There are lots of really good men and women using steemit who are hoping it will provide them with a means of building a future for themselves and their families. I'm one of them. Some of us weren't lucky enough to have the knowledge,ability or foresight to take advantage of the situation when steemit was launched. I don't know much about much but I think that's why you have the support and respect of a large section of the community. But I agree with the author of the post. I think the way you've been using the power you've attained is damaging for the future of the platform and those who hope to see it succeed. I think steemit could really help the world if the right people set the right example but right now the example is being set by tge wrong people. You're by no means the only one but you are one of the main offenders, if not THE main offender. You know this of course and in a world where its every man for themselves and dog eat dog, I can't even blame you. Part of me even wishes I had the ability and means to do the same but for me, there are more important things than money in life, especially now.
How much money or power do you need mate? Whats your objective?
Truth is, you've got a shitload of power on the platform. From one man to another, please re-think how you're using it?
I hope you're day is going well.