People are the community. People in the community should be the ones to decide how the community functions, not a small subset of rich powerful users that have a concentration on power and get to do whatever they want and get away with it
It has never been any different in human life. The powerful will rule in any system if we want it or not.
“Govenment is founded on property
Property is founded on conquest
Conquest is founded on power
All power is founded on brain and brawn.”
If the system doesn't allow it they will simply pay or blackmail the developer/inventor.
However, if we combine forces and remove them from power in some way we might have a chance.
The powerful laugh about us right now, do you think they care about us talking? Popular people talk shit about whales and the top 20 all the time but nothing changed.
Its like protesting -> A waste of time.
Yes, but that's why this is false and a contradiction to what was just quoted:
You can't have it both ways. Communities can create systems where the above is not true. Systems that can change, not rigid and stagnant ;)
Let's not talk about the issue, and get nowhere at all then ;) LOL
Good idea, but I doubt any systematical change will happen here as the powerful decide that and they love their money.
Steemit needs to change fundamentally, Steemit, as it is at the moment, ain't of great benefit for people that joined "later".