Done my next reminder incl. #howto create a #twitter account post - we need to push that poll until it ends - without doubts the most important action for all steemians currently!
We might discuss a short-termed twitter strategy how to target / tag influencers that help us - anyone of us knows certain big guys there i am sure - get them to vote for Steem! Any idea / feedback @thecryptofiend
Not sure about strategy am currently experimenting with Twitter ads myself - it is really expensive though and sometimes it works but mostly it seems to have little effect with small amounts of money. If we all retweet and like important tweets then that should help.
Twitter ads are only successful when you target a very specific audience - same on LinkedIn - for social ads Facebook might still be the most promising - i know at least for leadGen - for now let us spread it everywhere and approach gurus in the space - would be cool to get #Steem to become trending on #twitter