"I have always battled with depression and anxiety and streaming kind of gave me something to look forward to so I could focus on things that made me happy rather than focus on the things that would bring me down.
For better or for worse I started to isolate myself and it got to the point where 90% of my social interactions were here on the blockchain."
@ericwilson 100% respect for saying that words to public. Not everyone have balls to tell things like this in public. Also same for me I'm depressed. I regret that I'm alive. And steemit gave me opportunity to find new friends. Because I abadonned all my friends IRL. For me steemit is everything. Its my second home.
That post was so emotional. I dont care if you got out of the routine or not. Im allways with you. I know you are good guy. I was allways saying "I am my biggest enemy". We all gonna be happy if we gonna beat ourselves. I wish u best eric!
Same to you my friend. We will all get through this and become stronger because of it!