
it good news !

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Thank you!

Poloniex is like the cancer of crypto in my opinion.

Time to get STEEM off polo and power up! Steem about to blow up!

having steem on polo increases value dramatically

I mean get your your steem off polo and power up.

I'm really hoping it works this time. I heard about ALOT of people steem and sbd being stuck for a week.. That's just awful, especially if they were transferring the money for a emergency of some sort.

So long Poloniex!

the floor is poloniex steemit.png

I'm done with Polo as well . .

Was hard to be done with polo when crypto went up because it would increase more than 2k every day, so I could withdraw everyday max and just barely hold my account balance down. Was kind of nice, but I'm glad to be fully off of it by now.

Hopefully bittrex gets the volume so i can stop charting steem on polinex

Steem broke out of the current resistance aswell chart

I'm still waiting on my money 15 days and counting.

Thanks for sharing! Get your Steem outta there while you can. Polo has been holding our Steem for weeks and weeks now. They are very shading indeed. Not the best exchange. Bittrex I never had this problem.

About time!

This will make some people smile, I always say polo is a safe place. I have used them for years now and never lost anything there.

Thanks for sharing this information @transisto .. God Bless :)

I still have a 350+ SBD transfer to Polo made days before the hardfork that has never appeared in my account.

Fuck Polo.

Wow, they still having issues? I thought this was cleared up days ago. I hope everyone gets there money out safely.

I'm glad its back. I probably won't use it for a little while to make sure its back.

Thanks for sharing

The Polo experience:


Doesn't matter where you hold it still worth the same or very close to it

Although be careful with Poloniex I am waiting for a deposit on ETC , it's been a week and no signs of the deposit and no answer from poloniex support to any of my tickets. And I've read I'm not the only one having this issue.

I've been onto Polo for a couple of months to update my level 2 verification to I can shift my cash quicker. Today they finally responded! So hoping to get verified and then I can get the hell outta there!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to get my SBD back.

My deposit 8 days ago still hasn't shown up.. :(

Thanks for info, but why it was stopped in the first place , will it stop again .

great - but my transfer isn't there ._.

praise baby jesus

good news, thank You ! follow me > follow You! greetings from Poland..Deazydee

I am waiting for replies reg an unauthorized transfer I never asked for. I want my funds ( quite a lot ) back and then they can kiss my bootie