
Fair enough; I just wish people would 'normal' vote more, as well as tactical, which I really don't think is worth it when SP is under say about 20,000.

Take me for instance, tactical voting would probably be the difference between me making 5.1 steem per week and 5.4.

I auto vote, and I vote randomly, can't make anyone else do the same, but I do think it's a good tactic, each to their own I guess . . .


Actually, it's not all "fair enough" - I think it's important to try to lay aside personal opinions and vote on content based on quality and not opinions.

I've seen opinion-biases causing big "echo-chamber"-effects back at Reddit (i.e. r/btc), where people tend to downvote a well-given argument just because they happen to disagree with the conclusion, as well as upvote ad-hominems and other fallacies as long as they agree with the conclusion, it's quite bad.

We seem to live in a time where if you are to disagree with something you automatically shut it down.

It seems that people need to become more willing to listening to opposing views and trying to understand and maybe even learn from the.

It's really bad, and only becoming worse.

Internet was supposed to bring mankind closer together, but instead we're seeing the opposite effect, even in multiple dimensions:

  • People naturally seek like-minded people, they naturally want to get their values and beliefs reinforced rather than challenged. Internet makes it easier to connect to like-minded people.

  • Earlier we had telephone numbers, later we got email addresses, UseNet and the IRC ... but after that, things have gradually broken down, the IRC network split in two, and people started using various commercial and/or proprietary solutions like ICQ, MSN, Skype, Slack, Telegram, Wickr, Reddit, etc. It's really challenging, for instance we've started the Pirate Party here in Norway, but we can't communicate with each other, hence it's a dead end!

I don't use bots for voting, I only do manual voting, and I strive to upvote what seems to be quality content. Sometimes when my voting power is at 100%, I may desperately choose some tags I care about, search out new posts and give an upvote to the best post I can find.