Steem School EP 5 - How to Find Great People on Steem & Become Friends!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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Today I write about making real friends here on Steem with which you can do things outside of Steem!

All that people want are followers and upvoters and fuck yes I want a lot of followers and cash as well, denying that would be hypocritical because without the money Steemit would just be a better Facebook version (which I stay away from).

Anyway, here on Steem I have met people that I get along with very well and with whom I work & talk with on a daily basis.

@Hopehuggs for example, she is a member of my group the "Berserkers" we talk and work together on Steem & Discord on a daily basis.

Friendship requires that you have the same interests and @Hopehuggs and my interest is Steem & self-improvement.

This should already give you an idea on how to build real friendships here on Steem!

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How to Make Real Friends on Steem

First of all, you need to find people that have your interest (Steem is not enough). I suggest that you find 10 people here on Steem and follow them.

You also bookmark their blog pages so that you can easily open their blogs and not lose overview when you follow more than 10 people.

Yes, I only follow a select a few people to not lose the overview of things. The Steemit feed is currently not suited to keep a good overview of more than 10 blogs.

Furthermore, it is impossible to make really deep connections with more than 10 people. 10 People are already a lot.

So you find 10 people you like and write on their blogs every damn day (read this how to write awesome comments post). Remember that you want to build real friendships here & not some followers.

Afterwards, you invite them to talk with you over Skype, Discord or whatever platform you know to talk with each other (chatting is not enough).

Then you start helping each other and exchange gifts, basically like you maintain any real friendship.

How to make Friends on Steem in a Nutshell:
1. Find 10 people whose blogs you like to read.
2. Follow and bookmark their blogs.
3. Write extraordinary comments on their blogs
4. Invite them to talk with you.
5. Exchange gifts, upvotes, talk with each other on a daily basis.
6. Keep writing comments!

If you follow these tips and combine them with common sense you will be able to create a nice dragon "friendship".

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Avoid Doing These Things

Here are things that you must abstain from doing if you want to build a real friendship.

1. Doing this to get more money.
2. Not helping and exchanging gifts with each other.
3. Writing bad comments.
4. Endless flattery in the comments.
5. Try to build a friendship with more than 10 people.
6. Irregular contact.
7. Trying to build a relationship with people whose blogs you don't like.

There are also more things to avoid, I recommend to just be yourself and to remember the tips that I wrote here, like that you will be able to meet the people you like.

And hopefully, you will meet each other in real life or at least exchange gifts!

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You do not have to exchange physical gifts (which would, however, be awesome)! You can also exchange virtual gifts like upvotes, ebooks, advice or other stuff which you can gift to them which is virtual!

Here are gifts which I received from Steemians for example (The bear claws are custom made by @jist & the books are a gift from @hopehuggs)!

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Get More & Higher Upvotes: Steemfollower

Convert your Bitcoin to EUR/USD (Europe:) Wirex

Berserkers Discord Server: Discord

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▶️ DTube


The greatest people that I have met on Steem are @hopehuggs, @Jist, @humaneaerl, @Flauwy & @Snook.

I appreciate all the help and gifts too, Philip. Thank you.

As with everything good in life, it takes time to develop friendships even here on Steemit. It is about recognizing commonalities and the people you just click with, these are the ones to develop. It doesn't happen that often, so it is relatively easy to stick within 10 people.

Sometimes you can make mistakes here also, as some people put up a facade and fool you (I was duped by someone last year), so making sure to keep it real is essential.

Agreed - keeping it real is mandatory, both online and in real life.

No point in putting your energy into friendships with people you wouldn't actually want to hang out with, as ultimately, it is a waste of your time and efforts and theirs.

Easily best comment on the post.

Narrowing down to a group of 10 people is an interesting concept. It makes sense though to focus on a small community, even in life. I never thought about it, but I just seem to flutter around steemit without making real connections. I did connect with a couple, though. I will add them to my ten list and work on connecting with a few more. I think you are right, we often focus on getting followers but feel like strangers in a crowd without friends. I will try your approach. Blessings.

A very great comment Gatorlynne.

I am glad that you have read the post and apply what I wrote without this fake flattery.

Up with you!

That' s why I'm pretty selective n the people I follow. But then on top of that it is difficult to keep up with more than 10 people like you said. As a matter of fact I can count on one hand the people's who blogs I visit on a regular. You are one of them of course.

Some people just mesh better with others. There are only a handful of people I just gel with. So people should find others who they vibe with. Even in my everyday life I only have a handful of people that I stay in communication with. The way I see it is that the fewer relationships you have the deeper that relationship and the more relationships you have the more shallow they'll be.

100% agree Earl.

Around 5 people is actually perfect, it doesn't require much effort to stay in constant contact with 5 people!

Flauwy's blog and yours are actually the only ones that I follow since I started here.

Everyone else I follow now I got to know later.

Great tips. It's really important to find people with similar interests, because that is what makes people connect with each other on a higher level! And I agree that one shouldn't overdo it by trying to build relationships with too many people at once. If you're trying to build relationships with a 100 people, then it's probably not going to happen. But yeah, Steemit is a fantastic place to find new friends that you can meet in real life at some point.


A great comment Trendo!

Up with you!

Steemit is pure bliss,

Steemit makes other platforms feel cold and lifeless. The support Dtube/Steemit and the blockchain gave me in 2 weeks curb stomped 2 years of other online platforms income into the ground. Steemit is the future of art, music and online creation.

Then you talk about the people, Steemit has the best user base of any social media platform, hands down. It might be the incentive of getting paid but the comments here are very friendly. Even the short and kinda annoying comments are atleast of possative nature. You don’t see any angry, aggressive trolls like in other platforms.

Your tips here are amazing for new memebers and maybe even old members who have yet to find success on Steemit, you do amazing work my friend. Hope all is going well in the land of 🇩🇪.

Keep up the solid content, love it.


Great comment Todd.

You put some effort into your comment and added value to it.

And same here, I earned more here in 2 months than I earned with my 2 year old blog.

Up with you!

I learned this from your previous videos. You made me step back and see how other platforms really push horrible comment habits. After watching your video, going back to FB hurt my head. I need to start adding pics like you said in that video too. 🐿

Be careful with the flattery, it is easy to see who does that for upvotes.
Don't do that mistake.


This post got me thinking, it's true most of us give steemit great attention because of the benefits attached including myself i would not be here if not for that. But it should not be just that. I have met someone don't know if I should call him a friend yet but we share the same interests, am a music lover so is he so it was easy to get along. Thanks for the information @valorforfreedom am still new here tho..following you

Another great comment, up with you as well.

I agree with you @valorforfreedom. One of the reasons I joined Steemit was to connect with likeminded people who create art, design or write interesting articles like this one. I feel there is more authenticity in this platform because everything is more transparent, less curated and there seems to be less marketing. By now, I've found a cool and super talented supporter like @shinyforest. I really enjoy and support her art as well. This post has encouraged me to create more meaningful relationships with my fellow steemians and I really wish that comments don't fade away for the convenience of voting. When I started, I wrote more comments and I must admit I have fallen on the trap of not doing it as much. Thanks for you post, I really enjoyed reading it. I'm gonna follow you for more insights! Upvoted as well.

Thank you Creativista.

Check this post out to write even better comments and get nice upvotes by applying the advice in that post.

I recommend that you read this post:

There are a lot of people that I like to talk on steem, but I might also apply this tips to get to know them better. On Steemit it is easier to find people that share the same ideas about something and to help each other. It is really cool to find friends from all over the world.

Making real friends in Steemit would be really nice. Unfortunately I haven't found someone here that I can call a friend. But that's probably because I am still new and haven't established connections yet. I'll try your advice and see if it works for me. Thanks for the advice. Have a nice day.

Thank you Riovanes, you have a nice day as well.

Good pointers there! Keep 'em Steem School tutorials coming ;)

Will do, have a nice day.

Steemit is a great platform to find people with like mind..I have met quite a few nice people who have inspired and also spurred me to be better at what I do

Hello, first of all thanks alot for sharing this post with us! Im new here so right now i don't have any friends here, but thanks to your post which inspired me and gave me a proper direction to where should i go and where i shouldn't...!

#keepposting #keepsharing :)

Steemit is an extraordinary stage to discover individuals with like mind..I have met many decent individuals who have enlivened and furthermore impelled me to be better at what I do

@valorforfreedom nice tips for the learner, not about increasing the follower but to make a better understanding with few makes wonder :)

real friends and steem are true, thanks for share

Nice Video and good luck on your way :)

Hello, I am inviting you to join What Are You Wished For? - Best Comment Contest! if you are interested.

Good advice, and good Guidelines to follow. I think the idea of having few people followed is a good idea. Once again thanks man. ;)

Put more effort into your comment Tesla.
Read this post:

That was thoughtful to point me to that post. I had a good read, and it's really useful for noobies.

This isnt a general "thank you" though, haha. Cheers man, have a good day ;)

Oh if you like science, when i have time i do make some interesting posts, take a look if you like.

Have a nice day as well Tesla.

Good post @valorforfr
Like help me please

Read all the Steem School articles!

I recommend you start with this one:

Nice post you are right bro

i get my first post as commented you i did not know any thing about steemit but one thing for shour that steem it today price on coin market cap is amazing and i hope that steemit get high and high with time thanks

Sincerely, i been on steemit for some time now, but i guess i just read my best ever post on steemit. Thank you

good tips - i am glad to come across you here - am now following and upvoting - rock on -David

great comment@ valorforfreedom.thanks

How do I upload a picture to my profile🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
Nice post dude 🤞🏾📈🚀♻️

Great to see such post coming out from such mates. :) Here in steemit we are like a family more than friends. I have joined steemit almost 2months ago and now I have made many beautiful and loyal friends on steemit. This is how the system should go. we are not here for the upvotes or earning our main moto should be to get more and more loyal friends. earning is the second option for me but first friends making. Thank you valorforfreedom for such an article.

I think that is the main thing :

I recommend that you read this post:

I know this post my friend and i have read t before, what i wanted to say is just that the first steps of making a good friend is go be kind to each other and support each other. :))

This is so cool! I actually thought of steemit as a good platform to meet new people with your same Interest. But before steemit, we have this another social media site called bitlanders and some of my bitfriends dragged me here. I am just happy to find virtual friends, having the same or not having the same interest. Tagging these awesome people hehe @pinay @junebride @Artgirl @rem25 @goiinmary

any one want friend? here i'm ! follow me i will follow back 😀

Word of advice you told me Mr. @valorforfreedom yesterday and sure is its best i suppose but the most neccessary thing is they must have same interest with you so it wont seem boring when reading, and sure u sure you got the crypto currencies post which make it nice bookmarking you..nice reading your post man.🖒🖒

why i can not like your video

Thank you for this great information. I will start to keep friends from steemit. Who will be my first good friends?

i hail you this wonderful moment by screaming your exact word from previous post <Odin's beard!>.. You see I have always called you a system man who understands the basic principles of life. Indeed you gave an awesome breakdown of how this thing works.

I ENJOY coming here to read and study because each time i come, i always discover something new. Permit me to say i will like to join your GROUP.. I like to know the exact way in..

I have been looking for this opportunity. I am making it known to you that you are already NUMBER 1 on the list.

I believe in excellence.. that is just exactly what you portray in your lines each time i go through it..


thank you very much for this piece.
I am me @brightfame

Yes its very important to find good friend. And steemit is a very good platform to find friends. Its everyones wish to have good friends. Some of them able to find. If he/she is at the same interest with me we can get along. And all its if our thinking matched or just similar we can be friend and it dosnt matter where and when we being friend. It could be anywhere. Thanks for remind us.

good tip thank you :)

I imagine 10 is a good number to eventually shoot for, but it seems impossible to believe that the first 10 people whose blogs you like will eventually become friends of yours. You'll almost certainly have to make re-evalution of that list on a regular basis, and there are certainly those who - for whatever reason - you won't become friends with, but you will want to keep reading/commenting on their blogs. It's a very efficient way to develop friendships here though, I'll grant you that.

Great tips! In my opinion the most important thing is really enjoy the content that person write.

Keep the nice work! I can't wait to see the moment when you will achive your objective!


Hi Thank you so much for your really good advises i really appreciate it and i know others too!! You are funny too and that helps :) :) I've subscribed to your channel and will probably check you every week! It's always good to see more and more people that are giving good advises here!

Thank you very much for this write up, honestly speaking, I do not know all this tips you give in your write up. I am just new here. your tips have rightly give me an insight of what I should be doing. A friend of mine introduced me to steemit about three weeks ago, with little understanding of how I should go about it . On like face book, I have so many friends I talk to on daily basis, but challenge I have here is how to make friend, I mean real friend,I never know that that real friend can be made in steemit, I am very friendly, I want honest people I can talk to and make real friend with. Thank you Very much, I will not forget to put this into practice.

Further more , I believe that Money is not everything we only need in life, what friend can do to another friend could be awesome. As the adage goes, a friend in need is a friend in deed.

I agree with the idea of your post. I am on Steemit all week, but have noticed that usually the posts of one person vote the same people. It's great when you have support at Steemit. Because when I write a post, I want to hear the opinions of others, get their advice or to hear "Great idea! I will do the same!". Last week I met two people who live in Germany and speak German of course. It's great that thanks to them I have language practice. We communicate with them in chat rooms. One of the girls lived in Russia in a small town not far from me. Here is a coincidence)
Your post I found by tag "education". I wanted to find information about child development, as I have a young daughter, but found other helpful information thanks to you! Thank you!

i only been on hear a few days an met awesome people lol