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RE: Join me in flagging @haejin - 46k in ABUSE REWARDS

in #steem7 years ago

Hey @berniesanders. I agree with you that there is abuse taking place on the platform and I for one am not happy about it but with the power you appear to have on the platform I would think you could be a more positive influence and example for others to follow if you chose to be.

I have no idea if @haejin or @ranchorelaxo are abusing the system and at this point I have no desire to find out since, if they are, they are simply two examples among many.

I'm not as familiar with you as perhaps I could be but I am led to believe that it is yourself who is behind @randowhale, which many view as a positive initiative but which I myself would say was abuse. This is all a matter of perspective of course and we are all free to do as we choose but I would urge you if this is the case to re-think the offering of this service and also to consider a more positive strategy of reversing the current trend of abuse across the platform as a whole, as it would appear from the little I've seen that you do seem to care about the platform and as I said you have more power than most to effect change.

Cheers mate.

Hope your day is going well.


It's his sp, if he wants to reward shitposts for cash, that is on him.
The one's that get my goat are the ones teaming up to reward the few at the expense of the many.

I agree mate. It's definitely his choice how he uses his SP but as a community, if we don't agree with someones behaviour and believe it is having a negative effect on the community, as Bernie did in his post here, I think we all have the personal responsibility to let them know we don't agree and that we think they should reconsider their actions for the good of all.

I also agree with you in regard to the second part of your comment. There are a lot of ways of dressing abuse up as something that is good for the 'community' but that simply enable some to share the wealth between themselves more readily while ignoring the vast majority of others on the site. Lots of little 'gangs' forming around the community. :(

Hope your day is going well mate.

you gotta start somewhere. claiming a defeatist attitude will only allow it to grow.

Sorry @klevn. I must not have expressed my sentiments well enough but I don't have a defeatist attitude. My comment was simply an attempt to appeal to the good nature of the man who quite clearly cares about the platform in some way yet continues to sell his power of influence to others while throwing stones.

I understand there is some sort of war going on between those at the top of the steemit power structure of which Bernie is one but I think he has the power and also the respect of a lot of users and could put those two to better use for the good of us all.

I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about though. It just appears to me that between us all, we are fucking up a good thing. :(

agreed. I've removed my downvotes. I no longer feel I can support anything berniesanders does. even by others admissions his comments are witty and not constructive in nature.

I watched 'The Red Pill' just last night... it was all about how feminist where turned against The Men's Rights Movement with huge claims of fraud when in fact a legit case can be made that men rights is an issue, are seen as success objects, disposable, and screwed in child custody.

pretty interesting that I saw it just last night, and then this. I woke up feeling horrible, I should know better, but I was triggered. I have been reading his posts lately, and this haejin guy is not fighting back, has strong support, and more and more reasonable sounding users.

So i've changed all my comments, apologized and backing out.

I still think circlejerking needs to be addressed, but I don't think that is the case here.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Hey @phgnomo. I appreciate your reply to my comment but who is the good man doing nothing that you refer to? :)

" I have no desire to find out since, if they are, they are simply two examples among many."
This that you said is what made sendo you the quote.
I am not saying what you should do in this particular matter, but doing nothing and not caring is what you definetly shouldnt do.
That is, If you Care about what happenes with this platform.

A look through my blog will show that I care about what happens on this platform. In saying what I did, I was trying to say that we shouldn't just highlight individual abuses when we have an axe to grind against that particular person or as a proxy for our dislike of someone else but should look at the abuse taking place on the platform as a whole, as well as our own behaviour.

I get your point, and these are inherent flaws If the platform. But If you see something that is definetly unfair with others membros of the community, dont you think some action should bem taken for the good of the community?
It is a philosohical matter, and both position lead to different resulta, but think about this:
In the past, there were several rules that were unfair(apartheid as an example) do you think things would improve If no one standed up to solve those system issues?

I definitely do. If you would like a better understanding of my position and views, you can read this little post I wrote last week.

It should give you a better understanding of my stance on the subject and should answer your question. :)

Or this one a few days later to propose a solution. :)

As with the real world though, no-one wants to be the first to stand up for fear that no-one else will have their backs so we all keep our mouths shut and let society go to shit around us. :(