There are other tweaks with equal potential to affect these issues, such as zero curation rewards, 1a1v, and many more. While I am not accusing you of some disingenuity, I don't agree with your assessment and proposed solutions.
Promotion isn't necessary to succeed on Steem social media. I have never done it, and reckon I have achieved considerable success, but I don't measure success financially. Society is vastly more - and more important - than money, and simply considering monetary aspects of society limits society to it's economy.
SOC (SMTs, Oracles, and Communities) has the potential to solve the problems for all concerned by enabling the full panoply of potential platforms and the code they are driven by to eventuate, and allowing the market to sort them out. Those which aren't actually social media, being limited to actual people (society) have a place, but social media does too.
We can hope good code and a diversity of options will enable real social media to form out of the extant chaos, and I do.