Ok, this is a lot longer winded then it needed to be, but I felt like trying to get everything out of my head onto a page as quickly as possible.
I am in favor of the EIPI am now in favor of inflation funding the SPS. EDIT: I will trust the top 20 witnesses to come up with where the inflation will come from. (https://steemit.com/steem/@steemitblog/improving-the-economics-of-steem-a-community-proposal) +
Steem is a content discovery platform. I know, I know, Steem is much more than that! Sure, we can be so much more than that. You build governance that runs a social media site; from there, it can leak into all parts of life. But what Steem can really dominate is content discovery. Love or hate the EIP when Steem had 50/50 curation rewards, among other changes, we were a top ranked site. When we moved to 75/25 and linear, we've fallen ever since. The fact I am pointing out is, I don't think Steem can make it without using its superpower; if we try to rely solely on SMTs for curation, that brings the use case for SteemPower down and the distribution way down.
The part of what makes Steem great is it used the wind to move the boat; IE content creators write good content and SEO takes care of the rest.
Sure, SMTs can provide the same thing Steem does now as per upvoting; however, they are not even out yet for testing and if they were it'd still be almost like starting over from the beginning, and can we really afford to do that with big-time competitors (EOS "Steem 2.0", etc.) coming out next month? We would be pretty much losing our first mover advantage on PoB. You start with an SMT; it is new, illiquid, not on any exchanges and no proven track record. (Ask ERC20 tokens how easy it is to get on Binance just because their bigger brother Ethereum is on there.) Of course, an SMT can get to the same liquidity as Steem over time, but that is a big gamble and very expensive. Right now, Steem is the backbone of content discovery and what can propel Steem to a top-ranking website. Once we hit the top 200 of sites, it's pretty much GG, too big to fail at that point. That should be our goal as a community using inflation so that it brings more value to Steem to propel us in site rankings. If the inflation is not bringing more value to Steem comparative to its effect on the price, then it is not worth it. However, let's think for a second how this looks. If Steem as a social currency "fails" IE we never come up with a good economy, strip Steem of its upvoting powers (one of the reasons some of us whales bought Steem was for the sway in attention) - what does that tell potential future investors? "We couldn't get it right on the main currency but give us another chance with an SMT, and we promise someone out there will get it right!" - If anything, this will send out a clear signal that PoB was a failure of an experiment. It is tough for me to see it any other way, I mean it's not like we haven't tried to make it work, we switched up the EIP before, wiggling around trying to find out what works best, I am not so sure throwing in the towel on trying a new EIP is the best choice. I am sure Dan L is foaming at the mouth for Steem to give up content discovery at the base layer, it's the biggest threat we have vs. EOS.
DO we take for granted that PoB works? If we don't have PoB, we basically become EOS or ETH but with open sourced community tools such as upvotes, tags, etc. But EOS/ETH can easily copy that code and add that feature to their protocol, and they have hundreds of millions in fiat to deploy set features. Then what? Are we a poormans ETH/EOS? What is our pitch to come here if we abandon content discovery from Steem tokens use case? Where is our edge? Talk to me like I am 5 big time CEOs sitting in a room, convince me to be bullish.
I think we are a content discovery platform as written in the whitepaper. I believe if we grow, it will be off the back of curating authors, so they continue to make excellent content and SEO becomes the wind to our sails to island top 200. Hell, Steemit even has issues - they are USA based and adhere to all USA laws. Every front end is going to run into this issue. While big ad companies don't rule Steemit, the fact remains our use case is giving people money to produce value, period. Paid to play, paid to post, paid to curate, paid to do, the point is the inflation pays people based on the upvoters desires. You can try to convince yourself or me differently. But having talked to as many people as I have when you say Steem people think of getting paid to post or do x; if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an f'ing duck.
Now, this brings me to flexible rewards, where the curator chooses how much they want to upvote. While I quickly realized it would be a race to the bottom via 100% curation upvotes, that still gave authors free "publicity" whereas if Steem became a top site again that would be a beautiful thing to have. The one fatal flaw here is distribution. Ah yes, that overused under sexy word everyone keeps hearing. I would argue distribution is the single most important thing to Steem or any currency. If you have lame distribution in DPOS, you have a centralized system, full stop. Now I can already hear people saying Steem distribution is already jezzy fekted because of the early miners. I will argue that EOS distribution is also jezzy fekted and they had a one-year ICO trying all they could to make it fair. Money isn't fair. What is the golden rule? He who has the gold makes the rules. If tokens can be purchased on the open market, that is the fatal flaw to your perfect distribution. So, if the distribution is destined to get jezzied in the end what's the point? The point is to have as decentralized of a distribution as possible — blink blink. Distribution doesn't end; it lasts forever theoretically (if your token has inflation of any kind). SO, if we can make it that the new tokens get into new people’s hands, that is the best goal one could ask for. Miners are way worse than authors when it comes to dumping; most bitcoin miners dump the coins to pay for their costly mining rigs (cost way more $$ to be a profitable bitcoin miner then Witness on Steem). I would argue, someone like realwolf and many other witnesses keeps/power up their Steem earned for protecting and validate the chain. I would argue authors also do the same, ya some sell but the ones I upvote, for the most part, at least power up some of the SP. Each author that powers up Steem creates another curator, another finder of content, another way for Steem to win.
Now insert SMTs, with the EIP on the table, it goes hand in hand. What do you need to run SMTs? Why RCs from Steem of course! With the EIP, it's my belief authors will earn MORE, not LESS. I have talked to many curators, and they all agree they would stop selling votes and start upvoting content 100% because that would be the most profitable. I personally would inject curator hulk with steroids, and you'd potentially see a 1mil SP hulk in your upvotes. Why? Because it would make me more money WHILE making the platform better. It is hard to be a virtuous beggar, IE if you don't have it you can't give it.
Everything in life should be about bettering your financial prosperity WHILE bettering your community/family and surroundings. If you do one without the other, you become vulnerable with less ability to grow. If you make money while destroying your surroundings IE Steem right now people selling votes while sipping tea in a burning building, you end up destroying the very thing that feeds you. If you build up the community and make no money, you become a burden to others and or take yourself out of the game by quitting and going to find a 9-5. What's the point of a 9-5? To make money. Could I do what I do if I had to work a 9-5? On a 95% less scale, yes. SO, you find what does both, makes money and builds the community, a conveyor belt to success. If people MAKE MONEY curating, THEY WILL CURATE. It's really that simple. I am not speaking out of hand, I am one of the largest curators on the platform, I spent over a million bucks out of pocket on Steem, so these words come from the horse's mouth. You can listen to my PoV or shrug it away, I do speak the 100% untainted truth of my experiences here, and I know other curators that feel the same way.
I want to make a wager, that the 150+ content creators I currently upvote daily, if 90% + of them earn MORE Steem than they did before the EIP changes, I win a big pat on the back. If they earn less, I will donate $10,000 worth of Steem to the charity of the communities’ choice; we will run a poll. I am very confident that the authors will make way more than they are now, just a hunch from a curator. ;) Keep in mind I joined Steem as an author because I didn't have much Steem back then to curate. I am an author at heart and always will be; I wrote a book ffs.
I didn't touch on the curve or downvotes. I believe the curve will combat self-upvoting, forcing people to curate if they want to play the game for max ROI. Pretty simple, you force people to play by the rules, and if they do, they earn the gold. I believe the downvotes will be a HUGE game changer and trending will look way different. I will use all my free downvotes every day and will encourage others to do the same, targeting trending page garbage. The new downvote system will make anyone think twice of posting up trash and upvoting it with bots, the downvote army will happen. I also believe malicious downvoting won't increase nearly much when compared to the probable increase of good downvoting. Because if you want to downvote someone, losing some $$ to do that won't stop you, look at the famous flag wars we have. Downvotes of passion are going to happen regardless of what they cost, and adding free ones isn't going to make people more passionate about downvoting, sure they may get more ammo, but I would argue these are rareish type people. Most people who hodl Steem want to see it do well, thus won't go around downvoting people just to do it. Reputation also plays a roll, there are several natural barriers that block malicious downvotes, while good downvotes will be praised by the community, thus encourages people to downvote spam more. Plus, I will double my efforts to combat malicious downvoting, and I am sure others will too. The rewards that get put back into the pool will help the entire platform, authors will make more, curators will make more, and trending will look better. Is it a cure-all? Hell, maybe, I certainly think it will change the dynamics of trending and make people think twice before promoting anything because they can do at a profit today. Jeez, people right fcking now can promote a piece of shit on trending and actually make ROI, right now they can and hardly anyone will downvote it. And even if I wanted to combat it, I could make a tiny little dent that wouldn't make a difference, except my ROI would be trashed in the process. That is not a good sell. Buy Steem and use it all to downvote content on trending. It won't make a difference tho! tehehe!
I wrap this overly long message to say, I believe Steem is the upvote of the internet. Every app I create on Steem will utilize Steem upvotes alongside SMTs/Steem Engine tokens what have you. Steem is needed for RCs to use the platforms, thus they should be spread far and wide to people who want to power up and use Steem. Curation is the best way to get the most RCs into the hands of people we want to see have them. While not perfect, I argue if you are looking for perfection, it will never come. Sometimes you must make the leap and figure it out when you land. Right now, the boulder Steem is sitting on isn't stable and is slowly sinking. Right now, we have the right angle and timing to make a leap to success. The window is surely closing, and before too long the ledge we want to reach may be out of site. One thing is for sure, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward, and if we look at our website ranking, it is clear which direction the current economy is taking us.
I'm going to kill it here, cheers peace!
So many gems in one article, and most of what you said I agree with like:
Exactly the opposite of what most users seem to be doing here nowadays with the broken economic structure.
I hope things will change for the better with these implementations and that it will actually turn out how you predicted it to turn out (more curators will curate more high quality content in order to reach max ROI by curating instead of self-voting).
Just one thing I can't agree with you on here is that Steemit had better alexa rankings because of 50/50 and better content ending up in trending. It was solely because of the price increase and sheer amount of users we had back around the time of the last bull run.
If I'm right, we are going to see that play out once again in the next bull run, and we will see Steemit shoot up the rankings. But then again, EIP should be implemented by then so the exact effects of it will be unquantifiable.
Anyway, it's good to finally see some attempts to change the plagued economic model and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out moving forward.
Hage a good one,
We can say that but we also went from rank top 5 to rank top 60. This current economy I believe was the leading factor in our fall. I could be wrong, but if I am right this new EIP will get those 1k+ pay outs per post back which is why everyone flocked to steem anyway. If the price was higher now we would still seem the same shit post on trending now because we have no real way as a community to combat trash content. When downvotes cost money from the get, aka you must be virtuous in order to fight spam, that isn’t a viable system and we have seen the brunt of why that is via our epic ranking in MC fall. Judge not only where we were SEO wise, but also MC wise vs other crypto’s.
Posted using Partiko iOS
This graph by @exyle shows it all. How is steem performing relative to bitcoin.
I think the fall in satoshi or CMC value is more to do with investors and speculators realizing the ninja mined stake is a big issue, when steemit inc is selling at a constant rate. I think they've recently stopped but they haven't burned a single token, they could start tomorrow again if they want.
Also there are more competitors coming up like meos.
At the end of the day, steem is not an investor friendly coin.
Steemit stopped powering down awhile ago and we are at ATL in satoshi. I know many cryptos are in the same ballpark but we can just look at CMC ranking for that. We have seen coins like BAT, even dogecoin hodl more stable then STeem has. Me, as an investor, never cared much about Steemit's stake TBH. I care about the long run and viability of the system which relies first on a working economy and token distribution (current release of tokens not initial).
I don't agree. Steem will never become a bitcoin type of coin. It is social media. And right now steemit inc is not profitable.
What needs to happen is steemit inc becoming profitable. Buying back steem and burning it, much like what binance has done. Look at the Binance price vs satoshi.
I'm strictly talking about token price, and what would attract more investors. And the long term viability.
I don't think the profitability of Steemit has any relevance to the userbase - as long as some mechanism to develop Steem remains nominal. Social media has proved to the the most profitable business model in the world today, and Steem failing to capitalize on that is extremely telling.
It is the failure of the social media that has caused the decline on CMC, and this is due to financial manipulation negatively impacting the value of Steem. This failure results from incentives to profiteer and extract resources necessary to increase the value of Steem, rather than investing and improving the value of the investment vehicle to generate capital gains. Capital gains are the single most compelling reason to invest since prehistory, and Steem not only fails to encourage that with the rewards model, but inculcates a rewards model contrary to that.
Stakeholders best mechanism to attain ROI is presently extracting rewards, and not capital gains. That encourages profiteers, and eliminates investors. Worst of all, it discourages content creation, by encouraging financial manipulation of rewards with substantial stake that directs rewards away from creators.
I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.
What we basically have now is steemit inc selling their stake to keep the ship afloat which is not long term viable for their company. If steemit inc left the blockchain tomorrow I don't think steem is in a decentralized enough state to handle that and thrive. It might survive but it wouldn't thrive. Most blockchains are going to need profitable businesses backing them to thrive. Steem is not a bitcoin.
Can't really muster a good argument, I disagree but you are stating facts. I have been for a burn for awhile now, I think you should have the option to power down stake instantly but take a % hit that is burned. I have 100k Steem, I power up today, and price moons tomorrow. I want to take out after one day, 5% fee so I would get 95k Steem and the 5% is burned. Every bull market a shit load of Steem would be burned and price discovery will actually happen. Going up so fast and having a bunch of people racing to power down and dump for profits isn't ideal. Every time one coin is burned, everyone's steem becomes more valuable, regardless of price.
I like that option of a 5% burn for early takeout. I'd keep my steem powered up if that was the case. I started my power down 2 weeks ago. Almost anything that burns coins will help the price in the long run, and right now we aren't burning any that I know of.
Make SP transferable between accounts and let the market decide.
I'll happily buy your SP directly at a 5% discount if I was just going to power it up anyway.
Or take it back to 104 week power-downs. My local bank offers a 5 year term deposit, so I don't know why 2 sounds so outlandish.
5% burn for faster powerdown sounds brilliant, but perhaps with some limits like 5% 24hours, then scaled, like 1% every 2.x-3.x weeks.
you should propose that to be included in the EIP
@theycallmedan I hope your assertions turn out to be true but I fear the innate human nature will make users adapt and find the new way to use and abuse their stake in order to acquire the biggest possible ROI for their stake while completely disregarding content over reward, again greedily canibalizing future success of this platform for short-term benefits.
This platform needs more people like you man and i'm not sucking your cock just to get an upvote...
But the truth is that the system needs to literally make people behave the way you behave and we will have organic content... Honestly when i wake up and see trending page full of bid bots i wanna cry - on the other hand nothing makes me more happy than seeing 10 trending posts worth of reading that can keep me occupied all fucking day.
Glad you're back!
I'm sure that the nerdy approach of explaining EIP is good however, it's having a hard time educating users about the benefits using numbers & probability.
Your kind of approach has convinced me. Good Mindset + Personal Commitment from you gave me the confidence that EIP will work.
very visionary insight. I agree with what there is to say. Developing a healthy growing ecosystem will be able to provide prosperity for its residents. Likewise in Steemit which is a platform with blockchain based, I believe we will be able to enjoy the benefits that can be felt together.
As a newcomer, of course I still have to continue to learn and obey guidance from seniors, including you
As a reinforcement for the steem community, like you say we need RCs. to get Rcs we need SP. With greater SP, RCs will continue to increase.
And I believe that many professionals are very concerned about this power up effort. One of them is SPUD2 which will be held tomorrow on the 1st of June.
SPUD is short for Steem Power Up Day. This program has entered the second session after May 1 was announced by SPUD.
As a positive step I tried to spread it too. In my opinion this is a vision of what you came up with in this post.
Warm regard from Indonesia Through #spud and #spud2, he also received support from several accounts such as @xpilar, @flipstar, @taliakerch and @sultan-aceh with the help of the steem delegation. . This SPUD was initiated by @streetstyle. Thank you @theycallmedan
You did a good job of making the case for EIP ;)
The problem is that some big stake holders curate their own circle of friends.
But if this hard Fork do not play out well I just hope that they roll it back because slashing 50% of the author rewards is a pain.
If the big stake hodlers curate spam content, downvotes will stop that. I will make sure in the new system you earn more than you do now, that is my promise to you :)
Well Dan, what you say makes perfect sense, the truth is everyone is afraid of the unknown, but as you said we gotta keep it moving and try something new. Thank you for making us see more in depth about this.
Steem Blockchain we are not going through from the phase of Stagnancy but yes, due to Opensource Ecosystem definitely we can see the Rivalry, let's take this step positively.@theycallmedan, Definitely on
But yes, when we say Steem in first look or last look it will loudly say that i am platform for the content and curators are discovering the content, so I Am Content Discovery Platform. And i agree with your point that we have to implement the steps which will boost the site Rankings.
STEEM and Steem Power is the driving force and we cannot develop those aspects which depletes the power of that use case.
Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Before reading this I was confused about EIP.
Thanks for explanation.
Hope this works for steem
Posted using Partiko iOS
I think this is the longest blog I ever read authored by you. It is a salient expression of a passionate investor and one who has great dreams for Steem.
I think the Steemit Inc team considers the points as weighty as they are towards the perfect build of Steem. Steem has an edge over other social platforms. We must maximize it.
My biggest concern with this EIP is that blogging and Steemit.com is still the main source to "mine Steem". But we all want to have a thriving SMT and Dapp economy. That is an unfair privilege for Steemit.com and blogging in general compared to all other dapps like Steemhunt, Magic dice or Steemmonsters. IMO the whole POB mechanism should be removed from the baselayer Steem and should be put in the hands of SMT and communities. Steempower should only be good for voting on witnesses, voting on worker proposals from the foundation and maybe vote on SMT main accounts to allocate some Steem from the reward pool.
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I would argue without PoB, if we started out as just an EOS where we are used purely for RCs/voting - I think Steem would not be in the top 1000 of crypto’s right now, and I am dead serious. I don’t take for granted the fact PoB shot Steem up in world ranking of sites thus gave us the traction we still enjoy today. I believe it helped so much it even helped us survive the current travesty that is our current economy.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'm not saying to remove the POB mechanism at all, but to put in the hands of communities and SMT project. Steemit.com is the first application on Steem and should become with the introduction of SMT its own community project.
Steem is not just about blogging and with more dapps coming up it becomes more clear that this focus on POB on the baselayer is blockin growth. We can't change every year the reward curve structure just to pretend that we are moving in the right direction. IMO POB without some sort of Administration or rules in place won't fullfil its true power. Users will always be complaining about Bidbots, self-voting etc...We need to find long term solution for this problem. When POB is used only in Communities than automatically competition starts to kick in and all projects need to find the best solution for its users. Now we have Steemit.com who rules us all, if your Dapp is about blogging or not you still are effected by its decision how they handle their POB.
Why not implement a minimal functioning version of POB on the Baselayer for example voting on approved community accounts / SMT projects (approved by the Steem foundation) to allocate some rewards from the Reward Pool?
Ok, I see what you're saying, basically delegate the reward pool to communities. Interesting idea, I haven't really thought about that before TBH. I already can poke some holes in it, how to choose which dapp gets the rewards etc. Competitions can be easily rigged when money is involved, and the reward pool can be worth way more than it is today. I rather give 100% control to the individual stake hodler then to rely on dapps to do the right thing. A stake hodler can be a dapp, if the dapp truly wants the power to upvote it can do a captial raise and buy steem.
dApps are already empowered with large amounts of delegations from @misterdelegation. It will be interesting to see how they will manage increase in curation rewards.
This idea is just a framework for a new way to bring more value into the Steem ecosystem and also trying to solve some of the problems with the current POB system. Its not perfect, but I would like to have some more people think about it to improve it.
I have something like this in my mind. The inflation rate for the reward pool gets cut down to 3-4%. Witnesses are still getting rewards for signing Blocks maybe 1%. Worker Proposals from the Steem Foundation get also 1% for funding.
Voting on Dapps and Communities is also handled thru the Steem Foundation organisation. They would need to approve certain projects so that they become a legit Project on the Steem Blockchain. Since the people in charge in the Steem Foundation get elected by regular users on the Blockchain, there would be a direct link between users - Foundation - Dapps and the Reward Pool.
Every user who holds Steempower can than vote on these Projects to allocate e.g. 1% of the Steem reward pool to those Communities. And for doing so, every individual Vote on a Community / Dapp Account would also earns e.g. 1% curation rewards - depending on the success of the Dapp / Community he voted for.
Therefore every Dapp or Community will have the opportunity to get some funding in Steem Tokens to support their own SMT Token and Community.
This system would represent the Baselayer for what you can do with your Steempower - Voting for Witnesses, Voting on Worker Proposals and Voting on Dapps - This is a minimal functioning POB version on the Baselayer.
All other POB versions (like this EIP Proposal) are handled within in the SMT communities.
Like, I said this is just my idea, but I think its worth working on and promoting, because it is easy to understand for what Steempower is used for and also very transparent to investors, users and developers alike.
Isn’t this already done by steemit delegating to dApps with @misterdelegation?
I have proposed a mechanism to solve that problem: the Huey Long algorithm. See my reply to the OP.
When and if SMTs are implemented, your reasonable considerations apply. Who knows when - or if - that will happen?
We'll see.
I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.
How to measure that?
When Steemit.com was the only front end, its Alexa ranking was a good metric. But now there’s Busy, Steempeak, Partiko, SteemMonsters, dLike, d.Tube, yadda yadda yadda.
I want the top 10 UIs on Steem in the top 1000 of rankings and would like to see the flagship apps break top 500 with a unicorn hitting top 200. Once one UI makes top 200 it will carry all of steem with it
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I agree as it will be profitable to curate. It was before and now even more so if this happens. I look at curation making me the equivalent of an extra 2 or 3 posts per week if you do it right. Most users haven't spent the time to learn how it works and now this is a wonderful opportunity to grow more than ever.
{If people MAKE MONEY curating, THEY WILL CURATE} - Yes i feel the same way. I will buy more steem or borrow steem to curate.
EDIT: re-read and changed curation %, excellent!
I still think SMT is more than gambling and if done correctly — it’ll only enrich and improve the Steem BlockChain as a whole.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Let's give EIP a try, I got also another idea how to incentivize manual/own curation over delegations to bots: add a small "fee" for delegations, own Steem Power should be worth a bit more than delegated Steem Power, that's the basic idea, outlined here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@vikisecrets/hf21-eip-solution-proposal-for-bid-bots-and-delegation-abuse-add-a-small-fee-for-delegations
100% this:
I think many people on steem are pretty jaded, and I'm not sure I blame them, but I also think that the key is simply to make it more profitable to curate (or delegate to curation entities like curie etc) than vote selling. It's not rocket science to see that making good behaviour pay better than bad, is going to improve things. My hope when I first looked at this proposal was that it would actually increase author rewards rather than reducing them. Partly through making it pay better to manually curate, but also the effect on posts when all that SP that's locked up delegated to bidbots is freed up to work in the way that was envisioned in the whitepaper. Like I said to someone a few weeks back; '50% of a $20 payout is much better than 75% of a $5 payout lol
I think there is a lot of fear around this proposal with people predicting that new ways to game the system will just be invented, but people don't realise that it's do or die time! If we don't improve things soon then steem might get left behind in the next bull run.... Or if we fix things, steem could be one of the big winners in the next bull run.
Great to read your thoughts about these things. Also, that we're off a similar mind. I wrote a post about the proposed economic changes a few weeks ago called steem bot coloured dreams.
Posted using Partiko Android
Very inspiring story and ready to embrace the hard fork 21 and make Steem an awesome place!
From the looks of it, a wide range of people are already reacting to this proposal like it has been voted into the HF already. A healthy discussion and then letting the top 20 we chose to make the best decision.
The concern about the middleclass/low income generating content creators is valid. However, if this 50/50 change to the linear curve we already use can eventually help the price of steem grow, that should compensate it. I do have to think a little more on how will it effect curation. Will the big bucks posters make bigger bucks, and the smaller ones die out? I am not sure. I will not be sure until I see the proposal in effect.
Yes, Eos can do the same and maybe do better. But steem is what it is today because of the community. However it may be undermined, the community is, by far, playing a massive role in keeping steem together.
I feel like this is a move for the long run. the long term vision, which many lack. but is this change the one that has to implemented the soonest? it is creating a havoc among the steemians (which I am sure will calm down if said proposal is forked and becomes the norm)
Seeing from this post that other curators also agree upon not abusing their stake and discouraging selfvote abuse shows me that we still can look up to them. About curatorhulk, it'd be nice if I were on the list.
Looking forward to the witness chat and am really happy that people are voicing their opinions.
They already did a dpoll vote. And with public support from Steemit Inc, it's pretty much a done deal. Wish it wasn't because I believe it could really use a few important patches.
Thanks so much on this particular discussion. I read It and I digested it. It well said about #steem. And duration aspect on the blockchain.
Posted using Partiko Android
this got me thinking why i even care about all this and spend time reading about it. he who has gold will make the rules.
i know you do a lot of curation even in this system so you do it because you want to. i don't see people who sell votes or what evere that they will now look through steem to find 100+ people every day to curate.
of course they will, because now with the new curve i will not vote for a new guy that has 15 votes from minnows, i will vote for people that you vote for, because more share vote in the post means that my vote will maybe be worth something, opposite to voting for someone that is still not noticed or ignored that will most of the time be a dust vote. (could be that i completely misunderstood the curve).
I don't see the benefits to new and small accounts, and it may be i just know nothing.
I think there's no perfect answer that won't be looked at without the prospect of morality really i definitely think people needs to make money off curation but it'll become purely business and Steem May loose the community aspect it was rather basking on as a strength.
Thanks for your excellent #review. Thats amazing . Good luck.
If only the math behind the EIP was half as good as the narrative.
One criticism I have of Government is that when they make a law that doesn’t work, they never rescind it. They just pass another law.
If Steem had 50/50 in the past, as a relatively new Steemian I don’t know, then I can get behind undoing something that didn’t work and changing another variable. I can be comfortable that the problem won’t be compounded.
Posted using Partiko iOS
If the difference between a 2c reward and a 20c reward bothers you, then you're not an author I'm interested in reading.
I'd be delighted to rewind all the back to n2, 50:50 and 104 week powerdowns; but the EIP is a reasonable compromise.
This is nice article about Steemit and its EIP. I never heard about EIP before so for me its learning. Nice discussion about steem, EIP and curation.
Voting 150+ post daily is great work you are doing and empowering the platform. Thank you.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Good episode of eip @theycallmedan I am resteem you’re blog
Posted using Partiko iOS
Very good points. The only people who should be concerned are those who want to continue to profit while being lazy. However they can and should eventually just move somewhere else.
Posted using Partiko Android
I believe EIP is intended to enable exactly that exodus, with profiteers extracting the last bit of profit worth taking on the way out, and on to the next target. Every aspect is designed to enable more rapid extraction of rewards, which is critical to selling the Steem before price drops further.
I hope I'm wrong. I don't think I am.
I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.
Lets hope that this can help the content creators more than ever before