so the existence of this platform is a threat
Onto at least two more years!
Im here because I believe the dapps is what will drive this blockchain and not Steemit.com
Which one is your favourite dApp?
currently as a user my favorite is @steemmonsters, but as an investor i really like @actifit and @steemhunt
We totally agree with you!
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I came here out of curiosity and wanted to learn how some people where shit posting and earning thousands and I stayed thanks to the communities I joined over at discord, especially the crypto empire and steem engine those where the first few communities I joined.
I struggled really hard on the first month and was about to quit when I started joining discord communities and everything changed from there on :-D
I really believe what you say about Steem being the block chain of opportunity, being here changed my life and the lives of others around me and that's something I don't take for granted.
It’s a place to meet people and have fun and of course grow my crypto portfolio when the bulls are back
Good decision!
What will you recommend for growing you position on steemit?
I see too much promise to let it go, that's for sure.
STEEM is awesome and I'm fairly consumed.
So you're being motivated by future success?
I suppose that's about right...
But I also feel success every time I get a vote.
It's just the best content creation platform out there.
I'm on Steemit because I'm interested in the technology behind it. I love innovations.
What exactly do you find interesting?
The cryptocurrency, blockchain and the applications that result from it and for it. Especially the applications that are not centrally controlled like Facebook and YouTube.
I've been really active here on Steemit for only a few days now and am wondering that I have not encountered hate here yet. That speaks for the community on this platform.
I enjoy the mix of drama, development, risk, potential reward, technology, and Howard Stern effect.
Source@themarkymark, your pancakes are ready!
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anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.Source@themarkymark, your pancakes are ready!
As an active user for 17 months+ I'm on STEEM and i'll be here more. WHY NOT AGAIN 12$ SBD 8$ STEEM !
That's the spirit! hehe
Because it's the only blockchain project having actual users and usage at this moment.
Very true! (But it's something we shouldn't take for granted.)
Certainly not! It's important to not be a maximalist of anything...
It's not a bad addiction. It could be worse. I could be on crack.
Sometimes I get bored at work and find a more sincere entertainment here in reading blog entries and comments.
Haha, didn't realize the wordplay. :)
I have a Voice that I look to share , and blogging has been my preferred medium the last 10 years or so to do that.
So naturally Steemit fills that Gap; so to speak.
And the opportunity to have an audience who really appreciates your work and make money at the same time is very nice.
I love steem.
I used to know the answer to that.
greatest comment here!
I'm here for the great trolling opportunities.
I am on Steem because I believe in this platform. I believe in decentralized social media which rewards the content creators. I also stay because I find people who are loyal and reward you with their votes and comments.
I don't really have much of a choice. I am literally connected to the owner so I kinda have to go where he does. I just figured if I am here I might as well make the best of it.
So feeling for you, buddy.
Here, have some !popcorn.
Thank you very much. The butter gives me an exceptional shine but I do not like !pancakes , the syrup makes me all sticky.
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anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.I am not on Steem, but on Steemit. I do have a lot of Steem though.
That's why I am here on Steemit. To see when is the right time to dump all of my Steem :-)
I started in steem because i started trading crypto's, then i stayed to try and write some blogs. Too bad i aint that good in writing-.-'
I am currently alot on steemit because i started playing steem monster.
Before steem monsters i wasnt alot on steemit anymore.
Hey reviles, don't knock yourself so. Milton apparently had a vocabulary of 15 words (if it wasn't Milton, it was some other great philosopher or inventor from the past), and anyway, it's all just practice. Anyone can do almost anything if you but believe and apply yourself. Try and improve your grammar a little each time you write something and you will quickly improve. My mother always said, "Where there's a will, there's a way!", and it's very true. Personally, I stay away from the monsters, ha ha. All then best.
I will always be in Steem @therealwolf, because only this blockchain is promising for me. I myself started active in February 2017, until now. But most of the stemians have disappeared in time, they are wrong in interpreting this blockchain @therealwolf.
At the start of my journey I wanted to start blogging about my life and my travel but it turned out that might not be my thing and I kind of got distant with writing but I am I come around nearly everyday to read articles on Steem because I can still find some interesting pieces of content on the internet.
Steem for me is also an investment in a great technological experiment and I want to see where it can go because in my eyes it is only the beginning and I am sure the Steem community still have space for growth, the past year we saw some amazing dapps going out and making a killing and I am still optimistic with Steem as an investment opportunity in the long run.
Steem still is the place I used to keep me updated about crypto and ongoing projects and Steem still is this beautiful blockchain that allow people to post content without censorship(at least in technical terms) and this is important to help maintain a basic human right that is freedom of speech.
I stay because: I hope the steemite community grows.

Here I was contributed and paid.
I have a greater hope with the steemit community. Here I have an extra source of income when I moved jobs.
My answer is similar to yours: I love the idea of this type of platform on a blockchain. Im not so much on the techy side of blockchain tech, but I can't wait to see what's in store for society in general when it comes to this topic. And a social media platform is a great way of introducing the masses.
I hang around because I see endless potential. I'm here for the long haul.
Cheers 🍻
I’m here because deep down in my heart of hearts, I am confident that this platform is setting the stage for financial success and abundance in my life that will allow me to positively impact millions of people across the globe.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I understand Blockchain is huge opportunity in future and to explore that I am here in steem as its based on Blockchain. I am here since almost 6 month and will be here for long term.
Posted using Partiko Android
I will like to make network here and I love the concept of instant confirmation of transaction with no transaction fees. So it will be ideal for doing business too.
I have been here since the beginning and I think I always posted at least once a week. I love crypto and writing and steemit is the perfect fit. Also, Steemit is the only blockchain where I have actually met "regular" people and that has a lot of value in my eyes.
At the end, I think it comes down to: "Why would I go somewhere else to do for free what I do on steemit and get paid?"
I was definitely one of the ones who took frequent breaks from Steemit, but idk something clicked for me on Saturday and I decided to power up to become a dolphin.
Now that I have an actual stake in the success of our community I obviously see it in a new light. Less focused on a big payout or validation for my work.
Now it’s just about enjoying the ride as we continue to evolve and establish our identity
Posted using Partiko iOS
I think I'm still here cuz after spending so much time and keeping a hold on all of my steem, I really want to see this whole experiment fly to the moon!!
I am here to develop relationships in the crypto space, and be more in control of my own personal digital imprint. I also believe in steem because i see no limit to its capabilities. The use case potential is never ending and the intelligence you discover and see from users is extremely impressive and immeasurable to other platforms like Facebook or even twitter. I also think steem will really gain most traction once us as adopters forget about the price and make using and developing the steem technology our focal point. Most facebook users do not look at the price of FB stock and use that as a incentive to utilize the platform. Facebook users dont walk away from the platform because they are not making any money either. We have to be paitent with steem and with that the organic and originality of this great tech will reach its full potential. I beleive it will happen soon. "Keep faith and the steem and the engine will run". Have a great night and thank you for asking the question.
Great questions! Let's find out the answer!
Posted using Partiko Android
I see there is some truth in this reply! Keep up the good work!
finding it's a better hobby then staring at coinmarket cap and trading view. i havent been on any social media for years and to find one that i can make a return (trying all the bots but i just prefer to manually curate) on plus feel like i can contribute to others via up votes to me is just fricken cool. i'm new in this space so just finding my way. prefer higher rewards for manual curation, i like actifit, hate the delimia of knowing i can make a better return by bot up voting frequent shitty posts etc. Plan to keep buying steem over the next 12 months.
Im here because I know its the future. There is no stopping open social networks, it is just a matter of when they become mainstream. With that knowledge all I can do is try and create quality content, engage with the community and build a following. The steem price to me is a non-factor. In fact I would like the price to decrease further so I can buy steem at discounted rates. We all know steem is a spring ready to pop 🤩
Read this.
For myself
I am here looking for myself, the world is changing very quick, steemit is something new, very very interesting and unique.
For the future
I can Imagine steemit in 10 years, like something that everyone could use. I feel so excited to be one of the first users of this platform
For the rewards
The rewards offers by the platform Ardent the sense that I get for my post the rewards are the people the communities the information and at the end my personal Mark leaved into the blockchain
Posted using Partiko Android
14 months? I joined only shortly after you, then. I am still here because for all the flaws, it is an interesting and ambitious project and I'm damn curious to see what comes of it. Also, I have met many nice people here. The few bucks I get per post is also nice; it is peanuts when compared to real work pay, sure, but better than the zero I got from all my years blogging before.
But mainly I'm very curious to see where this whole thing ends up. I'd be thrilled if crypto catches on, esp if it is Steem, but I'd be just as happy if just the social network part of this continues to improve.
Just as you said, this is the land of opportunities. I find myself slowly transform from active author to the path of developing something on top of Steem. I think I would keep experimenting my ideas here til the end of the days.
On top of that, I grew more interest in your work recently in the process trying to undertsand more about Steem dapp development. Thanks for the contribution from guys like you.
Posted using Partiko Android
I actually ended up spending more time here than I thought. The community is really great, especially the photography one, one of my main interests. And recently, Steemmonsters and Actifit are 2 projects that I believe will have an insane success. I do believe that something should be done regarding the impact of HF20 on newcomers, since it rendered a new account practically useless and very unappealing; but overall, steem has very good conditions to be huge!
Because steemit is best than others.Very great and coporative community.More knowleage gained by the posts.Steemit bear my expenses.I always love steemit.Thanks for sharing this great topic.
I joined Steem, because I wanted to interact with the Gridcoin community here.
I also stayed due to dapps like actifit.
Posted using Partiko Android
Steemit is what made it possible for me to complete and self-publish my first novel sized work of fiction. I don't really care that much about money making capacity as I do about the value of combining paying it forward mentality with the posibility to crowdsource work that would otherwise be restrictively expensive.
I'm worried though, really worried, about Steemit's future. Bid bots, despite the many venerable proponents claiming they are helpful, continue to slowly choke the platform and reducing the intrinsic value of the platform. Plans to increase payout for curation, further cutting into the incentive to produce good content are quite alarming and HF20 has shown us that neither Steemit INC nor the op-20 witnesses at time of HF20 truly treat this blockchain worth hundreds of millions as anything more than a school science project. HF21 might kill the platform. Bidbots and other false curation initiatives and initiatives that furter reduce the insentive to produce top content might slowly choke the platform to death.
So I'm definetely sticking with Steemit until it croaks, I hope it never will, but there are many reasons to believe it might.
Funny how nobody said: "I'm here because I want to make money"... Everyone just wanna meet new people and they LOVE the technology smh tell it how it is:)
I love Steem because I love Cryptocurrency and it is the future I believe. Given so many brains thinking how to improve this blockchain day by day is the best reason why I think Steem will going to the pull the trigger to be the best blockchain