whats up with steem?

in #steem7 years ago

this has been on my mind for some days now!
while some crypto currencies seems to be doing very great

our very own steem is not doing so well!... from number 20 on coin market cap to number 25 on the log....
i am not mr expert but then, i am asking the community.... whats really happening?
is there ways we can help push steem back up to the top twenty on the crypto log andeven further to the top ten?

please let all the steem experts coming and offer ideas and suggestions on what and how we gonna go about this!

for those who kept your BTC after reading my posts... hope you are smiling now?

lets keep steem on fire people!kindly chat me up on steem chat @txonyikeyz so that you can give me some BTC for the advise and tips! LOL!

have fun everyone andhy.... keep the suggestions coming in!it is still me your favourite steemian @txonyikeyz .... AKA TK AKA OCHA!