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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem6 years ago

I have seen multiple votes from these accounts that are not named, and they have become mystery votes. Ask @a-non-e-moose, who has necessary competence to explain this to you, and whom explained it to me when we were seeking to understand how those votes were cast.

Actions by those accounts are completely and utterly censored. Your actions conducting search aren't. I'm sorry you're incompetent to grasp the difference.


No, you are incompetent to even understand the concepts of "censorship resistance".

  • Just because you are incompetent to have basic clicking skills to navigate laughable filters doesn't mean someone is being censored.
  • Just because you are incompetent to use workarounds that exist doesn't mean we don't have censorship resistance.
  • Just because you are incompetent to find another frontend or get someone else to build a frontend that doesn't give a dang doesn't equate to censorship.
  • Just because you prefer to have posts not load up due to thousands of spam from some whale "proving a point" doesn't mean the rest of the peeps need to suffer alongside with you.
  • Just because you are okay seeing kiddie porn and PHI leaking about doesn't mean every frontend has to show them.

Are the votes not cast? Are things not recorded to the blockchain? Did you not get the rewards? Did they not get the curation? They still freaking show up on the voting list when someone else votes for you. Anyone using a few of the dozen tools out there know you receive votes from FTG (and his hundreds of alts) from time to time. You are just grasping at mundane bs to appear knowledgeable on this matter.

YOU ARE WRONG and are desperately trying to tell me something as if you have unearthed a monumental discovery.Give it a rest. I have interactions with @a-non-e-moose from time to time. You are in no position to lecture me because

You know you talk a lot about things you have no understanding of. I am very glad you have revealed that, so I don't have to pay any more attention to you. Worse, you put words in my mouth. That's called projection, and it's a symptom of something worse.

Good luck with that.

Nice reversal. Keeping on dreaming about being a sage.

I come from a place where shit get censored. You merely whine about it.